Charlie Chat Recap 10-12-09

Well in the Q&A, 922 status was updated. Not before mid-November, shooting for pre-Christmas. Anyone who's followed Dish over the years knows that means THEY HAVE NO IDEA because the software is too buggy. Could be 2 months, 6 or 12... :(
Doesn't take a chef to reboil potatoes. Expected something - anything - even a bone!

Got nada.

Disclosure: Subscribe to DTV for me (really like my sports) - but I install both systems.
I really was not impressed by the 1 hour RedZone commercial. It was so long they had to get something to eat....
Is the 3rd screen shot accurate?

MultiSport for $5.99/mo OR $49.99/yr ???

I can't find any reference to the $49.99/yr anywhere on their page and this is definitely cheaper (-$21.98) for those of us who have this year round.

Can anyone confirm they currently have this or provide a link on Dish website before I chat up at rep to get this?

BORING! Overall, I would say that I wasted my time watching. I get much more info on here. I realize that program is for the average DN customer, but even the average customer had to have triple dosed on caffiene to stay awake for CC. I will not be watching again
The Charlie Chat last night should have been on ESPN.... Very self-promotional of sports but not informational about DISH's plans for the majority of the rest of us who already get lots of sports with our monthly payments. Wanted to hear more specific info on Nat HD and the new Satellite.
I was on the Internet within minutes registering my disappointment.
Q: Bill
I have local channels in my Dish Network package & live near the state line of Florida & Alabama the closest station to me is across the border from the state line from me, Why can't I get it?

A: Thats something we are living with they set up something called DMA's Designated Market Areas -- lines drawn on a map in an analog world years ago, the law lets us only provide your local channel in your DMA due to those lines... it is something the Satellite Home Viewer Act - the Congress is looking at, it is up for renewal and we are working hard with them.

I thought they were supposed to be able to give us "significantly" viewed channels from neighboring markets from law change a few years ago? (there was even lists made of which channels were considered "Significantly viewed") What ever happened to that? Bunch of lies, IMHO.

Does 322 and 311 work on new encryption?

Dish Pass for RSN alternates

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