Tek2000 10' Mesh Dish Install & Initial Review

Thanks. I have questions.
My elevation is all kaplooey. I can't see everything at once. I get 78 to 119 really well and to 135 sporadically. If I move the elevation up then I get 43 to 87 right then all the way to 135 partially. Notice the lower nut? I can't get that flat. Is that the problem? Is my angle wrong before I get to the elevation bolts? Dish is at 43w now on woohoo.
Any suggestions for tomorrow after work? Its almost dark now.
The nut won't go flat as it's on an angle. What I discovered is that the whole thing is extremely sensitive and time consuming in order to align the arc. Tek's instructions on the arc are actually pretty good and there is a lot of info both here and at Rick's for dish alignment. Your particular problem sounds like your due south isn't right. Don't even start to adjust the elevation/declination from the chart until you are positive that your due south position is dead nuts on.

What I did was set elevation and declination per the book, go to the furthest satellite west I could hit and then gently tug down and then up on the dish from the bottom. Watching the signal meter I could see that pulling down improved the signal so I knew that I had to rotate the dish a bit further to the west on the mount. If pulling up increased the signal then the dish would have to be rotated a bit further east on the mount. By rotating I mean pulling on the end of the dish with all the azimuth bolts loose and easing the dish over a bit. Then go to the next further satellite I can find and repeat the process if necessary, ect. And then do it on the other side of the arc. Once the due south is set then lock down the azimuth bolts and then and only then start adjusting declination on the ends of both sides of the arc. Declination is used to improve tracking at the ends of the arc and then minor changes in elevation for tracking the center of the arc. It's a painstaking process with sometimes only a quarter to half turn on a nut and then going back to check the other side. Royal pain in the rump but the only way to dial in the dish.
I used that website. thanks. I had to turn the saddle mount slightly to the right because I was getting more satellites to the left of 107 my South. Ran thru the arc. I lowered the declination a little at a time. I got all the sats tuned in from 43w to 135w.

Did you have any luck with the c lnbf? I got the c to work on the c/ku lnbf and will try ku tomorrow. How did you put the feedhorn cover on? Tek says I put slits in the feedhorn with an exacto knife to get the cover to fit snug. Problem I see is the cover is the same size as the black ring so I will try that too.
Good deal. Sounds like your getting dialed in pretty good. I pitched the c/ku LNB into the garbage....don't want anything to do with it. I'm not a masochist. :coco

A c/ku LNB is a trade off in performance as it really can't do both good. I have a Titanium LNB that I had from my mini-bud days and that was about a 10% to 15% performance boost over the provided LNB. I have my motorized 1.2 meter dish for KU. Since my Icecrypt receiver has dual tuners it's easy for me to combine both dishes into the receiver or could do it with a Diseqc or 22khz switch. I haven't even attempted KU on that dish. I know it can be done and there are those here who have done it and it works good for them but would be too big of a pain in the rear to dial in the dish that tight. Mine performs very well on Cband and that is what I bought it for.

Good luck!!
I may get a lnbf from Brian. I emailed him the other day to see what he thought. I'm going to try and peak again this weekend. I can't get the cband lnbf to work at all. Only the c\ku one because its smaller and I can rotate it more so my angle is all weird. I have a separate my dish too so just c is fine too.

I need to start over with focal point and re drill holes. I went in 8.5 inches but feedhorn is off to the right so that needs to be fixed. I might be able to twist the rods. We'll see. I need to put on the actuator plate too. Stupid question. The boot goes on the whole arm then the clamp on top of that. Correct? If a cband lnbf is needed then I will get a better one. I had one too and can't get that one to work as well.
I can not write in presentation
I'm about to buy 3M dish to send it to miami to forwarding address

My question is if are charged taxes when enter usa
I may get a lnbf from Brian. I emailed him the other day to see what he thought. I'm going to try and peak again this weekend. I can't get the cband lnbf to work at all. Only the c\ku one because its smaller and I can rotate it more so my angle is all weird. I have a separate my dish too so just c is fine too.

I need to start over with focal point and re drill holes. I went in 8.5 inches but feedhorn is off to the right so that needs to be fixed. I might be able to twist the rods. We'll see. I need to put on the actuator plate too. Stupid question. The boot goes on the whole arm then the clamp on top of that. Correct? If a cband lnbf is needed then I will get a better one. I had one too and can't get that one to work as well.
water drip holes go on bottom of booth, don't forget
The only issue is, until they fix their instructions, is to not use the pre-drilled holes for the feedhorn/scaler rods. As mentioned in this thread, come up approx~ 8.5 inches from the lip and drill a new hole using a 1/4" bit and use that hole.
tek2000 ....he already corrected this ,,or I have to make this modification
and how far from the other holes,new ones are made
tek2000 ....he already corrected this ,,or I have to make this modification
and how far from the other holes,new ones are made
I do not know. I have not installed anymore of those since July.
My question is if are charged taxes when enter usa

Everything is included in the price you are quoted so no surprises. Whether or not import duties are added to the shipping I don't recall. Simply email them and ask them.

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