This thread will be used to provide news updates in the on-going litigation between Tivo and Echostar about patent infringement.
It will be a locked thread; when NEWS occurs, we will open a discussion thread to discuss that news.
Thank you for your patience, as it will take a break to sift through the 2500 posts of the old Tivo v E* thread for meaningful pieces of news to post. But in the meantime, the Judge issued a contempt order against Echostar in early June; that was appealed to the Federal Circuit, which issued a temporary stay of the injunction against Echostar, most likely ( but we are not altogether certain) until the resolution of the appeal.
Also, Dish's counter-suit against Tivo has been removed to Judge Folsom in the Eastern District of Texas; Folsom is the judge who handed down the contempt, and found Echostar as infringing upon Tivo's patent.
If you want to discuss this case, while we are doing our maintenance; please visit our partners at SonicBabble:
Tivo and E*. Talk about patent laws and the court system - SonicBabble - Where America Debates America!
Thank you for your patience.
If there is a minor piece of news related to this case that you want posted to this thread, please PM me. If there is a major piece of news, create a new discussion thread.
It will be a locked thread; when NEWS occurs, we will open a discussion thread to discuss that news.
Thank you for your patience, as it will take a break to sift through the 2500 posts of the old Tivo v E* thread for meaningful pieces of news to post. But in the meantime, the Judge issued a contempt order against Echostar in early June; that was appealed to the Federal Circuit, which issued a temporary stay of the injunction against Echostar, most likely ( but we are not altogether certain) until the resolution of the appeal.
Also, Dish's counter-suit against Tivo has been removed to Judge Folsom in the Eastern District of Texas; Folsom is the judge who handed down the contempt, and found Echostar as infringing upon Tivo's patent.
If you want to discuss this case, while we are doing our maintenance; please visit our partners at SonicBabble:
Tivo and E*. Talk about patent laws and the court system - SonicBabble - Where America Debates America!
Thank you for your patience.
If there is a minor piece of news related to this case that you want posted to this thread, please PM me. If there is a major piece of news, create a new discussion thread.