Terra Nova

I went through the whole thing thinking how much that dude in charge of the commune reminds me of the head honcho on Avatar.

Then I looked it up, no wonder, it is the same dude.

The scariest thing to me was the Obama money. :D

As far as the rest of the questions you guys are asking, no clue here either yet.
I went through the whole thing thinking how much that dude in charge of the commune reminds me of the head honcho on Avatar.

Then I looked it up, no wonder, it is the same dude.

The scariest thing to me was the Obama money. :D

As far as the rest of the questions you guys are asking, no clue here either yet.

I wish they had cast somebody else, because the reality is, at least in the first episode, he is playing the exact same type of character.
I doubt anything Sci-Fi is going to draw 25 million, and the norm for 2.5 Men is 14M. Last week was an oddity.

I agree on both counts, but I feel that a Big Budget production like Terra Nova will need to draw 10 million or it's ancient history (pardon the pun) - the network simply cannot afford to keep paying the production costs. Although I like some elements of the show, it still has the look and feel of one of those cheesy shows on the Sci-Fi channel; seriously, the special effects are horrible and the dinosaurs look far less realistic than 20-year old Jurassic Park technology. Additionally, I counted no less than 20-rounds (which I equate to a minimum .45 if not a .50 caliber round) striking one of the "Slashers" and the beast didn't even notice. I don't know about you, but the last time I fired a .50 cal it shredded an old Humvee as easily as a knife goes through butter. Mainstream folks are not going to tune-in to watch a cheesy Sci-Fi channel show...the acting, story and even the special effects all have to improve.

Anyway, Fox cannot be happy with the fact Terra Nova finished behind sad-sack shows like Dancing with the Stars, How I Met Your Mother and 2 Broke Girls the other night. Heck, instead of spending tens-of-millions on Terra Nova they could have invested 100K in pizza and donuts and created a Biggest Loser knock-off and drew an audience of 6-7M. They need to maintain their current audience and hopefully pick-up some of the 6-7 million folks who are going to drop 2.5 Men like a bad habit (the "new" show is awful!). Like I said...I like some things I like about the show but there are a "lot" more things I am not exactly thrilled about. Of course they've probably already filmed a dozen episodes so it's a little a late to made adjustments. I'll keep watching (nothing else worth watching in it's timeslot) and hope "things" improve.

Just my opinion... :)
Guy on writing on the rocks is Taylor's son who disappeared.

Look for Number 2 daughter who is a matha-Magician to figure out the Glyphs since they were described as a bunch of math and to purportedly be the story of the true reason for Terra Nova
The show is a near rip off of Outcasts - BBC America with Jurassic Park thrown in.
As for the multiple rounds shot at the razor tails with no effect, Taylor said aim for the under belly because the hide was to tough.

one last thing - this is not real so some lee way has to be given- like the laser pen that opened the cell door lol
I like it better (so far) than most anything on Sigh Figh. The mystery of the math and diagrams on the rocks, I agree, will likely be solved by math-daughter. This show will become my new Friday evening scifi. I think Fox isn't going to get the ratings it wants to keep the show going, but I like it enough so far that I'll likely keep/archive whatever episodes they air. :)
So okay, I finally watched the pilot movie for this show and kind of enjoyed it. Of course you have to have your baseless "I hate my dad" dynamic. God forbid there be a family like the one I grew up in with two supportive and loving parents and kids who are rebellious, but none-the-less show respect and love their parents. The conflict can't possibly come from outside the nuclear unit. I think Hollywood writers find that scenario more alien than some of the planets they conjure up!

But I digress. There is nothing new about the situation these characters face. Let's forget the "future history" for a moment and substitute the dinosaurs for Morlocks, or Monsters from the id, or race of giant people (the leader of which becomes a doctor in Walnut Grove, Minnesota), or whatever evil-doers and you have one of a dozen shows that have come and gone over the history of TV and movies. But since the series begins after the colony is settled, and the "frontier" is a little tamer, the show has to be about something else. So cue the intrigue and mandatory dark undertones. We have to have some sort of conflict so, let's pretend that we don't have any security whatsoever and we never screen any of the people going back to the colony and introduce an entire group who, for absolutely no reason (at least no reason given yet) are opposed to the Terra Nova project. Or worse yet, let's make it an "if we affect the past, we win" scenario.

Yes I know that one of the characters mentioned that they are in an alternate time line (which should have been called a quantum reality for the REAL sci-fi nuts out there), but I have learned from other poorly written fantasy series that what characters say is not necessarily the case. So there may be a plot that transcends time and it will slowly be revealed in a season what the significance of the carvings are and what the real motive behind the contrarian may be.

I found this particular movie to be heavy-handed and self-important at times, but mostly I found it kind of fun. It was so much fun that I found myself overlooking plot holes the size of Manhattan, especially at the beginning. The series almost lost me in the first 10 minutes, but I hung past the needless show of totalitarianism and thuggery of the future to get to the meat and potatoes of the program. I ignored the fact that there were thousands of people in the processing center going back in time to Terra Nova, but they mysteriously vanished in the half-mile radius of the compound. I ignored the fact that on wide mat-paintings they show the Terra Nova colony as a perfect circle with a fence, but the interior shots have the fence in erratic patters with hard edges.

And an final observation: Thou shalt not kill the dinosaurs that are trying to eat you? At least that is what it seemed to me. Every confrontation with a dangerous dino that required shooting was met with diversions and warning fire to scare them off. Not a complaint. Just an observation.
One thing that got me too, vis-a-vie "thou shalt not kill the dinos"...it seemed to me that everyone's eating/cultivating fruits/veggies to eat. There's huge (literally!) sources of MEAT standing by the fences eating out of kids' hands! Take a gun, shoot one, start carving and everyone gets steak for dinner for months...

Or are all the people in that future vegetarians? ;)
One thing that got me too, vis-a-vie "thou shalt not kill the dinos"...it seemed to me that everyone's eating/cultivating fruits/veggies to eat. There's huge (literally!) sources of MEAT standing by the fences eating out of kids' hands! Take a gun, shoot one, start carving and everyone gets steak for dinner for months...

Or are all the people in that future vegetarians? ;)
I'll bet they taste like Chicken ;)
I never was under the impression that killing the dinosaurs was off limits. My impression was that they were so big and had such thick skin that normal bullets did not really affect them much, just made them angrier. It took something like a 50 caliper machine gun to really do damage and then it was still tough.
i finally watched my recording. I was disappointed but perhaps my expectations are too high. I did not care for Jason O'Meara but perhaps I will. the last episode of Life On Mars was one of the worst things I have ever seen but that was not his fault. I think that throughout that brief run he did a good job. But here he does not seem convincing.
They will have to go through the whole mixed emotions with him wanting to hate his dad for abandoning them, but I predict he will work through that. I think his "excuse" of not wanting to go through without his dad was really because he loved the girl from the future. I predict he falls for the new girl and the old girl comes through in the next batch or something to form a love triangle full of teenage angst. Standard plot devices.