Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

Monkeys can diplex in locals on a E* satellite cable. The information for picking modulated channels is right there in the manual for the receiver. What requires a lot more experience is if you're trying to diplex in digital CATV.

On the D*ark side, diplexing OTA requires quite a bit more effort and the literature says that you cannot do it.

You must be a super monkey or maybe it's time for our closest relatives to take charge of this planet:)

You can not simply use diplexers to combine OTA with DISH sat signals and also the TV2 modulated channel from the 622/722, on a single cable. Some type of band clipping or separation is needed if even possible. OTA and TV2 use the same band, which interfere with each other. At least that was what the installer told me.

You only need one cable if you do OTA, or TV2, but not both. As far as D* being the dark side, plenty of people may say the opposite. If you are a SciFi and HD nut, it is pretty dark in here as far as I can tell.

Yes it will be more difficult to diplex OTA on DirecTV but the new DirecTV HDDVR's don't even have OTA tuners anymore because they now carry most all HD locals in over 67 markets (?) so OTA is not even necessary.
Yes it will be more difficult to diplex OTA on DirecTV ...

Yea, it's really hard to do, put the BBC (inside, it's not weather rated) after the switch (either external or the one in the dish) and before the diplexor. Much simpler then trying to figure out which one of the many differnet types of dishes you need to point to whatever satellite on E*.
Yea, it's really hard to do, put the BBC (inside, it's not weather rated) after the switch (either external or the one in the dish) and before the diplexor. Much simpler then trying to figure out which one of the many differnet types of dishes you need to point to whatever satellite on E*.

That is not fair though, there is no question E* install is much easier, smaller dish, less cables needed. But all the convenience is no good if people don't have the channels they want.

Cable is by far the easiest to install, I hope many here don't make that a point to switch to cable.
That is not fair though, there is no question E* install is much easier, smaller dish, less cables needed. But all the convenience is no good if people don't have the channels they want.

My point was that diplexing D* isn't that hard. As for E* dish(s), yes some people can get by with one smaller dish, while others need two dishes and for 129 some people have said they need to get a >30" dish. So yes, cabling with D* can be harder but E* can also be harder due to needing multiple dishes and an external switch to make it all work.

I do agree withe your programming comment. Goes along with what good is having a E* DVR if you can't record a program you want because E* doesn't carry the channel?
You can not simply use diplexers to combine OTA with DISH sat signals and also the TV2 modulated channel from the 622/722, on a single cable. Some type of band clipping or separation is needed if even possible. OTA and TV2 use the same band, which interfere with each other. At least that was what the installer told me.

Well, the installer was either ignorant or misinformed. You can diplex in both directions on the Satellite cable. It has been done, but I have not done it.
Well, the installer was either ignorant or misinformed. You can diplex in both directions on the Satellite cable. It has been done, but I have not done it.

Of course you can combine the OTA and TV2 in both directions because they are non-directional, but if the two interfere with each other it will not work. But I can imagine if you pick TV2 band (the E* DVR's allow a larger enough band range for you to pick) correctly to avoid conflict with OTA bands, that may be the ticket but you must agree it is more complicated than most people would be able to manage.

In fact I had initially tried just that but it was just so many layers of splitters, diplexers, signal drop offs and interference, using a second cable was so much easier.
Hopefully we can get back to the task at hand and try to get into Charlie's head
And figure out why we do not have SCI HD yet. and I agree if D* had a better DVR
I would jump ship.
I did jump ship. I will have the install this sat morn. I might have waited if E* would have told us what they are doing. Well anyway, I will get Scifi-HD and many others come this sat. I will also get "my" locals in HD. I want have to "move" with D. I did not have a dvr from E* I had my own dvd-r/hdd dvr unit. I did go with the D HD-dvr. I have installed E* and used their dvr. You can talk about how great they are all you want, but there are lemons in all of them. As far a D dvr goes, it seems they keep refining it. They may end up with a great dvr. But in the end the one question for me was, "who has the programing I want?"

I'm out too.

Dish seems to have no idea what HD channels they have, one week it's 24, next week its 40 something and then it's 70. I can't get a honest answer about anything so screw it.

Costco has a great offer for DTV and I'm taking it...getting $200 of a new HDTV plus $150 off getting a new HD DVR and I always like the TIVO setup better anyway.

Later Dish....
Costco has a great offer for DTV and I'm taking it...getting $200 of a new HDTV plus $150 off getting a new HD DVR and I always like the TIVO setup better anyway.

Later Dish....
Look, I have D* and am very pleased with it, but you do realize that Direct has no TIVO boxes anymore dont you?
Well, the installer was either ignorant or misinformed. You can diplex in both directions on the Satellite cable. It has been done, but I have not done it.

I've done exactly that for several years with a 625 and 622 and had no problems. You just have to make sure you pick a channel for the TV2 feed that doesn't interfere with the OTA.

To the installer's point, I believe the FCC says you need to filter out the TV2 before it gets to the antenna, so you aren't broadcasting it and causing interference for other people. You would need a notch filter at the TV2 output frequency to prevent that.
I always like the TIVO setup better anyway.

You're going to be disappointed, D* doesn't use the Tivo interface in their DirecTV branded DVR's. I had three Tivo interface boxes before replacing them, the D* interface is different but unless you're looking for a Tivo specific feature like sugguestions it can do the rest of the functions.
Yea, I'm understanding it's not TIVO anymore. Costco has a great deal $200 off a 30" HDTV when activating DTV which we have been looking to get, another $50 and $100 off the HD DVR. Also, they are going $20 off the bill for a year too and I will finally get Spike, SciFi, Versus, and the other channels I'm tired of waiting on D to give me.
Some type of band clipping or separation is needed if even possible. OTA and TV2 use the same band, which interfere with each other. At least that was what the installer told me.
Unless you have 25 or more OTA TV stations (not channels), there's room in there to diplex the distribution feed without need for frequency traps. All you need is two "holes" that are at least three channels in size to slip in your channels.

Satellite installers are not necessarily the leading authority on home distribution systems or they would probably be home theater installers.
Of course you can combine the OTA and TV2 in both directions because they are non-directional, but if the two interfere with each other it will not work. But I can imagine if you pick TV2 band (the E* DVR's allow a larger enough band range for you to pick) correctly to avoid conflict with OTA bands, that may be the ticket but you must agree it is more complicated than most people would be able to manage.

In fact I had initially tried just that but it was just so many layers of splitters, diplexers, signal drop offs and interference, using a second cable was so much easier.

That's the reason the agile modulator allows you to set the output frequency from the receiver to such a wide range of channels, to avoid local channels.

Interference is not necessary it can be avoidedand it is not difficult for those that read the manual.
Wrong about OTA not being necessary


Yes it will be more difficult to diplex OTA on DirecTV but the new DirecTV HDDVR's don't even have OTA tuners anymore because they now carry most all HD locals in over 67 markets (?) so OTA is not even necessary.

Not all HD is available over the markets. Take CW11 for example. HD in Smallville, Supernatural, etc. is not available via sattelite in most places so thats where OTA comes in handy. Also remember that with E* you can record three shows at once (THATS RIGHT THREE) if one of the shows is OTA. I do this quite a bit and is one of the two reasons I haven't jumped ship yet. The second being the receiver is WAAAYYYY better. I have used the D* new receivers and I dont care what people think they SUCK - my wife tried it and hates it. And although SCIFI and USA are two of my fav channels I will wait it out just for those two reasons. Its not as if I need HD on those two right now - after all its not going to cause the world will end.

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