While I do not doubt that you and other people are having issues with not being able to stream HD immediately...I can assure you that there are those of us who are able to stream HD virtually instantly as you will note in several comments in both this thread and others. I have not had to wait for more than 10 seconds for any movie I have selected up to this point to begin playing, and ALL have been in HD. As I mentioned in another thread, perhaps certain movies are not yet instantly available. That I cannot say, but I can say that anyone who says that "There is no movie in Platinum that plays without buffering for 2 hours" is incorrect...and Harshness pointing that out was actually correct in doing so.
It is very important that we post accurate information about this new service and to make such a blanket statement that nothing will stream instantly when there are posts in this and other threads to the contrary need to be pointed out as inaccurate so that those who are considering the service know the actual facts. I cannot factually say that ALL movies will stream instantly...because I have not tried them all. But I can say that every one I have tried (and again, all in HD) have started right away just like my Netflix does.