Explain please (my money says you misunderstand something)....since the dish reciever is 10/100 anyways.
Explain please (my money says you misunderstand something)....since the dish reciever is 10/100 anyways.
Hall said:Explain please (my money says you misunderstand something).
Try running the speed test by disabling your wireless, and wire the ethernet of your laptop (presuming it has one) to the HomePlug at the Onkyo/PS3/DVR. (and might I ask what onkyo you have? I've the TX-NR808 and *LOVE* VTuner!, RadioParadise.com or DI.FM upconverted to 7.1 is freakin' sweet!)I have the N600 F7D8302 v1
I ran the speed test wireless from Laptop.
I do have the 3 homeplug set up 1 from router to wall and 2nd at ps3, dvr and Onkyo networked receiver. 3rd is in office only phone and printer are on that one.
I looked at router login and all of them have own mac address within DHCP. I am assuming the homeplugs are in there because i am not sure how to check the MAc address for those but i do see everything there. There are 2 in the that are ##.10 then ##.11 as last two hextets. Hope this helps let me know if need me to check anything else. Thanks
Try running the speed test by disabling your wireless, and wire the ethernet of your laptop (presuming it has one) to the HomePlug at the Onkyo/PS3/DVR. (and might I ask what onkyo you have? I've the TX-NR808 and *LOVE* VTuner!, RadioParadise.com or DI.FM upconverted to 7.1 is freakin' sweet!)
If you look in the receiver's broadband sceens (722k -- Menu -6-1-8-2 "Network Setup") you will see the mac's listed for Ethernet, HomePlug, Wireless (if you had one). Notice how the Ethernet and Homeplug macs are simliar for the first 3 hextets You would look for the respective MAC in the list on your Belkin's DHCP list.. if you see both the mac for the home plug and the ethernet, then you may be having a problem there.. I don't know how the device acts, if internally the receivers are set to preference the ethernet over the homeplug.
In mine .. it shows the MAC for ethernet in Green ... and that's how I'm connected, I'm wondering if yours does the same .. or "green" for which ever mac is the active one for the IP address given in that Network Setup screen.<-------Not sure where to look for this. You mean in router page or on the homeplug???(in ref to green)
And one last thing.. are all three Homeplug's the same model (one set might id the kit with the X or K or something, but the 3rd unit would still have the same number series) There's a UK tester (and reported also at CNet) that found when they were mixing older and newer homeplugs, the fastest one would go was as slow or slower than the slowest homeplug device.
If you have the cable run for it, and even temporarily laying cable in your hallway.. you could try bypassing the homeplug's just to see if even the receiver were having some problem dealing the connection between it and the homeplug (use to happen more with older ethernet devices, seems less so after auto-mdx became the norm)
yeah! NR609 ...ok hard wired in i am getting to laptop 4.6 down and 1.25 up (via homeplug from back of DVR). I looked at my DVR MAC address here is what i have listed on screen
Ethernet is ### 4e:2d:1c
Homeplug is ### 4e:1d:2c
They are all the same model. I see what you mean though, slow one will bog down whole system. Good point. I also went through my MAC addresses in my router. Only my DVR(2 for DVR), Laptop, Onkyo, PS3, Droid phone, Printer..........so homeplug is not listed in there. (my bad)
Oh man i love my TX-NR609!!! Just got it on 5/1 and it is sweet!!! Pandora is awesome!!! I also really enjoy the upconversion to 1080p and the 7.1 HD surround sound!!!!
Thanx so much for your help!!
yeah! NR609 ...VTuner didn't have one or two of the stations I listened to, but adding them (mp3 streams) was easy, and when I contacted them about an older link that was dead and that they were streaming a WMP at lower bit rate than one of the stations had with MP3, they updated the respective stations ... not entirely happy with the DLNA side.. a little sluggish moving from MP3 to MP3 .. but that could be the media server side of things. I have noticed that I have more connectivity problems than I'd like, have had mine for 8 or 9 months now, and have had to unplug the power maybe 5 or 6 times to get it to properly re-connect to the network and get out. I could ping the receiver, see its web interface, but it would not connect to VTuner or any other online stream service (slacker, pandora)
k... so wired speed is just as good as wireless.. you're good to that point.. speed through the Netgear homeplug adapter...
the "(2 for DVR)" you mean you see two IP addresses for the DVR? ... one for the Homeplug mac and one for the Ethernet mac? was either one green or a different color? And the ip address in network setup .. when you looked up the IP that your DVR had, and compared that in your router, did that match the homeplug mac or the ethernet mac?
one thing to try .. the Belkin should have a blacklist for MAC (check the security screen/menus also under wireless security) and add the mac address of the homeplug as listed on the DVR's network setup screen ... trying to make sure that the only way the Belkin router sees your Dish DVR is across the Netgear homeplugs, not the built in homeplug.
And of course as last resort if you can try a hardline (long ethernet) even just to test with short term out a window up/down to the router, etc..
ICK ...I see what you mean for Green now............I can be slow sometimes....LMAO. Ethernet is green within DVR menu. Yes i see 2 IP's for DVR, ethernet and homeplug. I see them in router and in DVR menu screen. Ethernet is green though. I also denied access of the DVR's homeplug within router. see how that works i will try another show.....
it had the initial update when I first plugged it in .. and one additional.. I've not looked in the past month or so to see if there was one.. I'm inclined to think the network issue could have been in my household.. a friend came to stay and since she's arrived, I started having wireless network issues.. so I moved her and my sister (both with iphones, both with intel chipsets for wireless) to an older linksys 54G router and since then haven't seen any real gateway issues (main gateway is a Cisco/Linksys E2100L running DD-WRT, Atheros chipset so it can be titchy according to online folks and since I've moved "them" off it directly I've not had the "now connected to home 2 ...home 3 .. home 9" where it would increment the digit as if there were really 9 different networks all named "Home") lol speak of the devil .. there's an update there for 9/29/2011...Does the 808 have any updates to firmware to help with the network?? My 609 has already had 5-6 updates since coming out. I very much agree with the DLNA issue. I have a very hard time getting my 609 to see my windows player on laptop. (instead of trying to get it straightened out i just use ps3 for my mp3's and internet radio for 609)
I am connected with ethernet cable movie was "After.Life" I have tried several movies and even thought of upgrading to 20 mbs ($20)how is your dish receiver connected to the internet? Home Plug? Wireless N Dongle to a wireless N router? (N dongles will drop back to G mode if you don't have an N based router) etc.. and which movie/tv title was it?
Previous message said you were at 15 Meg and have seen streams to Netflix HD @ 5 meg ... so capacity of internet should be good enough ... what receiver is this.. and was the firmware updated (BBMP shows as button text in the menu?) ... do you have a sling adapter connected and have you checked if the DVR is seen at DishOnline?I am connected with ethernet cable movie was "After.Life" I have tried several movies and even thought of upgrading to 20 mbs ($20)
ICK ...lets hope that solves a problem!!/QUOTE]
Well that didnt work.....started out 6 minute wait and slowly progressed upward to top out at 3hrs and 45 minutes and held steady.......i will see if i can find a long cat5 cable. Other than that i dont know what else to try.......
Which movie were you trying?Well that didnt work.....started out 6 minute wait and slowly progressed upward to top out at 3hrs and 45 minutes and held steady.......i will see if i can find a long cat5 cable. Other than that i dont know what else to try.......
That's not how its happening for me ... I go to After.Life ... there's a Watch, Info, and Done buttons. I go to Watch, the next screen gives me an "SD Free" button, an "HD Free" button, and Cancel button.. when I do HD Free ... (beside it says it will start in 19 mins) and Click it ...and I get taken back up one level, the screen starts showing me that it will start in X minutes (varies in time) I do not have a "watch now" button.Regarding After.Life. Find it. Choose it. Pick HD Free which says watch now to the right. shows processing your request, then the watch now is enabled. Click watch now. Starz feature presentation starts up about 10 seconds later.