Sirius raising prices!

I signed both mine up for 1 year deals in July. Appears this wont effect me because Ill be doing that again.

If they had made a big jump, i'd dial it back to 1 radio.

I think you will need to renew before price increase, if you wait until July to renew you will surely pay the higher price.
You people are all idiots!! Sirius/Xm is a fantastick thing. I felt they should have been charging for online streaming a long time ago. If you don't want to pay, you don't have too. The company is doing what they have to do to stay alive. If they don't, away they will go, and then you will have nothing. Everyone complains about everything that has been going on since time began. Disney raised their prices for their theme parks, but people still go. Movie theaters raise prices all the time, but people still go. Everything goes up in price, and people still buy. It is the cycle of life. If it is too much for you, then don't get it!! Sirius has to do something to stay alive!!
You people are all idiots!! Sirius/Xm is a fantastick thing. I felt they should have been charging for online streaming a long time ago. If you don't want to pay, you don't have too. The company is doing what they have to do to stay alive. If they don't, away they will go, and then you will have nothing. Everyone complains about everything that has been going on since time began. Disney raised their prices for their theme parks, but people still go. Movie theaters raise prices all the time, but people still go. Everything goes up in price, and people still buy. It is the cycle of life. If it is too much for you, then don't get it!! Sirius has to do something to stay alive!!

You don't get it do you. When XM raised the price from $9.99 to $12.95 they included the internet streaming as a paid feature.

You have been paying for streaming since then.

Now they are removing the streaming from the $12.95 accounts and are charging you $3 more to access this feature again.

That is a price increase on the base radio service, something they promised the government they were not going to do and is a violation of one of the agreements they made in order to get the merger approved.

I don't mind them removing streaming from the additional radio plans nor do I mind them rasing the rates on additional radios.

What they need to do is keep the streaming included with the first radio. This is the only way they wont violate the agreements they made with the government as part of the merger.
IMHO I think satellite radio is a flawed technology because it can be replaced very easily. I think it will be totally dead in 5 years. By then, the internet will be available on all of our mobile devices and in our cars. And we will be able to dial up any audio and video stream we will want.

5 years for broadband internet service to mobile vehicles traveling nationwide is a bit optimistic, don't you think? And let's see, what technology might be able to do a piece of that? Satellite.

Listening to pre-recorded music is fine. But what about when you need traffic and weather? You can hunt thru local AM/FM stations to try to find it. Granted, S/XM doesn't do a great job of this, but they do a piece of it.

If I had to pay for it myself, when my 6 month freebee runs out, I probably wouldn't. But it's a company car, so maybe I'll get the company to renew. Or maybe I'll get lucky and they won't shut it off. I'm not too strong in favor of them, and not too strong against them. I mostly listen to the 3 comedy channels, 103-105. And they've gone to too many repeats, third string comics, and "Hey Fellas" kind of commercials. LOT'S more commercials, just since August. All for placebos and debt relief. Annoying.

I suspect satellite radio can be a winner. Maybe whoever buys up the assets will restart the service, somewhat modified. Don't expect that to mean cheaper.
You don't get it do you. When XM raised the price from $9.99 to $12.95 they included the internet streaming as a paid feature.

You have been paying for streaming since then.

Now they are removing the streaming from the $12.95 accounts and are charging you $3 more to access this feature again.

That is a price increase on the base radio service, something they promised the government they were not going to do and is a violation of one of the agreements they made in order to get the merger approved.

I don't mind them removing streaming from the additional radio plans nor do I mind them rasing the rates on additional radios.

What they need to do is keep the streaming included with the first radio. This is the only way they wont violate the agreements they made with the government as part of the merger.

5 years for broadband internet service to mobile vehicles traveling nationwide is a bit optimistic, don't you think? And let's see, what technology might be able to do a piece of that? Satellite.

Listening to pre-recorded music is fine. But what about when you need traffic and weather? You can hunt thru local AM/FM stations to try to find it. Granted, S/XM doesn't do a great job of this, but they do a piece of it.

If I had to pay for it myself, when my 6 month freebee runs out, I probably wouldn't. But it's a company car, so maybe I'll get the company to renew. Or maybe I'll get lucky and they won't shut it off. I'm not too strong in favor of them, and not too strong against them. I mostly listen to the 3 comedy channels, 103-105. And they've gone to too many repeats, third string comics, and "Hey Fellas" kind of commercials. LOT'S more commercials, just since August. All for placebos and debt relief. Annoying.

I suspect satellite radio can be a winner. Maybe whoever buys up the assets will restart the service, somewhat modified. Don't expect that to mean cheaper.

It'll happen a lot sooner than 5 years. Don't forget all the analog TV stations are going digital, and the former spectrum has been sold to companies to provide OTA streaming and such. They'll only need cell type tech to do it, and no satellites need apply! It'll end up being so cheap to provide, it'll take over very quickly...
You don't get it do you. When XM raised the price from $9.99 to $12.95 they included the internet streaming as a paid feature.

You have been paying for streaming since then.

Now they are removing the streaming from the $12.95 accounts and are charging you $3 more to access this feature again.

That is a price increase on the base radio service, something they promised the government they were not going to do and is a violation of one of the agreements they made in order to get the merger approved.

I don't mind them removing streaming from the additional radio plans nor do I mind them rasing the rates on additional radios.

What they need to do is keep the streaming included with the first radio. This is the only way they wont violate the agreements they made with the government as part of the merger.

Actually, they included 32kbps free with the first radio. They are getting rid of this completely and going to 128kbps which has always cost 2.99. So they are essentialy taking away a feature of the 12.95 subscription, I don't really see this as any different from them removing a channel (from a gov't point of view). You are actually paying for something better then you received before at no cost.

I'm not happy by this news at all (and I'm fine with 32kpbs), but I'm just going to pay for 3 years of service and suck it up. Stern and Bubba get me through the day at work. I'll be paying $600.64 ($16.68/mo) as opposed to what I was paying at $19.94 for my two radios.

Considering I listen to Sirius for ~200 hours a month, and will only be paying $16.68/mo and I watch about 40 hours a month of non-OTA channels on E* and pay $85/month, I feel like I'm getting a bargain :)
Actually, they included 32kbps free with the first radio. They are getting rid of this completely and going to 128kbps which has always cost 2.99. So they are essentialy taking away a feature of the 12.95 subscription, I don't really see this as any different from them removing a channel (from a gov't point of view). You are actually paying for something better then you received before at no cost.

I'm not happy by this news at all (and I'm fine with 32kpbs), but I'm just going to pay for 3 years of service and suck it up. Stern and Bubba get me through the day at work. I'll be paying $600.64 ($16.68/mo) as opposed to what I was paying at $19.94 for my two radios.

Considering I listen to Sirius for ~200 hours a month, and will only be paying $16.68/mo and I watch about 40 hours a month of non-OTA channels on E* and pay $85/month, I feel like I'm getting a bargain :)

On XM there never was a "better" stream from what I remember that was just a Sirius thing.
It'll happen a lot sooner than 5 years. Don't forget all the analog TV stations are going digital, and the former spectrum has been sold to companies to provide OTA streaming and such. They'll only need cell type tech to do it, and no satellites need apply! It'll end up being so cheap to provide, it'll take over very quickly...

AHHH. They can't even get 3G rolled out, and that's not due to any frequency shortage. You're talking MAJOR capital outlays - billions of dollars to cover this county in 3G, or even the eventual [ame=""]4G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Samsung_4G_LTE_modem-4.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/d/de/Samsung_4G_LTE_modem-4.jpg/220px-Samsung_4G_LTE_modem-4.jpg[/ame] Or are you still counting on [ame=""]WiMAX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:WiMAX_equipment.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/d/d2/WiMAX_equipment.jpg/220px-WiMAX_equipment.jpg[/ame]

These things always take years more than expected, cost more, and deliver less.

Been thru this "next great thing" too many times now. I'll await the sound of your bubble bursting. Sorry.

"Nuclear power will be too cheap to meter!"
"Since you're paying for cable TV, there won't be any commercials!"
"Mini Discs are the next big thing!"
"Flying cars will be here soon!"
"Space hotels and vacations are just around the corner!"
"ENRON is the model of the future corporation!"
"This bank is SOLID!"
"We're from Washington, and we're here to help you!"
"This won't hurt a bit!"
etc. etc. etc.
Just got this e-mail from Sirius/XM

(I have 2 extra subscriptions)


We are offering select subscribers like you, who have multiple subscriptions, a special opportunity to lock in the current low rate on their additional radio subscriptions.

On March 11, 2009, the monthly rate for your discounted subscriptions will increase from $6.99 per month to $8.99 per month upon renewal.* You can lock in the current discounted monthly rate of $6.99 by choosing longer-term plans - but only if you act quickly.

And if you renew now, you can continue to listen online, FREE for the length of term you choose. Effective March 11, 2009, the online listening platform will be upgraded to a higher quality digital audio and no longer included as part of a base subscription at no charge.

Save with Longer Subscription Plans.
Depending on the Subscription Package and Plan you choose for each radio, you could enjoy an average annual savings of more than $90.00 with two radios on an Annual Plan if you act now. Save even more with two- and three-year plans. Rest assured, any credits on the account from payments made earlier will be applied to your renewal - you'll only be charged the difference.
just as tv providers are doing....raising rates , raising rates, raising rates, guess my sirius radio will end up like my tv subscription....CANCELLED.
I have straight and legal FTA and OTA dtv only now.
got tired of everytime i renewed my tv subs they went up or lost channels.
I saw this coming a mile away like so many others.

During the heated debates on the merger, I was all against it because the two companies were marketing Satellite radio completely wrong. The biggest thing about satellite radio is not that people want to see that Kid Rock, Jessica Simpson, or Snoop Dog use XM radio. It should have been all about the benefit of it. Commercial free radion, nation wide coverage, niche content (like 40's music, and old time radio shows), quality.

I still say if either of XM or Sirius, (and it still could hold true to Sirius/XM), could get Rush Limbaugh to sign up for broadcasting either exclusively, or to cut his some of his more rural contracts with over the air broadcasters and still allow him to retain the bigger markets like (WABC in New York), they could see their subscriber base jump two fold or more.

Think about it. The thing that went wrong with Stern was that he was supposed to make Sirius jump with a huge number of subscribers. But what they didn't do was their homework. The vast majority of Stern listeners are grease monkeys or factory workers and live in trailers, or they are college kids. They don't pay for luxury items like subscription radio. Hence Stern did not bring that masses to Sirius. Rush Limbaugh's audience will pay at least $12.95 a month to listen to him because its a demograph that can afford it.
just as tv providers are doing....raising rates , raising rates, raising rates, guess my sirius radio will end up like my tv subscription....CANCELLED.
I have straight and legal FTA and OTA dtv only now.
got tired of everytime i renewed my tv subs they went up or lost channels.

There are differences between cable/sat providers and sat radio.

Just a few of the differences-

1- cable/satellite provides commercial and premium channels from several content providers, Liberty, Rainblow, Viacom, TW, Turner, etc. Where as just about all the music channels on XM/Sirius are their own proprietary channels. When they were separate, all the music channels were different, yet still proprietary to each. When they merged, they consolidated the channels. It isn't like you can get a set of channels from provider A, B, or C, like you can with TV. You want satellite radio, you have one choice, XM Sirius.

2- while costs for TV have gone up, I for one am much happier with what I am paying for as opposed to what I was paying for 5, 4, 3, 2, or even 1 year ago with TV. It just gets better and better as time goes by. They can justify the cost increase.

3- In my opinion, satellite radio has gone WAY downhill in the last year, specifically since they merged the music channels. I lost my favorite channels. I was already on the fence about canceling, leaning towards canceling, this rate increase just pushes me to my final conclusion; CANCEL! My wife is unhappy with the goings on too. We are out.

Sure, there are people out there that cannot live without satellite radio, but I personally do not value satellite radio in my car nearly as much as I value my FIOS and DirecTV on the homefront. It is apples and oranges. I will just listen to MP3 CDs in my car or Internet radio via my mini laptop or PDA on the 3G cell network.

Beyond all that. In this economy, this is the worst time in satellite radio's existance to raise rates. I think when the dust settles and they count the number of people canceling compared to the extra money they make with the rate increases, they will actually end up worse off financially. Not just for a little while, but over the next year or two, which are critical to their future existance.

Sirius XM / Liberty Reach Deal

Sirius S50 recording problem
