Sirius Promo code available?


Original poster
Dec 11, 2003
I think I would prefer Sirius over XM. Does anyone have a promo code that could give me a similar deal to the $49 Roady on XM?
What's the yearly price for subscription?

Would these promos require a certian subscription or would it work with the monthly?

What is the cheapest someone can get for a boombox and a PNP?
I found and used a promo code. You have to sign up for a minimum of 3 months. The Audiovox PNP was $49 with a free car kit or home kit. They also had special prices for other tuners and boombox. Great deal I thought.
That is the same boombox. It's a Jensen branded one to go with the Jensen PNP in Wal-Mart stores, but it'll work with the Audiovox PNP1 or 2 as well.

eminem and maxium chanel for sirius

Sirius rebate
