Site is slooooow

I have another Linux Guru looking into things with me...

He is thinking is a routing issue at the ISP.

There appear to be some places right now that can't access us... and then there are other places that can.

Very strange.

I need to take up drinking. It's been a tough week for me. (at work - I quit yesterday but the big boss talked me into coming back.)
There is something wired doing on the server. And I am not sure what it is. If I log in the KVM all appears fine.

Unfortunately Matt is in the UK and fast asleep, so I am going to let things be until he wakes up If I had to guess I would say we are under attack again.

Sorry guys. :(
I haven't noticed anything.
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I have found that last nights issue was a routing issue just outside our ISP, which explains why some people had zero issues, yet others couldn't get here at all.

Also MattW has a server at the same location our server is in and had the same exact issue we had.

So glad it wasn't us.

Attached Files
