I just signed up for YTTV a few days ago. I'm currently using Hulu +Live and got tired of the DVR restrictions. Given the $15 increase, however, I'll likely stay with Hulu. Their library far exceeds any other provider and their live offering has improved significantly over the years.
It's interesting to watch all of these streaming services grow and slowly start to price themselves into premium territory. It's similar to when satellite first came on the scene. You could get more channels, all digital, for a fraction of the cost of cable. Slowly over time, however, sat and cable became very comparable in price. I suspect that's what will eventually happen with the streaming services.
The one area where you may begin to see significant savings is in the equipment fees you don't have to pay for. However, that could be offset by having to pay more for an Internet package with no data caps.
It's interesting to watch all of these streaming services grow and slowly start to price themselves into premium territory. It's similar to when satellite first came on the scene. You could get more channels, all digital, for a fraction of the cost of cable. Slowly over time, however, sat and cable became very comparable in price. I suspect that's what will eventually happen with the streaming services.
The one area where you may begin to see significant savings is in the equipment fees you don't have to pay for. However, that could be offset by having to pay more for an Internet package with no data caps.