Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

Luckily for me, it all worked out. A very courteous, knowledgeable, hard working installer just left; switched out the 2 500's for 1 1000.4 (quick, simple replacement), turned on receivers, found the sats (77, 72 and 61.5) and I am all set up and ready to go.

I am sorry you have had difficulties

Great!! Glad to hear someone in the Northeast had better luck than I did.....
Installer just left, replaced my 61.5 Dish 500 with a 1000.4 EA and now get all the new channels. First 2 appointments didn't go well (subcontractors). Third one (working directly for Dish) was arguing with me that all HD are on 61.5. Had to show him attached pdf file and after a call to Dish he successfully changed dish. He kept complain that they never informed them about the changes at the meetings and later they look stupid to the customers. I am so surprised that all of them were complaining that there was nothing in the work order to change dish setup. Have to love Dish CSRs.
Installer just left, replaced my 61.5 Dish 500 with a 1000.4 EA and now get all the new channels. First 2 appointments didn't go well (subcontractors). Third one (working directly for Dish) was arguing with me that all HD are on 61.5. Had to show him attached pdf file and after a call to Dish he successfully changed dish. He kept complain that they never informed them about the changes at the meetings and later they look stupid to the customers. I am so surprised that all of them were complaining that there was nothing in the work order to change dish setup. Have to love Dish CSRs.

Sounds alot like the visit I had with 1 important exception.....

Well, I am supposed to get a 1000.4 dish tomorrow afternoon. Cost is $15 and no contract extension. Wish me luck.


PS- Seems I still have all my HD channels, unless Dish Remote Access is lying to me.
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By phone and by chat today I was told "tough luck"--it would cost me $95 to fix.

Because Dish has a problem with its satellites, I am supposed to pay $95?

Bye, Dish. That's $2400/year you won't be getting--brilliant business decision!

Don't expect much better from D* - My Uncle has them up in NH and they have a similar business practice. :o
Luckily for me, it all worked out. A very courteous, knowledgeable, hard working installer just left; switched out the 2 500's for 1 1000.4 (quick, simple replacement), turned on receivers, found the sats (77, 72 and 61.5) and I am all set up and ready to go.

I am sorry you have had difficulties

Sounds like my recent tech visit - An hour there and the 2 old dishes were removed and the new EA dish in place and zeroed in. :)
The installer explained that from what he has been hearing and they have been discussing, there are two problems in the very near future: 61.5 is filled and all new HD will be on the other SAT; thus, the new problem is now what to do with folks in Maine. Thought everyone would find this interesting because even though some may see him only as an installer, I still think what he says gives credibility to the rumors circulating here on satguys. He also mentioned that the $15 upgrade will be refunded in 3-5 months by credit.

I've read this entire forum up to this post and I'm trying to understand if I am eligible to receive the new channels. I checked my guide and none show up.
I live in northern Maine, had a new install 3 months ago. Setup consists of: One VIP 722K, one VIP 211K, one Dish 500 w/ dual lnb's and one 24" dish (paid extra, was told I would have fewer signal drops) with single lnb.
No locals except for OTA antenna.
I just checked my VIP 211K and it shows satellites 119/110/61.5.
Do any of you pro's think I should request the new channels or do I even qualify?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Well, I am supposed to get a 1000.4 dish tomorrow afternoon. Cost is $15 and no contract extension. Wish me luck.


PS- Seems I still have all my HD channels, unless Dish Remote Access is lying to me.

Ted, as my installer quoted, the $15 will be reimbursed in the next few months.
I've read this entire forum up to this post and I'm trying to understand if I am eligible to receive the new channels. I checked my guide and none show up.
I live in northern Maine, had a new install 3 months ago. Setup consists of: One VIP 722K, one VIP 211K, one Dish 500 w/ dual lnb's and one 24" dish (paid extra, was told I would have fewer signal drops) with single lnb.
No locals except for OTA antenna.
I just checked my VIP 211K and it shows satellites 119/110/61.5.
Do any of you pro's think I should request the new channels or do I even qualify?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

My best advice is to chat online with tech support, lay out all of your questions and concerns about migrating and see what they see. I know they aren't the most reliable, but you can then check that information with what folks here are saying. Also, did you check the dish pointer page with your zip to see what your eligible for:

Satellite Finder / Dish Pointing Calculator with Google Maps |
I've read this entire forum up to this post and I'm trying to understand if I am eligible to receive the new channels. I checked my guide and none show up.
I live in northern Maine, had a new install 3 months ago. Setup consists of: One VIP 722K, one VIP 211K, one Dish 500 w/ dual lnb's and one 24" dish (paid extra, was told I would have fewer signal drops) with single lnb.
No locals except for OTA antenna.
I just checked my VIP 211K and it shows satellites 119/110/61.5.
Do any of you pro's think I should request the new channels or do I even qualify?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I'm far from a pro but why don't you first see what sats you're getting? I think it's Menu 6-1-3, IIRC. Then post back and the real experts can tell you if you're good to go for the new channels.

Edit: Sorry, just saw an updated post and see you have the sats.
I've read this entire forum up to this post and I'm trying to understand if I am eligible to receive the new channels. I checked my guide and none show up.
I live in northern Maine, had a new install 3 months ago. Setup consists of: One VIP 722K, one VIP 211K, one Dish 500 w/ dual lnb's and one 24" dish (paid extra, was told I would have fewer signal drops) with single lnb.
No locals except for OTA antenna.
I just checked my VIP 211K and it shows satellites 119/110/61.5.
Do any of you pro's think I should request the new channels or do I even qualify?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I don't know which plan you're on (...I've got America's Top 200 w/Platinum HD); but it sounds like you should be able to get the new HD channels, and you have 2 VIP receivers, so the Eastern Arc (1000.4) should be an option. I was on 119/110/61.5 and switched over last week.
I don't know which plan you're on (...I've got America's Top 200 w/Platinum HD); but it sounds like you should be able to get the new HD channels, and you have 2 VIP receivers, so the Eastern Arc (1000.4) should be an option. I was on 119/110/61.5 and switched over last week.

Thanks for all the replies.
After reading all the frustrated subs comments and confusion in this forum, I thought I would ask the members first before contacting a Dish csr so I would not get into a billing mess, or an unnecessary install.
The extra channels would be nice if included in our packages, but not extremely important if can't receive them.
Thanks again, this is a great web site!
I live in central PA. Made arrangements on Thursday to have new dish put up Sunday. Just got a call from the tech to say he would be here soon. I asked if he was putting up a new dish - he said no he only had a service call. No dish in work order, is not aware of the problem. Says the eastern arc won't work in my area. He said they don't even have dishes for the eastern arc because they won't work. Go figure!!

Today I spoke with someone from the executive office. Explained what happened (above). Now he says they will put me on the western arc. Must keep my wing dish for 61.5. The reason to keep this dish is because I live out of the spot beam for my HD locals and if they ever fix the problem I will need this dish. If this makes sense to anyone please let me know!! I don't know that much about it. They are coming Wednesday p.m. to install the new dish. Old work order never listed any equipment or dish was needed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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I just got set up today. I chatted twice and both reps said it would cost $15 but their scheduling system was down but to call. When I called, the rep didn't even know that new HD channels had been added but she worked with me and got me scheduled. She said no charge. They replaced my 61.5 500 with a 1000.4, left my 110/119 500 in place, and added a switch. Working great!

The tech told me that they were told to expect to be doing a lot of these.
Today I spoke with someone from the executive office. Explained what happened (above). Now he says they will put me on the western arc. Must keep my wing dish for 61.5. The reason to keep this dish is because I live out of the spot beam for my HD locals and if they ever fix the problem I will need this dish. If this makes sense to anyone please let me know!! I don't know that much about it. They are coming Wednesday p.m. to install the new dish. Old work order never listed any equipment or dish was needed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Being in the Northeast US, I'd think you'd be on the Eastern Arc (1000.4 is what my dish is), which includes 61.5; but you never know how they might have things set up.....
I just got set up today. I chatted twice and both reps said it would cost $15 but their scheduling system was down but to call. When I called, the rep didn't even know that new HD channels had been added but she worked with me and got me scheduled. She said no charge. They replaced my 61.5 500 with a 1000.4, left my 110/119 500 in place, and added a switch. Working great!

The tech told me that they were told to expect to be doing a lot of these.

What part of Pa are you in?
FWIW here are my results. It appears to to me the first csr was probably new, thus referred to the second csr who experienced technical difficulties? Third time is a charm they say. Still appears to be confusion on what to charge customers.
I think $15 is reasonable for a technician to re aim or install a new dish on a Sunday so I will not complain.

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me a moment to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: I will be glad to help you.
B: no problem
B: Do you see the question I asked?
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: I went through your question.
B: ok, and...........
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: The following HD channels are included in the following packages listed next to it:
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: E! Entertainment Television America's Top 120
BBC America America's Top 200
TruTv America's Top 200
Hallmark Channel America's Top 200
Fox Soccer Channel America's Top 250
Sportsman America's Top 250
IndiePlex PlatinumHD
RetroPlex PlatinumHD
Showtime West Showtime
B: I checked my guide yesterday and they were not showing
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: Please give me two minutes while I check that for you.
B: Do I have the correct channel numbers? 363,365,9430,9450,9474,9482,9483,9512.9520
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: Thanks for being on hold.
B: no problem
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: I have checked that's the correct number.
B: Should I check my guide again?
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: I see that we need to repoint the dish in order to get all the satellite locations.
B: Is that all that's required?
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: That's correct. I see that this option is not available on the account, for this I would connect you to our technical department who can check the possible options and assist you further.
B: sure
(03) Alistair R. 8L8: Please stay online while I transfer.
(03) Alistair R. 8L8 has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the (04) Technical Support department to assist you.
B: ok
Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me a moment to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(04-03rf) Debbie E. 3KK: Thank you for your patience
B: Thank you for helping.
(04-03rf) Debbie E. 3KK: To verify, you wanted to upgrade to get the 9 new HD channels?
B: Would upgrading involve additional costs or commitments?
(04-03rf) Debbie E. 3KK: Yes it would
(04-03rf) Debbie E. 3KK: It will just be a minute to look up the cost
B: Which would be what?
(04-03rf) Debbie E. 3KK has left the session.
Your agent is experiencing. Please stand by while we re-establish contact or find a new agent...
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
Please wait while we find an agent from the (04) Technical Support department to assist you.
Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me a moment to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: You are wanting to get the new HD channels.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Are you still there?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I have not heard from you in a while, are you still with me?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I apologize, however due to the lack of response I will now be ending this chat session. Thank you for using Dish Network Live Chat!
B: Yes, providing there are no additional costs or commitments.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Please give me 2-3 minutes to research this.
B: Sorry, I had a phone call.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I'm am still looking for you please give me 2-3 more minutes.
B: Take your time.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I have to call a specialty department to get this done for you I am still talking to them to try to get the cost and see if we can set it up for you.
B: I appreciate your help.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: We are always here to help.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Most likely if there is a cost it will only be $15.
B: Do you what the upgrade entails?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: We will need to either repoint your dish or install a different dish.
B: Should I have contacted my local installer first about this upgrade?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: No we can help you with it.
B: $0 is better but I can handle $15.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: It look like it will be $15. Tomorrow between 8 and 12 is the soonest date and timeframe we can have a technician out to resolve this for you. Is someone over the age of 18 going to be home during this time?
B: Sorry for all the questions, but which dish is affected, the single or dual lnb?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: The single.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Or we might be taking down both and installing a one dish solution if needed.
B: I'm sorry but I am working the rest of this week and I won't know next weeks schedule until Wednesday.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: What about the weekend
B: I work most Saturdays.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Do you work on Sundays?
B: No
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: We could do it Sunday.
B: Will the tec be the same person who installed my system?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Maybe but I do not know what technician will come.
B: OK, if something comes up prior to Sunday can I cancel? Sorry to be a pain however the wife sometimes makes plans at the last minute.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Yes, but wouldn't cancel just reschedule it if you can't do it Sunday.
B: Ok, lets set it up.
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I have your address listed as ### ######### ME, 047301. Is that correct?
B: Do you know if this install will affect any future plans for me getting local channels?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: It shouldn't.
B: OK. yes the address is correct
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: I have your home phone number listed as ##########. In order to ensure everything goes efficiently as possible, our technician may contact you to confirm your appointment prior to your scheduled date. Do you have a cellular or a work number where we can reach you in the event you are not home?
B: No . the zip is 04730
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Ok,'
B: cell ##########
B: Sorry ##########
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Your Technician Visit is scheduled for 8 between 12. Please make sure that there is at least 3' clearance behind the TV prior to the technician arriving. The tech will arrive at your home during this timeframe; however the completion of the work may go past 12. Please plan accordingly so that the tech can complete the work as required. If you need to reschedule, please call 1-800-894-9131 or contact us through the Live Chat link online at least 24 hours in advance to notify us. Someone 18 years or older will need to be present in order for the work to be performed. Your Technician Visit includes a 60 day warranty.
B: Is my cell number showing?
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Yes they block on your side for security.
B: Ok
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
B: All set, thanks Corey,
(04-03rf) Corey R. HZ2: Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a wonderful day!
B: You too
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.
Being in the Northeast US, I'd think you'd be on the Eastern Arc (1000.4 is what my dish is), which includes 61.5; but you never know how they might have things set up.....

If they set him up for Eastern Arc, he'd need an extra dish pointed at 119 or he'd have no locals at all because the spotbeam on 61.5 for Scranton HD doesn't cover the western part of the DMA (where there's little or no OTA reception... nice move Dish...) So it sounds like they're doing Western Arc (110/119/129) so that he still has his SD locals on 119. I don't know why they don't do it the other way, 129 is going to be impossible for people with hills to their west, I'm afraid... Also, this is the first time I've heard Dish talk about fixing the spotbeam problem on 61.5! What they previously told people in this area who complained (if they told them anything at all) was that the HD locals were going to be put on 119 eventually.

A tech finally came over today, and although I was at work I left specific instructions to whoever would be home while the tech was over to make sure everything was set up properly.

I had originally thought that I would be left with two dishes because of my international programming on 118.7. But apparently my international programming is also on 77, so I was able to go to a single dish install.

I'm extremely happy with how everything ended, even though I had to deal with a lot of issues to get to this point. ... Hopefully being on Eastern Arc will mean that I won't need to worry about future additions and I won't need to call Dish EVER again. (Or at least for a while!) :p

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