Tek2000 10' Mesh Dish Install & Initial Review

Dish, actuator and the mount came today.

The pole and wire were suppose to ship last week. Was told Friday that a tracking number would be today. So far nothing. Anyone else have delay issues on the pole? 11 days on Tuesday since the other stuff was sent out. Is that normal to have that much difference?
The boxes are in good shape that came today.
Their shipping policy gives them a full two weeks to make delivery and it takes the whole time period. The pole and wire will arrive last at the end of that time period. The pole is covered in cardboard and wrapped with copious amounts of tape and the actuator wire will be wrapped around the pole.

That is a poor way to ship the wire and about the only complaint that I had. The wire has to be unwound from around the pole and I ordered 200' feet of it. Fortunately I had an empty wire spool that I could use to receive the wire but it was still a pain in the butt. I'm sure you'll have the pole by the end of the week.
thanks - still waiting on an email for the tracking number on the pole but I got the mount, arm and dish panels on Monday. I wanted to let everyone know that in the mount box (boy, that's a heavy box) that there is a orange piece of paper stating for 10 foot dishes and if I got 59 inch rods (which I haven't measured yet) then you need a 1/4 inch hole 8.5 inches from the panel rim or your focal length will be wrong.. they do know about this issue..
I ordered a feedhorn cover which came in the mount box. Why would I get 2 of them and 2 scaler rings with the holes in different locations on each one?
I still a ton of C-Band stuff here, some brand, paid a lot for, GOING TO TAKE TO THE DUMP, IT'S FREE YOU PAY THE SHIPPING there's a local UPS in my town, I could take the stuff to, you paid them to pack, and ship to you I don't know them that well, but there honest I can send a pic of what your looking for, I do have about 10 brand new KU dishes I have some ebay guy who packs and ships there all new kept inside with mounts no feeds, he never showed up, keeps saying he will. My email direct is diamondsatellite@snet.net
Gary Diamond I hang out mostly in the pit
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What all do you have to get rid off?

Just ask, if I have what you want, and I will look to see if I still have it, also I know another old timer near me, i'm 76, started my business in 1982 threw out a lot of stuff out but I still have a lot of stuff, i'm extremity burned out in the satellite business, since a surgeon butchered my left shoulder, the only reason I don't make about 5 huge trip loads to the dump with my pickup, its hurts to see it thrown away, when it could be given away, i'm so messed up even packing the stuff its very painful for my shoulder I personally know Scott, who owns this web site, you can relax, I gave away some stuff about two months ago to some nice local guys I met here too. You don't see me posting in the satellite end here, only because i'm burned out in satellite best way is to email me direct, diamondsatellite@snet.net my cell is 203 232 8888, and not use this site, I may miss it, you can even call my cell, as long as it's past 1:00 PM eastern time normally i'm not up early depends on my pain level, i'm on a experiment treatment called PRP it's my own blood being treated and injected back into where my damage is, so if i'm in pain, I may not get up until 1:pm i'm a night owl now, I have some very weird stuff here, that is one of a kind perhaps, since most I have has been dumped years ago
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I'm trying to find a actuator right now that can handle my 10 footer
yes have a brand new vonwise its part of something i played with, but never used and has been inside i have to see if I can handle taking it apart, sucks when you can't even undo your own work this one will handle a 12 foot mesh dish you would have to contact the local shipper UPS store in my town for a price to ship it, i'm sure it's worth a $100 i'm giving it away the ups store info is
Located in: Southbury Plaza Shopping Center
Address: 100 Main St N, Southbury, CT 06488
Open today · Phone: (203) 405-3071
Did anyone get their 36 inch motor for the 10 footer? What color wires are the motor and sensor? Is white and green motor and yellow and red the sensor? which one is ground?

How noisy is the motor?

Are 2 wires a heavier gauge? If so, those are the motor M1/M2 wires. The lighter gauge are sensor S1/S2. Typically, the distribution shield drain wire is not connected to a ground at the dish, instead connect it inside to the controller ground or to an equipment ground (grounded to structure ground). Connecting the shield to the motor/dish just introduces noise and voltage potentials.

Also, be sure to bond the dish to your structure ground to avoid voltage potentials. Having multiple grounding points without bonding them often creates problems and it is best practice to balance any voltage potentials.

Superjack motors historically have issues with the brushes prematurely failing. They can get quite noisy as brushes fail, but otherwise not a problem. Another distributor used to sell these and the motor brush braid leads are not made of fine flexible wires and tend to break at the solder wick points. If you have positioning /count issues and suspect excessive motor noise, install a capacitor across the motor terminals (inside the actuator). This will limit the noise from feeding the distribution line and entering the sensor circuit.

Are 2 wires a heavier gauge? If so, those are the motor M1/M2 wires. The lighter gauge are sensor S1/S2. Typically, the distribution shield drain wire is not connected to a ground at the dish, instead connect it inside to the controller ground or to an equipment ground (grounded to structure ground). Connecting the shield to the motor/dish just introduces noise and voltage potentials.

Also, be sure to bond the dish to your structure ground to avoid voltage potentials. Having multiple grounding points without bonding them often creates problems and it is best practice to balance any voltage potentials.

Superjack motors historically have issues with the brushes prematurely failing. They can get quite noisy as brushes fail, but otherwise not a problem. Another distributor used to sell these and the motor brush braid leads are not made of fine flexible wires and tend to break at the solder wick points. If you have positioning /count issues and suspect excessive motor noise, install a capacitor across the motor terminals (inside the actuator). This will limit the noise from feeding the distribution line and entering the sensor circuit.
36 stroke yikes you only need 18 for a 10 foot dish
36 stroke yikes you only need 18 for a 10 foot dish
That's what they gave me as part of the package. I know my 7.5 has 24" from venture. That motor is so freaking loud the neighbors complain. It goes from 37 to 135 w. It replaced a von weise which I couldn't find to replace. Von weise was very quiet. I want to test the 36 inch one before I install it. Pole and cables come Monday.
That's what they gave me as part of the package. I know my 7.5 has 24" from venture. That motor is so freaking loud the neighbors complain. It goes from 37 to 135 w. It replaced a von weise which I couldn't find to replace. Von weise was very quiet. I want to test the 36 inch one before I install it. Pole and cables come Monday.
I have a 36 inch Venture that I can barely hear when I am standing at the dish while it is moving. Maybe there is something wrong with your motor.
That's what they gave me as part of the package. I know my 7.5 has 24" from venture. That motor is so freaking loud the neighbors complain. It goes from 37 to 135 w. It replaced a von weise which I couldn't find to replace. Von weise was very quiet. I want to test the 36 inch one before I install it. Pole and cables come Monday.

I have a 24" Venture that's at least 20 years old, and it can't be heard even standing right next to the dish. There's something wrong with yours.

Does it make that same noise when it's NOT attached to the dish? Maybe there's a mount issue that's straining it?
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