This is the problem I see, I had DIsh for 14 years, did not need to subscribe to any other service but the price was too high. Switched to YTTV, added some other services to fill in the gaps and was still paying less than Dish. 3 short years later YTTV has gone from $35 to $65, Netflix has gone up and I still have to backfill with some other streaming to get what I like. So now I am paying close to $90 per mo for everything. When I left Dish i was down to paying about the same (had been much higher with extra hoppers and top tier package). Where does a cord cutter go next?
We knew the price was going up someday there were several articles when YTTV started that said they were losing money.subscribers have to remember
how much it cost when we had cable and satellite all the little addon fees that we were charged,how much more money we paid for programming.
That said it is still in the eyes of the beholder if it is worth it,for me I watch alot of TV,so it is worth it to me.
A cord cutter does not have to change there are a whole bunch of free apps it may not be what you would like to watch but you can still watch something.
That was never the option before.