Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

... Then again I don't expect much from installers.....

Excuse me..., I have been in the industry for nearly 20 years and probably know more about home Satellite & Home theater than you ever will. I looked through your posts, you seem to be pulling everything you know from what you can see of you own personal system.

I know about D*s 1 coax to 2 tuner technology, but the last I heard it was VERY expensive and not feasible in a normal home installation. From what I can find online now, it is still hard to come by and not free or even cheap yet.

Dish uses one cable and then splits it at the receiver for both tuners. However if that same dual tuner receiver is going to go to an additional tv then you will need another cable from the receiver to the other TV.

You do not need more than 1 line for any of the twin tuner 2TV E* receivers (622, 722, etc). With a "diplexor" and "separator", parts we have been using for ~3 years, you can do the work of 3 lines with one.

Oh how I miss the days when our high end HT shops installers would do the installs

I was the top sat. installer for the biggest custom HT company in SW Washington State, until I was hired away by a small local, "satellite only" co. in 2002, When the custom HT Co. need satellite work done they contract with my company to do the installs working with their HT specialists.

You may not agree with my opinion on the HD situation between D* & E* but don't question my knowledge on the install side.

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We sell & install E* & D*. Out of 100 installs probably 1-3 are D*, E* is just that much better.
It's the exact opposite here. I spot new Slimline's nearly everyday, yet never see a new E* install. I know an installer here and he says since D* added all the HD, most of his jobs are removing E* and installing D*.
We sell & install E* & D*. Out of 100 installs probably 1-3 are D*, E* is just that much better. The D* receivers are pieces of crap and have been for years.
Brad, I dont doubt that in your install base that E* is MORE POPULAR. In others it is the exact reverse. Doesnt mean one is better than the other, in most cases it means that the installers push one harder than the other. I had an installer out yesterday to reinstall a dish 500 dish at our office, he also installs both. I asked him when he started installing D* too, since I saw the equipment on his truck. He told me that that is pretty much all he fools with these days. My point is, it varies from place to place.

Your view on the D* receivers is you opinion, and you are welcome to it, however it is very subjective. Most people outside of these forums, have trouble free experiences with the D* equipment.
Excuse me..., I have been in the industry for nearly 20 years and probably know more about home Satellite & Home theater than you ever will. I looked through your posts, you seem to be pulling everything you know from what you can see of you own personal system.

I know about D*s 1 coax to 2 tuner technology, but the last I heard it was VERY expensive and not feasible in a normal home installation. From what I can find online now, it is still hard to come buy and not cheap or free yet.

You do not need more than 1 line for any of the twin tuner 2TV E* receivers (622, 722, etc). With a "diplexor" and "separator", parts we have been using for ~3 years, you can do the work of 3 lines with one.

I was the top sat. installer for the biggest custom HT company in SW Washington State, until I was hired away by a small local, "satellite only" co. in 2002, When the custom HT Co. need satellite work done they contract with my company to do the installs working with their HT specialists.

You may not agree with my opinion on the HD situation between D* & E* but don't question my knowledge on the install side.


I'm sure you know more about sats than I do. Perhaps you failed to read my posts properly because I never claimed to be an all knowing God of sat.

How many people in the company you work for know or even care about what they are doing? You failed to understand my point. Most installers don't care what happens one way or another and are flat out lazy. It was different when you could use your own installer and make sure you got a good one. HT custom shops usually have great installers, you should know you worked for one!

You really are taking these comments way too personally.

As far as the E* only needs one line reply, you really should read what I said carefully because you said exactly what I did. There is one line going in and when you reach that nifty 622 or w/e it is you have thats TWO tuners they split that single line into two cables that go into that unit. Once again we said the same thing! Now if you mean that you can connect two separate TVs with one line from a 622 then thats something I would like to see! Unless my 622 was different from everyone else's once the sat inputs were plugged in a coax line went to the other TV.

As for the rest of what you said in the original post, I don't agree with it at all. E* WAS great for HD but then they went and downrezzed. You may not care about that and maybe what matters to you is how many channels say HD. I on the other hand primarily care about PQ and currently D* has much better PQ than E*. Their DVR is not crap and actually has some nice features that E* does not and vice versa. Both units have their benefits and disadvantages, but neither is crap. You obviously have a preference for E* and thats great, good for you! I on the other hand have a preference for who gives me the best PQ. Currently with what is available to me thats D*, should that change I will leave and go to the company that provides what I want. Its that simple. Here in Miami E* is a rare and I do mean rare site. You could walk a 1 mile radius and see the difference. I did it this morning when I walked my dogs. In total out of every house that had sat and apartment complexes there were a total of 7 E* dishes compared to 73 D* dishes. Most were three LNB dishes from D* and for E* most were Dish 500. I did not see any pointing to 61.5. In this an accurate representation? By no means is it, but neither is your comment. :D

You may not agree with my comments and thats fine, but that won't make me change what I said. Most installers are not good at what they do or a better way of putting it may be, they don't want to do their job. Perhaps its because they are underpaid. Very rarely do you see here or on any other forum someone saying how their installer did a good job. Are there good installers? Yes there are, but not many.

From the day D* stopped allowing anyone to install their units, I have had nothing but problems with installers. The same goes when I switched to E*, but thankfully when I moved back to D* it wasn't as bad. Alas don't worry installers aren't the worst thing in sat. business, that title goes to E* outsourced customer service!

I'm sure your a good installer, but your market isn't the only one and neither is mine. Those new slimline dishes are available in certain markets from what I have read so depending on the market that may be an option for an individual who wants a one line solution.
Your view on the D* receivers is you opinion, and you are welcome to it, however it is very subjective. Most people outside of these forums, have trouble free experiences with the D* equipment.

I've had a trouble free experience with my D* receiver so far. Pretty much the same thing when I had my 622, except for that time when their software release caused HD corruption and we got messages saying our HD needed to be reformatted. Didn't bother me too much since I just did a reset and avoided the reformat. From my experience both are good units and there are things I like from each one.
Yes, Sunday afternoon... I have them all on my HR20, haven't got to them yet other than about :30 minutes... will be handier to have SciFiiHD on Dish as you can send individual programs to External HDD... Btw SGA looks awesome ;)

HR20, isn't that a Direct TV receiver? I thought this was the Dish forum...I'm confused.
Sorry, No real point for this post, just that the post count in the forum read 666 replies, can't have that. This is a SciFi based thread.
Brad, I dont doubt that in your install base that E* is MORE POPULAR. In others it is the exact reverse. Doesnt mean one is better than the other, in most cases it means that the installers push one harder than the other. I had an installer out yesterday to reinstall a dish 500 dish at our office, he also installs both. I asked him when he started installing D* too, since I saw the equipment on his truck. He told me that that is pretty much all he fools with these days. My point is, it varies from place to place.

Your view on the D* receivers is you opinion, and you are welcome to it, however it is very subjective. Most people outside of these forums, have trouble free experiences with the D* equipment.

I never had many problems with D* receivers. same amount with E*'s. Neither stick out in my mind. What sticks out in my mind is the need for more HD from E*;)
same here MadTown; I had D for about 6 years, with no problems, I had VOOM, for their entire life, with no problems, and now I have had E for about 8 months with no problems..
I have been lucky; most of my installers were good; being nice and polite and friendly to them never hurts. They have a thankless, miserable job, their pay is a joke, and they are usually annoyed by nosy customers from the minute they walk in the house, until they drive away...
And, I still find it amusing how so many folks have totally forgotten how long E had the HD "lead", until the recent D HD additions, and what an uproar there is because E hasnt added the EXACT SAME HD channels that D has.
As many have already said, soon, they will both have the SAME EXACT channels, and then the marketplace will determine who has the most customers..Until then, I will somehow learn to surive without Sci-Fi and the Weather Channel in HD...Maybe its a good time to turn the damn boob tube off for a few hours a week, and actually get a life....
And, I still find it amusing how so many folks have totally forgotten how long E had the HD "lead", until the recent D HD additions, and what an uproar there is because E hasnt added the EXACT SAME HD channels that D has.

As many have already said, soon, they will both have the SAME EXACT channels, and then the marketplace will determine who has the most customers.

Maybe it's that Charlie has forgotten that he said E* would continue to be the HD leader. No mention was made that there would be some unknown number of months where they would fall behind D* and even some cable systems.

As for the we'll have the same exact channels soon, it would be nice if E* said exactly what they'll be doing to accomplish this. Until very recently people were saying that once E* get's the new sats up that they'll be able to match D*. Now you hear the rumors on this site about the "Eastern Arc" project where E*'s going to make a new MPEG4 service at 61.5 and some other eastern slot and that service can do 100 national HD channels. That 100 number is 50 less then what D* says they'll have capacity for once D11 goes operational. There's also been some of the west coast folks chime in that say if 61.5 is required that they're screwed since they don't have LOS due and they need the "Western Arc" whenever that happens. If all this eastern arc stuff is true, does that mean that there won't be any new HD for the existing based of customers? Sorry, IMHO there's just too many unknowns and questions to be able to say soon.
Not to jack this thread, but when will Dish start giving us Sci-Fi in HD?
Makes me wonder, if the answer is never, which it seems like after 670 some odd posts and how many months into this thread. Funny thing is, if I recall, don't want to look back, but I think at the begining those in the know were saying, just a couple of days.
Its good for the D* subs that D*'s sats were not delayed worse than they were (are) cause I'm pretty sure that if D10 wasn't up and all D* was able to do was continue to have advertised the HD channels they've launched since September, boy would D* fanboys be pissed.

The majority of members of this site are TV fanboys, (E*, D* or otherwise). They are not the average TV consumer, and so don't even remotely represent the level of potential animosity over the number of HD channels that a provider offers (or doesnt yet offer). Most TV consumers look to see what a provider (or a couple of providers) offer. If that provider offers what they want, and costs about the right amount, they'll go with them.

I think the only average TV consumers who are pissed at this point are those who were promised something that didn't materialize, so very smart of E* to keep quiet for now. They are obviously very busy, and we'll eventually have the channels we desire.
Not to jack this thread, but when will Dish start giving us Sci-Fi in HD?

I agree I'm begginng to get very upset over this , these azzclowns had Sci-fi & USA HD uplinked back in dec , so its been there before , if the problem is space than get rid of some of them dam shopping ch , this has gonne beyond to long on those 2 ch:mad: , PLEASE PUT THESE CH up NOW , dish !!
I watched Stargate Atlantis for the first time in HD last night on D* Looked good. Keeping E* for now to see how it all plays out.

Both services have their pros and cons.

...You do not need more than 1 line for any of the twin tuner 2TV E* receivers (622, 722, etc). With a "diplexor" and "separator", parts we have been using for ~3 years, you can do the work of 3 lines with one...

However if the OTA feed is involved you are likely to need a second cable for that because OTA is on the same band as the modulated TV2 band range, but I can see maybe some channel isolation device is used to avoid such conflict, is this done on your job, if so then you are quite specialized. I know average installers can not do that.

That said it is absolutely true that the more cable runs required by the new DirecTV HDDVR service is causing a lot of problems for the installers, causing a lot of grief for both the installers and the new customers of which first impression is critical. Not to mention the much bigger and heavier "Slimline" dish that limits where it can be installed sometimes, in addition to the WAF (wife approval factor). DISH is just so much easier to install.

Even with the above though, DirecTV seems to be beating DISH hands down right now, admittedly that is only my perception. The Q4 DISH numbers will be out in a few days so we shall see. D*'s Q4 numbers we already knew are quite good.

How is the above to do with the topic? Well if SciFiHD is added today, it may change the history:) or not.
However if the OTA feed is involved you are likely to need a second cable for that because OTA is on the same band as the modulated TV2 band range, but I can see maybe some channel isolation device is used to avoid such conflict, is this done on your job, if so then you are quite specialized. I know average installers can not do that.
Monkeys can diplex in locals on a E* satellite cable. The information for picking modulated channels is right there in the manual for the receiver. What requires a lot more experience is if you're trying to diplex in digital CATV.

On the D*ark side, diplexing OTA requires quite a bit more effort and the literature says that you cannot do it.

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