I bought Sim City the other day for that sale price. Awesome game for that price. I played for a few hours last night. It's amazing how caught up in the game you get.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is $4.99 on PSN right now. Apparently it's a good RPG if you have a lot of time to kill.
This is a very good price on a game I actually want to play. I still have a feeling that it will end up free on PS Plus though. That and the fact that I have so many games backlogged means I'm probably done buying PS3 games.
Here's a new link to the PSN store RPG sale. Lot of Time Sinks on sale..
Gamestop is having a very intriguing trade in deal. Trade in a 12GB PS3 or 4GB or Original 360 and get $100 towards the purchase of a new PS4. However, if you trade in a 20GB+ PS3 or 250GB+ Xbox 360 (wasn't even aware these existed) you get $150 off the purchase of a PS4.
I think I may jump on this. My PS3 is so unused that the controller batteries die in between usage periods, and a PS4 for $250 is not coming around anytime soon. Also keep in mind this is just for the System. You can trade in controllers and other games and you'll get even more credits. This deal is valid for THIS WEEK ONLY.