Video Game Deals

I went a little crazy. The motherboard in particular is above and beyond what I need, but it gives me a lot of room to tinker with it in years to come. And with this setup, I should be able to just add a second GPU and be good for years of gaming.

Intel i7-4770K
ASUS Maximus Extreme
Sapphire Vapor X Radeon 7970
256 GB SSD
32 GB corsair vengeance 1866 MZ (15000 PC 3) RAM
Corsair HX 1050 power supply
Full Tower Case
Water Cooling for the CPU
Extra Fans

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Yeah that should serve you well for quite a while..

And again, welcome..

I went a little crazy. The motherboard in particular is above and beyond what I need, but it gives me a lot of room to tinker with it in years to come. And with this setup, I should be able to just add a second GPU and be good for years of gaming.

Intel i7-4770K
ASUS Maximus Extreme
Sapphire Vapor X Radeon 7970
256 GB SSD
32 GB corsair vengeance 1866 MZ (15000 PC 3) RAM
Corsair HX 1050 power supply
Full Tower Case
Water Cooling for the CPU
Extra Fans

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

Wow! That is quite a machine. If you are gaming on a TV in 1080p you should be able to max out just about any game. I can't speak to higher resolution monitor setups because I don't use that.

Well I just picked up the Zelda 3DS XL bundle for $150 at target. I didn't even bother waiting in line. I was passing a Target on my way home about 10 minutes after they opened. They just had the standalone XLs in the door buster pile so I walked over to the video game section where they had their bundles listed at $219 with no mention of the sale. They had about 5 of them left when I grabbed mine. I saw tons of people carrying 3DS XLs around the store but they must not have been aware that the price applied to all the systems bundled with games too. I actually told a couple guys who had the standard black systems about the bundle and they went back for them.
1920 x 1200 on 24 inch monitor. I may add a second at som point. My friend has a three monitor setup that's pretty amazing.

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1920 x 1200 on 24 inch monitor. I may add a second at som point. My friend has a three monitor setup that's pretty amazing.

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You should really consider hooking that up to a television. I have mine hooked up to my 50" Plasma and it's great. Not just for gaming, but it makes watching video and web browsing great as well. You don't have to deal with Netflix and YouTube "apps" that don't give you the full experience or some sort of gimp on it. Then you just get a wireless mouse/keyboard (or long wired ones if you wish to cut down on risk of lag/connection issues.)

Anyways, back OT of game sales. I'd say if we continue this discussion we start a new thread or use this one..
Picked up my next year of Plus for $30 at Amazon (now I'm good through 10/2015). They are also throwing in a $5 Video on Demand credit. Best Buy and Gamestop are selling Plus for $30 as well today, but I know in the case of Best Buy, they mail you the card with the code. Amazon sends you the code instantly, so if you aren't a current sub, you can start downloading your free games today (Borderlands 2 and Grid 2 will be free next month; Dragon's Dogma expires 12/3). I also took advantage of a Lightning Deal at Amazon on Beyond Two Souls and grabbed it for $25.
PSN Flash Sale. The only eye-catching deals for me are Bioshock Infinite for $13.99 and Rayman Legends (Vita) for $17.99. I've seen the same or better deals on the other items elsewhere this weekend, though there is a special promo that gives you a $10 credit if you spend $60 this week.

Amazon has a great deal on the Vita right now. It comes with the black 3G/WiFi Vita, a 4GB memory card, The Walking Dead Game Season 1 plus the 400 Days DLC, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Sly Cooper, and Retro City Rampage for $179. The normal price on a Vita with no games and no memory card is $200 so this is a really good deal.

I highly recommend picking up this and a PS Plus membership. I have gotten enough good free games that I haven't had to buy any since the first wave of games I bought with the system. That is going to change soon though because I really want to play Tearaway. If you are a PS4 owner this bundle is a no brainer. Remote play on the Vita might be my favorite feature of the PS4.

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I saw they had Battlefield 4 for only $25 yesterday. Thought of getting it but then saw tons of bad reviews. Made me think that's why it had such a huge price drop.
Just picked up Max Payne 3 for $3.99 in the steam sale. I have skipped lots of good deals on this game but that price was just too good to pass up.
I saw they had Battlefield 4 for only $25 yesterday. Thought of getting it but then saw tons of bad reviews. Made me think that's why it had such a huge price drop.
It's on sale everywhere. Most people were complaining that the Multiplayer was messed up, but it'll be resolved (if it isn't already.) Also most people will find any excuse to give an EA game a 1 star. If you really want it just get it, because it may not be this cheap again for a while.
Just picked up Max Payne 3 for $3.99 in the steam sale. I have skipped lots of good deals on this game but that price was just too good to pass up.
Not bad, but for $3 more you could have gotten this:

I ended up jumping on THAT deal. I look forward to delving back into the original. Most people just remember that game because it "introduced" bullet time, but I feel Max was a million times better as a wronged cop out for revenge than as a former cop wallowing in his own sorrow. Hell I was in a phase like that in my life recently and my wife told me to get my sh*t together and stop feeling sorry for myself. Hell that's all it took for me, and I'd like to think Max had a stronger constitution than myself given what he went through. Of course he's just a fictional character, but clearly Rockstar has forgotten how to write..
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I think steam had a similar price on the complete package but it looked like most of the DLC was for the multiplayer mode. It wasn't much more but I doubt I will ever play the multiplayer so I passed.

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Just picked up The Wolf Among Us for $16.74. I probably could have done better than $8 off if I waited a couple more months but after how much I liked The Walking Dead I'm in at this price.
I saw that deal also but I've decided to hold off on that (and even TWD Season 2) until all the episodes are released. Also by then I'm sure a 50% or more deal will come by, or at the very least time has proven that 75% off is quite common for Telltale games. I have to say though that I have cooled off quite a bit as far as TWD goes. Hell I don't even watch the show anymore. I trailed off during Season 3 during the gang's little pissing match with The Governor. I asked myself, "Do I care about what happens to either party?" The answer was "NO" so I moved on. Don't get me wrong, I definitely care about what happens to Clementine, but I don't see myself delving into that until the entire series is available.
Just picked up The Wolf Among Us for $16.74. I probably could have done better than $8 off if I waited a couple more months but after how much I liked The Walking Dead I'm in at this price.

If they had made it a PS3/Vita crossbuy, I would've paid the full $20 for the season pass. Instead, like yourbeliefs, I'll hold out for at least 50% off. I'm actually playing TWD on the Vita right now and digging the touch screen controls much better than the DS3 ones. It's much more fluid and less aggravating for quick reaction moments. What's not less fluid are the little "hitches" in the Vita version when the game temporarily freezes as it transitions to a new scene or responds to a decision. I'm hoping that gets cleaned up for Wolf and TWD2 as I think I'd like to stick with the Vita platform for these kinds of Talltale titles.

BTW, a couple weeks ago IGN passed along a rumor from several different sources that Telltale is working on a Game of Thrones game. Yes, please! :D

There is a new Humble Bundle today. They are calling it the Humble Jumbo Bundle and there are a few games I was interested in. Here is the full list: Sanctum 2, Magicka and all DLC, Gary's Mod, Natural Selection 2, Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Edition, Serious Sam 3 BFE plus a bunch of soundtracks. They are also promising more games to come if you pay over the average. I got this for $5 but the average you had to pay to unlock everything was $3.90 at the time of my purchase.

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