Ive only had YTTV go down once that I can remember in the year and a half (or two) that I have had it. It is much less fragile in that regard than any service I have used, sat included.
It seems if it was a matter of being fragile, YTTV would go down more often during major supporting events. No problems that I'm aware of during the NFL season, including playoffs and Super Bowl, or major awards shows. The three times to date for major nationwide outages lasting 30-60 minutes were during a World Cup quarterfinal or semifinal (mid-day), during an MLB playoff game (not the World Series), and the start of this year's March Madness tournament (no problems during last year's). The first two YTTV quickly acknowledged and made good on. No word yet on last night's.
I'll have to search for the link, but as of yesterday (I think), yttv is available in every tv market.
I'll bet the people in Glendive Montana are happy now.
I did like the DTV now look, the damn buffering is what killed it for me.I tried YouTube Tv just not something I like, I liked the DTV Now experience a bit more.
Right now they are behind DTV and PSVue
Good news: Youtube TV inked a deal with Discovery-Scripps, bringing 8 new channels to the service today.
Bad news: The price for everyone goes up to $49.99/mo (no more grandfathering)
Official YouTube Blog: Updates to YouTube TV: More content and a new price
YTTV couldn't have handled this worse for legacy customers. A 42% price increase for 8 channels most of us don't really need (or we wouldn't be with YTTV in the first place) and not even a $5 discount or extended grace period. Without grandfathered pricing. there's nothing stopping me from shopping around.
Well, there were predictions that companies would follow Directv's lead by handing large rate increases to their customers, and this sure does like like those predictions were accurate. The days of cheap streaming are now over.
This doesn't quite rise to the level of DirecTV Now's recent changes