Terra Nova

Watching it now... Liking it a lot.

They explained away the "why go back in time to when you know the earth is going to face an ice age and humanity will get wiped out again?"

Two things about this comment--even if it wasn't a quantom reality;
1) There ice ages that we know about happened much, much earlier... like 400 million years earlier (Snow-ball Earth)... and much much later...like 30-50 million years later in cycles of 100,000 years or so. For reference, modern humans have only been around for about 60,000 to 100,000 years DURING the last major ice age. In fact some scientist believe that it was the ice age that caused the climate to change enough to cause hominids to evolve in the first place during an ice age 5 million years ago.
2) Two choices: Face certain extinction staying where you are, or try to carve out a place in a jungle with predatory animals. Simple choice really.
Not to mention the selfish reason and the sheer scale of the time involved. They would be "more" concerned about their own survival being that staying is a death sentence for the most part.
If they go, the ice age is what, thousands/millions of years away? Civilizations can rise and fall many, many times in that amount of time. If the ice age were to pose a problem for someone, it wouldnt be for these people.
Ok finally watched the whole thing...
1) Why have a broken family? Well I suspect they are trying to avoid the Swiss Family Robinson effect where everything was perfect. I remember reading the book in high school years back and thinking how sickly sweet it all was. However I agree it is a bit inconsistant with them refusing to go without Dad, then he gets there and instantly hate him...
2) Sixers I don't really like. Why? Well feels like an awful rip off of "The Others" from lost. I understand they need some conflict or else dino vs people all the time may get boring after awhile. However with all the different environments and life back then, they could have taken a much slower approach, shown more places and animals and challenges instead of a rogue pack of others driving Mad Max vehicles.
3) The compound to me seems awfully defended from animals and Sixers alike. If a bunch of 16 y/o can roll under a fence, everyone else can too (Sixers and small predators...) Also seems to me having houses only feet from the actually wall close enough for them to reach over and say "Hi" wouldn't be the wisest or safest thing. Not to mention it's made of wood... That feeding the dino seen was beyond sad.
4) Video to me looked awfully soft, and dinos looked badly fake to me. Computer animation has come a very long way since Jurassic Park...

Maybe I'm still expecting another "Lost" so pretty badly tempered. However as much as I want to succeed as I love SciFi shows, I'm having a really hard time with this one.

Yeah but in a situation like this ... they would have to be brain dead, plus how was the vehicle smuggled out?

Well they showed when the bad dinos were coming that they keep a lot of people and equipment outside the compound.

But, I agree the whole fence needs to be fixed. The fact that you could burrow under it so easy is silly. It really should be a concrete wall.
It would have been nice to have been able to see last nights episode, but unfortunately I forgot that live sports was ahead of the showing and my scheduling didn't work worth a hoot. :(

I went to Fox TV website and can see the episode there one-day after the next episode airing. It seems that Dish has some kind of deal going, as you can sign up with a Dish login and see it now.
It would have been nice to have been able to see last nights episode, but unfortunately I forgot that live sports was ahead of the showing and my scheduling didn't work worth a hoot. :(

I went to Fox TV website and can see the episode there one-day after the next episode airing. It seems that Dish has some kind of deal going, as you can sign up with a Dish login and see it now.
I'm with ya, Fortunately I was in a bar watching baseball, waiting for the Lions game, and I went to my handy dandy Direct TV DVR app and scheduled "House" to record right after Terra Nova. Hopefully that should have caught the extra.
It would have been nice to have been able to see last nights episode, but unfortunately I forgot that live sports was ahead of the showing and my scheduling didn't work worth a hoot. :(

I went to Fox TV website and can see the episode there one-day after the next episode airing. It seems that Dish has some kind of deal going, as you can sign up with a Dish login and see it now.

You didn't miss much...the episode wasn't that good. Additionally, I missed everything but the first 5-minutes of House...of course, based one what I've seen so far this season the show could be replaced at mid-season. Ratings were 6.8/5.8 million viewers respectively.
Anyone know why "terra Nova" is unavailable on Hulu at the moment? I also missed last night's show because of the blasted baseball game!

New shows don't show up until the 8th day after first broadcast. You either have to wait, or go to Fox.com, and sign in with an account from Dish or one of the other providers they list. Or torrent, etc..
Hulu lets you see it the day after if you link a valid Dish Network account to your hulu account, otherwise Fox makes you wait a week.

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