Tek2000 10' Mesh Dish Install & Initial Review

Good to hear. When Tek2000 first appeared, things were packed poorly and sometimes damaged in shipping. I think I read that the mounts have been improved as well.

It's a real pain in the arse to get a panel replaced. The carriers don't realize how critical it is to get dishes to their destination undamaged. I can get dishes out of China really cheap, but I'm a bit hesitant to order them from half way around the world. It would be a real pain to get a panel replaced from China.
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So Arion was your FD .40 at the end when you where done with setting up? I have the same dish and would like to know what I need to set mine at. Thanks

Don't know that it will make much difference, but on my Tek2000 the FD ended up being 0.367, so would advise measuring and doing the calculations yourself. Above all, enjoy yourself.
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Newbie here - admittedly coming in with a lack of information and a thirst for knowledge. Can someone enlighten me on the wire mesh panels that are being used? What is the gauge on this material? Also - is this a woven wire cloth - something like a what I can buy at Belleville Wire Cloth or am I way off base? I cant make this out in the pictures and I am unable to get a real answer to this online...

Any and all information on this topic is appreciated - I realize for some this may be one of those - "no-brainers"!
:welcome to SatelliteGuys flooringguy23

Most mesh is made from "expanded metal" not a woven mesh. The best is perforated metal. The tighter the mesh the better the Ku performance.
excellent review and pictures. A friend of mine was looking into getting a 10FT just like yours and I will forward him the link from this thread so he can decide and order one. Thanks to the OP
Any of you guys that recently got one of these TEK2000 dishes. Did any of you get a receiver from them? Was it an openbox Z5? Do you have a good NA Sat list? ...or anyone for that matter?

Been doing an install for a guy with one of these. This picture is worth its weight in gold. After 2 hours of hair pulling on day one. Went back this am did this. Instant signal!!
Tek2000 sure does need to update their paper work with these things!!
Hi all;

I'm pretty much a total C-Band noob although I've installed a number of motorized KU band dishes and experimented with a 'mini' bud with a C-Band LNB on a 1.2 meter dish. I've had the hankering for many years to get into a real C-Band dish and I wanted new and at a decent price point so of course that limited the choices. After reading threads here, at Rick's and other forums I decided to purchase from Tek and this thread will be the ongoing saga of a 'noob' and what happens. I'll do an overall review at the end and the purpose of the thread is to also ask questions along the way to solicit help from the local experts and perhaps this will benefit someone else down the line.

To begin with I ordered one of Tek's complete 10' mesh kits which includes;

  • 300cm (10ft) Mesh Dish
  • C/Ku Combo LNBF (Pro Broadband)
  • 36-inch QARL Heavy-Duty Actuator (2-inch Tube) with weather boot
  • SuperJack DiseqC1.2 Positioner
  • Openbox Z5 HD PVR Receiver
  • Digital Inclinometer
In addition I ordered a mounting pole as well as 200' of 18-4 actuator cable. No, I'm not using the whole 200' of cable for one run. I stay in my 5th wheel RV in the summer so that is one run of about 75' and the other one is to my cabin and that is about 50'.

The total including shipping was about $1350 and you can imagine that shipping ate up a good chunk of that. The pole was $150 and the shipping was about that much as well. I looked around locally to see if I could get that size pipe and I couldn't.

I paid with Paypal and that was seamless and I received everything undamaged within the shipping times referenced on Tek's webpage. I had a bit of a problem getting a box through customs and had to answer some questions before it would pass thru and they asked some dumb questions but I digress. In addition I've been in email contact with Tek on a few questions and he has always responded back within 24 hours.

The dish came in two boxes and when shipped they used the boxes that it came in from China but then used additional boxes on everything including styro peanuts and bubble wrap and copious amounts of tape. Very well shipped and protected. They even boxed the pole and covered that with bubble wrap as well. Appears to be only schedule 40 pipe so that it a 'bit' of a concern but it's rare to get wind gusts about 30mph. I installed the pole yesterday and used #500 of cement with an additional #50 down the pole to reinforce it on the inside. A big round bubble level was included with the pole so that was a nice touch.

I want to let the cement cure for 5 days before putting any significant weight on it or tortional stresses but I did figure I could install the saddle mount, elevation mount and polar screw with the brass bushings. Here are the first two pictures I took of this part of the installation along with a question.



That first pic is pointed up towards the sun a bit so it's a little washed out but my initial question is the gap between the top nut and the washer. Is that going to cause a problem? Looking at the angles involved I don't see how to avoid that nut and washer not lying flat on the elevation arm and if I shifted to the bottom hole on the saddle mount I think it would make the angles even worse.

I'll install the frame and the dish sections next week and take it from there and see what happens. And of course I'm completely open for suggestions along the way as even though a motorized KU dish is similar the scale of this dish is something else all together.
I just bought today the 10 ft dish, lnbf, 150 ft of cable plus the 36 inch actuator. Inclinometer thing too. I have a motor (uniden 9000) that I use on my 7.5 dish. I had a 10 ft dish back in 80 s at home in college but my parents gave it up with the house when I moved into an apartment and later when they moved. I could never find a 10 ft dish locally here in NM on Craigslist for my own house. I have an extra receiver.

Questions: How deep did you bury the pole?

Did everyone here that has the dish have to drill new holes for the proper placement of the lnbf?

How well does the lnbf work? I've never used one on cband. Always a servo motor. Does the wire from tek come with the servo motor wires if I later use a chap lnb feedhorn?

Does the actuator make a bunch of noise. The venture maxi 24k on the 7.5 makes a ton of noise. Neighbors down the street hear it and its less than a year old.
I have one of these dishes and I am having trouble with the focal length. I installed my poles using the predrilled holes on the dish. what kind of signal are yall getting? I am getting signal but I had to twist the feed and pole a little to get the feedhorn closer to the dish to get better signal. Most satellites I am getting 40 percent quality on openbox z5 and 100 percent on the real strong transponders. Use metv for example I am getting 50 percent quality on most channels on 101w.
Did everyone here that has the dish have to drill new holes for the proper placement of the lnbf?
Come in 8.5 inches from the lip edge of the dish rim. See the photo above.
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Been doing an install for a guy with one of these. This picture is worth its weight in gold. After 2 hours of hair pulling on day one. Went back this am did this. Instant signal!!
Tek2000 sure does need to update their paper work with these things!!

Bpalone said that when he did his that he drilled his holes a bit further out than he should of so I took his picture off his review and came in just a bit closer. I didn't personally bother with measuring everything out and doing the calculations as our dishes are identical. I originally went with the predrilled holes and everyone probably should do that but I experienced the same low signal levels he did so I basically copied his example but just moved the rods in a smidgen.
I followed your picture and the measurement comes out to 8.5 inches and it works great.
Questions: How deep did you bury the pole?

I went with the example in their install thread. 1/3 below grade and 2/3 above grade. So my pole is buried about 30 inches and I used 6 #80 bags of premix and also filled the pole with concrete.

Did everyone here that has the dish have to drill new holes for the proper placement of the lnbf?

I don't know if everyone will have to but I had to.

How well does the lnbf work? I've never used one on cband. Always a servo motor. Does the wire from tek come with the servo motor wires if I later use a chap lnb feedhorn?

I didn't end up using the lnbf they provided. I used my Titanium PLL lnbf as that gave me about 10% to 15% higher signal strengths. As far as the wire it depends on what your order. I ordered 4 conductor cable. If you need the servo wires you need to order 6 conductor cable.

Does the actuator make a bunch of noise. The venture maxi 24k on the 7.5 makes a ton of noise. Neighbors down the street hear it and its less than a year old.

Mine is pretty quiet. The dish is about 40' from my RV. I can hear the dish move from inside barely if I don't have on the tv or radio. More of a quiet whirring noise.
Thanks for the breakdown on the questions . How many coax cables are needed with the lnbf provided? Is it two? I've never seen one cable for ku and c. If one, how do you switch between c and ku?
How about Brian's Titanium? How many coax cables? I had a lnbf years ago for a 6 ft dish and it did so bad it turned me off of lnbf's.
I might have to give them a try next time even though I've read reports that they might not stand up to "high" winds. I like 12 footers and their prices are much less than the cost of my last 12 footer. Too bad we get a lot of hail around these parts also.
Thanks for the breakdown on the questions . How many coax cables are needed with the lnbf provided? Is it two? I've never seen one cable for ku and c. If one, how do you switch between c and ku?
How about Brian's Titanium? How many coax cables? I had a lnbf years ago for a 6 ft dish and it did so bad it turned me off of lnbf's.

If you use the provided lnbf and want to try both C and KU you need two cables. You switch between KU and C by either using a DISEQC switch or a 22Khz tone switch. Doesn't matter much either way. With the PLL lnbf it's only one cable as that one was C-band only. I have no intention of trying KU band on my 10' as that is what my 1.2 meter motorized dish is for.
If you use the provided lnbf and want to try both C and KU you need two cables. You switch between KU and C by either using a DISEQC switch or a 22Khz tone switch. Doesn't matter much either way. With the PLL lnbf it's only one cable as that one was C-band only. I have no intention of trying KU band on my 10' as that is what my 1.2 meter motorized dish is for.
I have a motorized ku as well. I am trying the lnbf that came with it. Shipped today. 2 coax from the house to lnbf? Is the disecq at the lnbf and I just need small cables at lnbf and 1 cable to the house?
Put it where ever you want. I think it's better to have the switch at the dish so you only have to run one cable into the house. I avoid them however. If you have a good KU dish you don't need to try to run KU on the big dish. Most people have poor results with KU on the big dish and if you look close at either the Diseqc or 22 khz switch there is usually about a 3dB insertion loss and it's printed on the switch. A 3dB loss is about a 50% reduction in signal strength IIRC and I like as much signal at my receiver as possible.
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However a (good) diseqc switch doesn't cause SNR-loss, and SNR (= signal quality) is the value to fine-adjust your antenna to.
As I understand it, only with very long cables the signal strength becomes an issue.

So I don't see a problem to connect a diseqc switch at your dishes.


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