I hate you.

Well... I hate that not ALL of us can have such pain-free experiences with Dish Network.
I was supposed to have an installer come out here from 8am-12pm today, and he didn't come! I spoke with a CSR via the online chat, and they called the office that the installer was supposed to come from.
This was their response: He was here at 7:30am, saw there was no line of sight, and then left.
He NEVER called! I'm not sure if I believe this story. Why would he be here at 7:30? Why would he not call me or knock on the door? And how would he know that there's no line of sight without even getting on my roof?
Totally pissed off by this situation. The CSR told me that she was very sorry, and would have a service manager come out here tomorrow to get a second opinion. I'm POSITIVE that there's line of sight. I've checked it via DishPointer, and I have a dish pointed to 61.5 right now, so 72.7 and 77 isn't that far off. In fact, they are in BETTER positions than just 61.5.
If by tomorrow's end I don't have a 1000.4 on my roof, I'm not going to be a happy person. I also spoke to a local installer (not the same guys who are supposed to be coming out here) and he told me that there shouldn't be any issue with the 1000.4 in my area.
I don't know. This whole "he was there at 7:30" thing sounds fishy to me.