I read DirecTV has contracted with TiVo again beginning in January DTV boxes will have TiVo software. Star Wars will be fun to watch over the next six months. It appears we forgotten consumers/end-users might be the victors for once.
Again, the link that you provide in that post mentions an update for existing DIRECTV with TiVo Series 2 boxes, no mention of overwriting the software on in-house DVRs. You're still not giving me any proof of this "thing you read".
And some rant by a TiVo Fan Boi on an Internet blog tells me nothing. If that guy thinks that the in-house DVR (HR20) and TiVo are the same thing, it's obvious he hasn't used the in-house DVR since TiVo has no Free Space Indicator or ability to view the Guide and Menus while watching recorded shows and the HR20 does, while the HR10 has dual buffers and Suggestions and the HR20 doesn't. I've used TiVo and I've used the HR20 and since the first of the year, it's been stable for my use. Fact is I now prefer the HR20 in most respects.
So, again, show me an official announcement that DIRECTV is abandoning their DVR platform for TiVo.