Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

  • Server Issues.

    We are very aware that there have been system issues the past few days. In troubleshooting the system, it has been determined that the issue is at our provider and is hardware related. As of 12:05 PM ET our provider has moved us to a new server.

    Things seem to be running better on this new server. However in trying to diagnose the issue (before finding out it was a hardware issue) we made some system changes which we need to undo. So if you find any issues or errors please let us know in the Operations Center Forum.

    Thank you for your patience! Sorry for the issue!

Well something told me to double check with dish about my going to the eastern arc while still using a 301d. This time I did an online chat rather than a phone call. Turns out I have to replace my 301d. Something the csr from the day before neglected to tell me. I'm to get a 222k receiver. I'll be using it as a standard def receiver for the tv it's to be used with is stand def.

They told me the upgrade to this receiver would be $50. i asked why in that in December I upgarded my 522 to a 722k for free with a two year commitment.
The csr's reply was I already used my free upgrade for the year and would therefor have to pay this time. So my two year commitment stars from this month now rather than December a it previously did. Don't mind the commitment for i'm for the most part pleased with Dish's service. I as others post here feel it all should be free. Atleast my dish upgrade is for free.

One other comment about having to pay $50 for the upgraded single tuner non dvr hi def receiver the 222k i'm getting. My girlf friend has DirecTv and wants to get the equivalent receiver for her soon to be purcashed new hdtv. Well from DirecTV a single tuner non dvr hd receiver costs $100 to upgrade to. So for all the griping we're all doing here it seems to be cheaper here than at DirecTV.
Does anyone know what type of dish setup i'll be getting, and which satellites i'll be pointing to? My hd locals are on the 61.5 dish. I have HD & Platinum with the AT-250 package.

Huh, I own all my equipment, Vip622 and will have to replace my DP34 with a DPP44, and add another pole mounted dish to pick up the 72.7 sat. Even just that switch is kind of pricey, if you want it with the power inserter. Maybe my 61.5 dish can pick up that sat, if I add another lnb off to the side of the normal one, as 11.2 degrees isn't that bad, and I'm using a 36" dish for 61.5 anyway. I'd still have to buy the DPP44 switch..

I presently have 110, 119, and 61.5 (which is where my locals are) Due to lots of trees, I can't switch to 129, and I can't switch to a single dish Eastern arc setup. That stinks, because I want the new channels! :mad:
No, I think the point people are making is that they could have mirrored was was put on 72.7 on 119 or 110 rather than 129.
Unlike a certain competitor, DISH hasn't been evacuating the Dish 500 slots. 110W and 119W don't have a lot of room to slip in a CONUS HD channel. It may not dovetail in all that well given the multiplexing schemes employed in those slots either.
I'm beginning to wonder what's going on with Dish.

I called Dish support one more time to try and get some sort of resolution.

At first the CSR said she didn't know anything about the new HD channels. After I explained to her about the new releases, and that they were not on the 61.5 satellite, and my problem being on the 110/119/61.5 alignment, she said she would check into it.

After a few minutes of "checking into it" the rep came back on the phone.

According to the CSR the Philadelphia Pa region is now part of the Western arc?!?!?!

Her solution was for Dish to repoint my wing dish to the 129 orbital slot. I tried to explain to her that, as it will be low on the horizon, and I have some trees, I don't think I have a LOS to the 129 bird. And I also explained that my highdef locals are on 61.5. She told me that the tech will need to evaluate the LOS issues and that they will be moving my locals from 61.5 to 129.

WTF? Since when did dish decide to move East coast locals to a Western satellite

She also insisted on the $99 dollar fee or $15 with service contract.

At that point I decided that I was not going to piss away extra money for a configuration that I'm not even sure will work, and declined the modifications.

Direct is looking better and better.
I have been out of town for the last couple of days but have been keeping up with this thread. I thought tonight when I got home from my working trip I would call Technical support about getting someone out to get me set up to get these new channels that I knew I didn't have because I don't have a sat. pointed at 72.7 or 129. I am like a lot of people having two dishes for the 110/119/61.5 setup. I hoped that every technical support person would be aware of the fact that these 9 channels were put on 72.7 or 129 but guess that isn't the case from my conversation tonight with the technical support person I got lucky to get. She told me that all the HD channels were only on 129 and 61.5 satellites and not on 72.7 but after I convinced her that they put these channels on 129 and 72.7 she said that she would update my account with 72.7 and all I had to do was do a hard reset on the receiver. I told her that I didn't have a dish pointed to get 72.7 but she said that she had taken care of it with her hit on my receiver. She insisted that I do a hard reset and that would take care of my problem with these channels. As you all know that didn't work so she then made me check the software to make sure it was the correct one. She finally about about 40 minutes decided that she needed to schedule a technician to come and see why I didn't have these channels and they will be here in the morning. I couldn't believe that they put people in technical support that don't understand that you have to point the dishes to the satellite to be able to view programing off it. Guess I will see what the technician does tomorrow for me. I am not sure what they are going to do but she said they would get the channels I was paying for.
I have been out of town for the last couple of days but have been keeping up with this thread. I thought tonight when I got home from my working trip I would call Technical support about getting someone out to get me set up to get these new channels that I knew I didn't have because I don't have a sat. pointed at 72.7 or 129. I am like a lot of people having two dishes for the 110/119/61.5 setup. I hoped that every technical support person would be aware of the fact that these 9 channels were put on 72.7 or 129 but guess that isn't the case from my conversation tonight with the technical support person I got lucky to get. She told me that all the HD channels were only on 129 and 61.5 satellites and not on 72.7 but after I convinced her that they put these channels on 129 and 72.7 she said that she would update my account with 72.7 and all I had to do was do a hard reset on the receiver. I told her that I didn't have a dish pointed to get 72.7 but she said that she had taken care of it with her hit on my receiver. She insisted that I do a hard reset and that would take care of my problem with these channels. As you all know that didn't work so she then made me check the software to make sure it was the correct one. She finally about about 40 minutes decided that she needed to schedule a technician to come and see why I didn't have these channels and they will be here in the morning. I couldn't believe that they put people in technical support that don't understand that you have to point the dishes to the satellite to be able to view programing off it. Guess I will see what the technician does tomorrow for me. I am not sure what they are going to do but she said they would get the channels I was paying for.

Oh my!!!
Why should anyone lose channels??

There is no need for programming change, they are just installing a dish that will allow you to receive the channels you are already paying for.

They should not turn any channels on or off, just install the stupid dish.

IF you have a D500 for 110/119 and another dish for 61.5 AND have only VIP receivers, you can make your own EA install by pointing the D500 at 61.5 and 72.7 (yes it works) and aim the other dish at 77.
Wait - where are Buffalo SD locals? I think 110 or 119. Thus if they upgraded me to EA, I wouldn't get SD locals.

I am between Rochester and Buffalo and I am watching the new HD. Here is what I did.

BTW FYI 110 is required for Buffalo SD locals. you need SD locals do that your guide will be populated if using an OTA antenna. Buffalo HD locals are on 61.5.

My current setup was a Dish 500 looking @ 110/119 with a wing Dish @ 61.5. I simply added in a Dish looking @ 72.7. I have a DPP44 switch so I had a spare LNB input. Dish Network has agreed to install an EA for me, however the local Installer is not equipped to do a 1000.4 EA install. So in the meantime I just added 72.7.

Another way to do this is grab 129. It is possible in the area but it is really low. I got it yesterday but only at a signal of 27. I also am dealing with a hill to my SW so you might have better luck.

I think the cleanest install in this area is a EA with a wing @ 110. all other options leave us with 3 dish solutions which are...

2 LNB Dish 500 looking @ 61.5/72.5 + Dish looking @ 77 and a wing Dish @ 110

2 LNB Dish 500 looking @ 110/119 + Dish looking @ 129 and a wing Dish @ 61.5

2 LNB Dish 500 looking @ 110/119 + Dish looking @ 72.7 + a wing Dish @ 61.5 (my current setup)
Here in Vt and installer can't or wont do it- wants to put in 129 but says dish is bigger and not easy place to mount and thinks trees will be problem. Knows next to nothing about 72.7 but thinks line of sight problems there too. Roof is to steep for him and stil thinks i'll have trouble with trees. No wonder they would do it for free. Time to chat with Dish.

Same problem here in Western NY. Dish does not have a clue. They say you need a EA install and send out a installer with no idea what a EA is, without a 1000.4 Dish.

Read my post regarding my EA install
RE: Buffalo, NY DA
It's funny they say you need an EA install and when you call they say Buffalo is on WA (LOLWUT?)

I also talked to a major installation business here and was told by one of their lead techs that they are hearing that Buffalo is being switched to EA later this year.

I currently have a 2-dish setup. One dual LNB pointed at 110/119 and one single pointed at 61.5.

How hard would it be to give me an EA dish to replace the one pointed at 61.5 and then use the existing dish pointed at 110/119 just to get the SD locals from 110?

My current understanding is that the program guide info for locals comes from the SD locals on 110. I can't get locals in the guide from 61.5 (where my HD locals are)? I really don't care about SD locals as I have them in SD and HD from dish and I also get them OTA. So dropping SD locals would not be a huge deal to me, but losing the locals listing in the guide would be a deal breaker.
How hard would it be to give me an EA dish to replace the one pointed at 61.5 and then use the existing dish pointed at 110/119 just to get the SD locals from 110?

Harder than it should be!

I asked Dish to just send me the 1000.4 and I would install it. The problem as explained to me by Dish is that there system would not allow him to generate a work order for just a EA 1000.4 installation.

I understand that Dish wants to have installers do the work to make sure it is done properly, but in this case where the customer is willing, able and knows what to do.......Just send out then Dish!
I just talked with a CSR and they said they will be installing a 1000.4. I thought the new channels were on 129 and they said they are also on 72.7.

Is that correct?

I thought they were going to replace my 110/119/61.5 (wing dish) with a 1000.2 and possibly the 61.5 wing dish too if DC locals are only on 61.5

If I do move to a 1000.4, would I still need the 110/119 dish?

My Setup:
DC Locals
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I live in central PA. Made arrangements on Thursday to have new dish put up Sunday. Just got a call from the tech to say he would be here soon. I asked if he was putting up a new dish - he said no he only had a service call. No dish in work order, is not aware of the problem. Says the eastern arc won't work in my area. He said they don't even have dishes for the eastern arc because they won't work. Go figure!!
Their correct...

I just talked with a CSR and they said they will be installing a 1000.4. I thought the new channels were on 129 and they said they are also on 72.7.

Is that correct?

I thought they were going to replace my 110/119/61.5 (wing dish) with a 1000.2 and possibly the 61.5 wing dish too if DC locals are only on 61.5

If I do move to a 1000.4, would I still need the 110/119 dish?

My Setup:
DC Locals

From what you say- you will have everything you need with a 1000.4 dish. You will no longer need 110/119. All your listed receivers are mpeg4 and that is what is required for Eastern Arc (EA).
I live in central PA. Made arrangements on Thursday to have new dish put up Sunday. Just got a call from the tech to say he would be here soon. I asked if he was putting up a new dish - he said no he only had a service call. No dish in work order, is not aware of the problem. Says the eastern arc won't work in my area. He said they don't even have dishes for the eastern arc because they won't work. Go figure!!

Eastern Arc will work if you don't care about having locals at all.

You'd need an Eastern Arc dish plus a dish for 119. You wouldn't have any locals in HD, but then you don't have them in HD now unless you have an oversized dish for 61.5.

That's what I'm wondering: is there an officially-sanctioned solution for getting HD locals plus the new channels in our area? I wonder what happens if you'd set up an oversized dish for 61.5 and plug that into the extra port on the EA dish, instead of a dish for 119? Would having two dishes pointed at the same satellite confuse the receiver? I don't think I've ever heard of anyone trying it.
I'm currently waiting for my tech to come here... I didn't get a call from him specifically, but I recieved a call from Dish to confirm the appointment.

Of course when they say 8am-12pm they ALWAYS get here towards the later end of the spectrum. :rolleyes: I just hope I don't run into any problems like some people here have.

I called dish to confirm my work order twice, and was told that I was getting someone to come out to install a 1000.4 dish. So... I hope there aren't any surprises once the tech gets here!

Otherwise it's not going to be a fun night, that's for sure.
Need my dish re-pointed..

Talked with dish unfortunately the tech didnt' have much info and had to do some searching to find out what needed to be done.. but I am scheduled for a tech service call to re-point the dish... of course it will cost me $15 to get .... some how everything Dish does anymore cost me more and more money... I am beginning to think it might be time to start to survey what other options are out there .
Any good suggestions ? I have available in my area , Brighthouse, Fios, Direct and Dish...
Talked with dish unfortunately the tech didnt' have much info and had to do some searching to find out what needed to be done.. but I am scheduled for a tech service call to re-point the dish... of course it will cost me $15 to get .... some how everything Dish does anymore cost me more and more money... I am beginning to think it might be time to start to survey what other options are out there .
Any good suggestions ? I have available in my area , Brighthouse, Fios, Direct and Dish...

I keep hearing many good things about FiOS apart from the channel selection. But it isn't available in my area unfortunately.
Cparker and sixbears - seems like we have exactly the same dilemma.

I think EA with a wing dish at 110 will work, and I am going to call and ask for that. I don't have much faith with Intertech, it seems impossible to even talk with a person there, but I should be able to find someone who can do it, I hope.

However this requires receive upgrades as well, I probably have to go through dish to get them (and convince them to give them to me at a fair price).

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