The upcomming ViP 922 is a real cool product and one that I'm looking forward to, but I'm also wondering if it couldn't be possible to add Sling features to our existing ViP 722.'
Barring that the 722 couldn't accept additional video sources, the biggest difference (besides the software and memory size, perhaps that is part of the issue), there would be special encoding chips to convert Analog HD signals to video streaming.
Even if one could only stream Dish programming already recorded on the ViP 722, that would be pretty cool. I can't think of a technical reason why it couldn't work outside of possible memory footprint of the software and the space available on the 722 flash.
I suspect that it might be seen as taking away market for the Slingbox line of products, but envious DirecTV and Cable owners could easily get the same features with the purchase of a Slingbox. Dish could even have an activation fee like that of the External HD option for some revenue.
But that would make a big win. Look, our exisiting DVR's are so advanced we can give you these killer features without new hardware. What's that? You also want to stream your Blu-Ray or DVD over the system? Then you wan the seriously cool ViP 922.
Again, I suspect this won't happen, and I'll just have to shell out for a Slingbox Pro HD, but if possible it could really be a big differentiator to say that it can be added to existing product on the market already.