Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

After just talking to my brother who has a FTA dish he now can see the following channels up there in test mode.
9483 - mgm
9484 - mojo
9492 - smithsonian
9494 - fishing wfn

I can't see them yet on Dish but they must be coming soon. He still doesn't see SCI-FI or USA yet, Bummer.
I haven't read the fine print but can't you buy your way out of a DN contract? Does anyone know details or have experience they can provide?

It's just not sci fi Brad. D has a lot of other channels that E doesn't. Just look at the Premium Channels. With E you get one feed. With D you get multiple feeds. Yes Network etc. It just seems that for now D is aggressive towards HD and E is not. Every decent channel seems to be a battle. Look at TBS last year for the baseball playoffs. Your right though, eventually everything will be HD and everyone will have everything. Then people will go with the best company versus content. I am not going with D because I think they are a better company and surely not for the their DVR I'm going for the content.

For me it's the not knowing E's plans. Will they add this year? What channels? They don't even speak about it. If asked directly all they will say is we will add channels.

I think E's timing here is BAD. I was just reading an article in the Sunday paper talking about the scare this all digital Feb 09 date is putting into people and they mentioned that many people are now looking to "update" their service and are looking to Sat companies. Also in that Sunday paper as is every week was the full color D brochure.

Finally to sum it up for me, I think Charlie is to chincy on his fighting with providers under the guise to save us money. Others have the channels we want and pay no more then we pay. And this stance concerns me as more and more HD comes online and Charlie gets in the trenches. Hell, just look at Charlie chat and that in itself scares me.

After just talking to my brother who has a FTA dish he now can see the following channels up there in test mode.
9483 - mgm
9484 - mojo
9492 - smithsonian
9494 - fishing wfn

I can't see them yet on Dish but they must be coming soon. He still doesn't see SCI-FI or USA yet, Bummer.

Problem is even and if they go live they are not the channels that most are looking for so if this is E's HD offering for the foreseeable future then I don't think it will be very satisfying to most.

After being a loyal Dish subscriber for 5 years I've had it with being behind in content - especially this fiasco about Sci-Fi and USA. I just did a comparison and I'd be crazy not to go to Direc. Believe me, I was the staunchest supporter of Dish, but I honoestly feel like we've been let down too many times and this was the last straw. After doing a comparison of the HD content alone between the two - you'd have to be pretty blind not to want to jump over to Direc. Price is also another problem I see - paying $105 on Dish for what I can get for $85 (including taxes here and no monthly discounts) on last day on Dish will be this Friday...and I bet they will add USA and Sci-Fi that very morning. :)
Make a point of telling them why you left. It may do us that you left behind some good :p

The main reason why I left was E* refused to lease me a 3rd HDDVR, I had to pay $500 to own one because of their 4-tuner limit on lease. I tried for two months finally gave up, switched to D*. I told them why many times, including the three times they called me after I shipped the recievers back to them.

I heard something that now you can lease three HDDVR's, is that true? If so my complaint seemed to have worked, and next time E* calles me again asking me why I left, I will then tell them they need to add Scifi and USA. Just let me know what I should tell them:)
As frustrating as it is that we have been waiting for a few months for "SciFi HD" and maybe a couple others, have we forgotten how long E* was the HD leader? D* takes the lead for a relatively short period of time and people are jumping ship? 3-6 months from now E* will probably catch up and maybe pass D* and people will be switching back and/or wishing they never left. We sell & install E* & D*. Out of 100 installs probably 1-3 are D*, E* is just that much better. The D* receivers are pieces of crap and have been for years. They are VERY sluggish, like using an E* receiver from 1998. The 2 tuner DVRs need 2 coax lines to them making installs in newer/nicer houses difficult if not impossible. EHD storage and being able to record in 1 room and watch the recording in a another with the dual tuner E* receivers is not to be dismissed either.

I can't wait for SciFi HD either, but I will. I am waiting on SciFi HD so I can go to the HD only package, but my daughter likes Nickelodeon etc, don't know how to get around that :)


You really should keep up with changes, if you do install D*. Then again I don't expect much from installers. Oh how I miss the days when our high end HT shops installers would do the installs. The good ol' days those were.
The main reason why I left was E* refused to lease me a 3rd HDDVR, I had to pay $500 to own one because of their 4-tuner limit on lease. I tried for two months finally gave up, switched to D*. I told them why many times, including the three times they called me after I shipped the recievers back to them.

I heard something that now you can lease three HDDVR's, is that true? If so my complaint seemed to have worked, and next time E* calles me again asking me why I left, I will then tell them they need to add Scifi and USA. Just let me know what I should tell them:)
tell them you went to hollyacazonasouthamericaland....:confused:
it started from the holiday Virgin mobile ads from a couple of years ago and is what AT&T is using in some of their current ads. It's a mix of several different words/cities and put into one single word.

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