Terra Nova

...To be honest, I would rather see the Shannon family wake up in 2149 and find themselves getting ready to enter the orbit of an earth-like planet somewhere in our solar system. Later, when listening through archived communications from earth, they discover that human life on earth was probably destroyed by a massive meteor strike. The future of the human race is completely dependent on the colony.

The colony winds-up landing on a planet that resembles prehistoric Earth. The show follows the Shannon family as they struggle to build their new home and populate the planet...and do it right this time. Of course, the irony is that the colony must "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28) for the human polulation to survive and somehow strike a balance once someone determines there are enough humans consuming enough resources on the planet. Good luck with this one! The viewers certainly aren't going to stick around a thousands years for this crisis to develop. I'm just having trouble imagining how this show is going to keep me interested more than a few episodes. We shall see...

It's been basically done, several times. It was called: "Swiss family Robinson".
Well, I wonder how many peope are going to tune-in this evening? Moreover, I wonder how many people are going to continue to watch when the football game and 2 1/2 Men are on. I get the feeling people are really going to like Terra Nova or really hate it - not many in between. We shall see.
Watching it now... Liking it a lot.

They explained away the "why go back in time to when you know the earth is going to face an ice age and humanity will get wiped out again?" question. Different time steam. OK, makes sense. BUT still doesn't explain why you'd want to go back to deal with dinos. :)

Still, its quite enjoyable. BUT not getting my hopes up, since its FOX, and will probably be gone in 13 episodes. :(
Watching it now... Liking it a lot.

......... OK, makes sense. BUT still doesn't explain why you'd want to go back to deal with dinos. :)

Still, its quite enjoyable. BUT not getting my hopes up, since its FOX, and will probably be gone in 13 episodes. :(

No choice in the matter the time crack was 85 million years deep.
If in a different timeline, how does "control the past, control the future" apply? Or am I misunderstanding the intent?

BTW, did anybody else lose the first minute or so of the beginning on your DVR???
If in a different timeline, how does "control the past, control the future" apply? Or am I misunderstanding the intent?

BTW, did anybody else lose the first minute or so of the beginning on your DVR???
The new future- Imagine how much power you would have if you knew how to make certain technology before it is even invented.
My wife came into watch tv, so I couldn't finish it (I've learned if it is not Star Trek, don't even THINK of trying to get the wife to watch anything sci-fi. :) ), but I kind of walked away thinking they went back in time, but back in time to a different time stream, thus different dimension, and thus would not be changing the current time stream; but then again, given how bad the "current" time stream was, maybe that would not be a bad thing.

BUT on a different issue, I am still struggling with the commander character. I have typecast him as the military goon from Avatar, and given the fact that this show is a colony on what is practically another world... seems too easy to make the connection. I wish they had found a different actor for that role. I keep looking for 8 foot Na'Vi to show up.
I really liked it. Good story lines, good actors and extremely well done graphics. Of course as we all know, it is on Fox so with all that going for it, it will be lucky to get the full season done...
Not bad, but I get the feeling the story is going to get old quickly - we'll see. Elsewhere, the ratings were only so-so; the premiere only drew 9 million viewers whereas 28 million tuned-in to the premiere of 2.5 Men (and 20 million last night). Of course, after seeing how bad Two and Half Men was the other night I get the feeling 6 million casual viewers will be flipping channels in the coming weeks.

TV ratings: 'Terra Nova' has so-so premiere Monday, 'Two and a Half Men' still on top
Not bad, but I get the feeling the story is going to get old quickly - we'll see. Elsewhere, the ratings were only so-so; the premiere only drew 9 million viewers whereas 28 million tuned-in to the premiere of 2.5 Men (and 20 million last night). Of course, after seeing how bad Two and Half Men was the other night I get the feeling 6 million casual viewers will be flipping channels in the coming weeks.

TV ratings: 'Terra Nova' has so-so premiere Monday, 'Two and a Half Men' still on top

I doubt anything Sci-Fi is going to draw 25 million, and the norm for 2.5 Men is 14M. Last week was an oddity.
If in a different timeline, how does "control the past, control the future" apply? Or am I misunderstanding the intent?

BTW, did anybody else lose the first minute or so of the beginning on your DVR???

To your first question, No.

To your second question about controlling the past.. control the future" I am still trying to figure that one out - AND who was she suggesting was writing that stuff on the rocks? It was unclear to me.