Sirius S50 Signal Issues


New Member
Original poster
Dec 10, 2008
I originally got an S50 about 2 years ago, and it has worked great for a long time. I live just outside of DC, so I get plenty of terrestrial signal, so for the most part I'm ok. But when I leave the city recently the signal has been so spotty that it is completely useless. I did some research, and it sounds like the Sirius Antenna that comes with the radio doesn't last too long, so I purchased a new one. When I hooked that up, and then drove up to PA, the signal was just as bad as before. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

As recently as this summer I know that the signal was working great - I used to listen to my S50 the entire way from PA to DC without any major issues. But now I can only get signal in a few locations around the city...

Do you have the latest software update? I'm not sure if Sirius is blowing smoke up our butts, but they sent out e-mails, snail mail and I even got a phone call about updating my s50 with the latest firmware so that service is not interrupted. So if your having problems it might be worth a try but be warned, I know of a couple of users that the update bricked there units turning the into useless door stops.

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