Uplink Activity Wednesday, November 16th 2005

Please reply by conversation.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I believe we should get some facts straight here. First I don't know of the thread you speak about but I should let you know that I really had nothing to do with the VOOM forum, that was run by Sean Mota and Ilya, it was their baby to run as they saw fit and they did a great job (kind of like out FTA forum which Iceberg and PSB run) I myself did not move or rename anything.

Secondly a lot of the stuff you were reading in the press (especially the Wall Street Journal) was COMING FROM SATELLITEGUYS, Peter Grant from the Wall Street Journal contacted me on several occasions for VOOM news and he reported many of the items I told him (As did many other national press including Fox News, MSNBC, USA Today, MultiChannel News, TV Week and others)

Third I broke a lot of news about VOOM (and other things) that VOOM and Dish Network did not want you to know, in fact it is a fact that I broke the news that the VOOM channels were coming to Dish Network 4 days before the deal was officially announced. NO OTHER SITE REPORTED THIS.

Fourth, I am not a mouthpiece for Dish Network, in fact I would say I say a LOT that they would rather I not say, and I also know for a fact that all the information that we are discussing in this very thread they do not want known by the public. I also KNOW that since this thread has been online Dish Network has been getting calls from customers why they can't see the new VOOM channels yet, and when they are asked how they found out this information I am told the customer says that they saw it on SatelliteGuys.

Another fact is when I first started SatelliteGuys I was contacted by a Vice President of Dish Network asking me to not allow uplink reports from John H as Dish considered that information private and they also considered them hacking posts. I actually went along with them for a couple weeks until I learned about how John H got the information and I did not consider it hacking at all. Once I was properly educated on how it works I had no problem with it at all, and now I actually look forward reading the uplink reports.

I would say the other site is more a mouth piece for Dish Network then us, they will not mention anything and frown on speculation about Dish Network, try posting comments or negatvie opinions about a product such as the 921 or 942 and look how quickly the post goes away or is closed. Here at SatelliteGuys we give our members to speak their mind. We are not worried about offending anyone and believe that letting people tell it as they see it is best to help others make informed decissions about Satellite providers.

I am very proud of all the news which you have read here first at SatelliteGuys.US, I always have my ear to the group listening for new news to break to you. I will be the first to admit not everything pans out, but when you are hearing buzz from a few seperate sources you go with what you got and hope it pans out.

I am the first to admit I am not the most technical person in the world, I couldnt honestly tell you the difference between 8PSK and 8PSK Turbo.I am only reporting what I am hearing an the new big buzz word is 8PSK Turbo. Some of you guys like P Smith are saying this 8 PSK is the same one they have been using for a long time, The thing that has me stumped is if it is the same as it was why are they releasing new software to support it. So is there a change? I don't know is my answer. But I do know I will keep reporting what I know and what I find out.

Thats my view on things, I am proud to give folks a place to discuss this stuff and I look forward to reading whats coming from GoalieBob, John H, P Smith, HokieEngineer and others. I think its safe to say that we have some interesting stuff coming up, and I am looking forward to bringing it to you here at SatelliteGuys.US!

And as you know, "you can't please all of the people all of the time", to which I like to add: "the truth pleases the ones that count":yes .

Keep up the good work.
I would have some concerns about EchoStar 5 being able to deliver a large number of 8PSK modulated transponders. I have heard that there are power supply restraints which may affect such a modulation scheme which are not a problem for QPSK.

Also, one might want to check to see if the Software upgrades are to allow Turbo-Coded QPSK rather than the Turbo-Coded 8PSK which has apparently been in use since the beginning of 8PSK delivered HD channels.

Scott, thanks for sharing.
JohnH said:
I would have some concerns about EchoStar 5 being able to deliver a large number of 8PSK modulated transponders. I have heard that there are power supply restraints which may affect such a modulation scheme which are not a problem for QPSK.

Also, one might want to check to see if the Software upgrades are to allow Turbo-Coded QPSK rather than the Turbo-Coded 8PSK which has apparently been in use since the beginning of 8PSK delivered HD channels.

Scott, thanks for sharing.

Why would the modulations scheme be a function of available power? I can understand error correction, but not modulation scheme.

John H called it :D

Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.443 GHz Tp 16
8794 (KSWB) Moved from Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.253 GHz TP 3
8834 (WBZL) Moved From Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.253 GHz TP 3

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.457 GHz TP 17
251 (WB)

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.530 GHz TP 22
252 (WB-W)

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.239 GHz TP 2
7664 (XHRIO)

Position: 105.0W AMC 15 Frequency: 11.740 GHz TP 2
7619 (WCYBD)
9305 (WTOKD)
John Kotches said:
Why would the modulations scheme be a function of available power? I can understand error correction, but not modulation scheme.


Apparently it takes a more robust(stable) power supply to accurately deliver 8PSK at a usable EIRP and the satellite may be able to do a limited number ot Tps in this mode.
HookedOnTV said:
The 30% is going to come from switching the SD channels over from QPSK. Roughly they will free up one in four transponders. That could help a lot in getting all national HD channels on either 110 or 119, leaving 129 and 61.5 for HD LIL's.

One of the main problems around here is that people don't preface statements like these with "I believe" or "Evidence points to..."

This personally is what I think is happening too. I said it on Tuesday after the tech chat. And obviously you have info to back up your theory.

BUT anyone who KNOWS what WILL happen and posts it is probably in violation of confidentiality agreements.

Again, I am in TOTAL agreement with you, but the declaritive statements are causing problems. Most people don't back up their statements with solid info, and it's hard for newbies to distinguish the people who have a good solid theory with the nutjobs.

Heck, when I was new here, there was one guy (starts with an L, ends with an XP) that I thought was actually some kind of expert until I saw him post something totally bat----crazy.
There has been a LOT happening here on this thread. Can anyone summarize this to make sure we all understand what looks to be happening.....

My take so far.....

The 11 missing Voom channels are coming to 61.5 (129 as well?), ESPN2HD is coming (still debate as to whether it will be viewable on 110 or 129), Three additional HD channels have slots made for them (ABC, NBC, & FOX HD?). WB & WB-W? Is that just a renaming of WPIX and KTLA? What else did I miss?
BobMurdoch said:
There has been a LOT happening here on this thread. Can anyone summarize this to make sure we all understand what looks to be happening.....

My take so far.....

The 11 missing Voom channels are coming to 61.5 (129 as well?), ESPN2HD is coming (still debate as to whether it will be viewable on 110 or 129), Three additional HD channels have slots made for them (ABC, NBC, & FOX HD?). WB & WB-W? Is that just a renaming of WPIX and KTLA? What else did I miss?

You missed fox sports west moved to a conus tp.. and a new russan channel was upliked. :)
It's pretty obvious where the most activity is. I just checked the "other" site and as of 10:40AM CST their thread on this weeks uplink activity only has 4225 views and 83 replies. :D
goaliebob99 said:
John H called it :D

Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.443 GHz Tp 16
8794 (KSWB) Moved from Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.253 GHz TP 3
8834 (WBZL) Moved From Position: 119.0W Echostar 7 Frequency: 12.253 GHz TP 3

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.457 GHz TP 17
251 (WB)

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.530 GHz TP 22
252 (WB-W)

Position: 110.0W Echostar 6 & 8 Frequency: 12.239 GHz TP 2
7664 (XHRIO)

Position: 105.0W AMC 15 Frequency: 11.740 GHz TP 2
7619 (WCYBD)
9305 (WTOKD)

So can anyone elaborate on the WB channels appearing here? I guess these are the national WB stations, but why are they uplinked? For distant nets?
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
So can anyone elaborate on the WB channels appearing here? I guess these are the national WB stations, but why are they uplinked? For distant nets?

That information is not available. The channels, also are not available.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
So can anyone elaborate on the WB channels appearing here? I guess these are the national WB stations, but why are they uplinked? For distant nets?

Th WB are showing up (now this is speculation) to provide a distant WB to markets that do not have a WB in their market.

WB normally doesn't have any OTA stations above DMA 100...its a national cable only feed. DirecTV offers WB from Miami or San Diego in your locals package (if you dont have one)..Central & East coast get Miami..the other 2 get SD

Maybe Dish is doing the same.
Repeat after me. "No new HD channels on 119 west or 110 west."

After you get your 411 or VIP211 they may feed a bone, but don't expect it. SD Locals on one dish is a priority and the launch date for EchoStar 10 has not been announced.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Thanks for the explanations. I thought WB (like UPN) was already available as a SuperStation if you live in an area that don't have WB available so this threw me off.
I have a local WB, and I still get KTLA (WB) in the Superstations Package.
Yes we can get the Supers, but it costs money : )

A market that has a WB uplinked gets it for free….my market has no WB so I have to pay 1.50 to get WPIX (WB is cable only in my market)
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