Site is slooooow

Scott, another weirdness that I'm seeing is when I check a thread by clicking the thread link, I am brought not to the first post after my last visit, but usually several posts before that. I'm seeing this using my iPad and Safari which are all up to date.
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Scott: Maybe you can add some "Premium" forums, (or convert some to that) that have a slight monthly fee to participate in them?

Already does that, Electric Cars and The Pit, problem with both, barely anyone participating in both, just the same old few people.
Just trying to brainstorm ways of covering the costs. If we throw out enough ideas, might be a few good ones in there.
Message Boards just do not get the people visiting any longer, those under 40 prefer Reddit and Discord.

It is similar to newspapers in today's world, the older folks still buy, younger, forget it.

Satellite TV ( Dish/DirecTV) losing 24 Million subscribers has not helped this site either.
Already does that, Electric Cars and The Pit, problem with both, barely anyone participating in both, just the same old few people.

Message Boards just do not get the people visiting any longer, those under 40 prefer Reddit and Discord.

It is similar to newspapers in today's world, the older folks still buy, younger, forget it.

Satellite TV ( Dish/DirecTV) losing 24 Million subscribers has not helped this site either.
Bruce, you aren't helping.

"Premium" should have a money fee attached to it. IF Scott charged for the PIT for instance, IMO, that alone could cover the monthly costs for this site considering the traffic it gets from people.
I am installing the new search now.

BTW Bobby emailed me and he said he was missing the editor to post a message or reply. I just had the same thing happen to me as well. After a few seconds however the editor finally appeared. That DOES sound like a caching issue. But whats strange is I did not make any changes before now.

And before now means ElasticSearch is installed on the server and now the Search Index is being indexed.

I will be clearing all the caches in a few minutes and hopefully no one else has the editor problem.
Bruce, you aren't helping.

"Premium" should have a money fee attached to it. IF Scott charged for the PIT for instance, IMO, that alone could cover the monthly costs for this site considering the traffic it gets from people.
Hmm maybe a fee for every "the president is an idiot" post.

No matter who is president, we would be making bank. :D :D :D
Found a good tutorial for optimizing the database server. I have made some changes to our config, but can not commit those changes until the search index finishes reindexing. And this Xenforo 2.3 takes a long time to reindex things as it now indexes all your direct messages (aka PM's) and I think we have something like 24 million PM's in the database. (Which is why I never allowed attachments in PM's as they would be stuck in the database forever) :D

BTW we had another $100 come in from another member, thank you!
Do these go away when everyone involved leaves the conversation?
They may in the newer versions of Xenforo, however they did NOT in the older versions.

Problem is I can't delete them as if I do there may be important PM's people have and want saved.

Good news is the rebuild is now past the direct messages.