Just an update...
I just spent the last 5 hours going through the list of recommended hosting I received. And after going through all of them, and reading a lot of reviews and doing some tests, I have ordered us a new server.
In the move we go from an AMD EPYC™ 7282 to a AMD EPYC™ 9634. But based on the feedback from Matt he feels we can move from 16 cores down to 12 cores. We are also moving down from 64 gig of ram to 32 gig as our current system is only using 20 gig of ram. His feeling is why pay more if we are not using it and still have a lot of memory spare.
We also will move from a 320 gig NVME setup to a 2 TB NVME setup. With that we will be moving the attachments back to our server and not serving it from the cloud server. This saves us greatly on CDN costs.
In addition as you may have seen I have purchased myself a QNAP Nas for Christmas, and have been backing up our server to the NAS since the end of January. I have been paying extra for external storage for the backups. This is another costs that can be eliminated.
We also pay another company to host our data files (CSS, Java, templates etc) in CDN, since these are the biggest and most accessed files on the sites I am for now keeping that CDN. Matt says we don't really need it, but in the end it does help things.
Matt has agreed to move SatelliteGuys from the old server to the new server and fully configure the new server for us.
He started working on the DNS and began moving the DNS servers off our current server and set our DNS up on a different server (in fact the same service that provides our CDN service. Because we already use them for CDN this service is provided to us by them for free.
So now we wait for the new server. He was going to start moving us today, but this host says it can take up to 24 hours for them to provision things.
And that is where we are at now. The current server is running... ok. I can see however it does have its moments.
Hopefully this will all be behind us soon.