Monkeys can diplex in locals on a E* satellite cable. The information for picking modulated channels is right there in the manual for the receiver. What requires a lot more experience is if you're trying to diplex in digital CATV.
On the D*ark side, diplexing OTA requires quite a bit more effort and the literature says that you cannot do it.
You must be a super monkey or maybe it's time for our closest relatives to take charge of this planet

You can not simply use diplexers to combine OTA with DISH sat signals and also the TV2 modulated channel from the 622/722, on a single cable. Some type of band clipping or separation is needed if even possible. OTA and TV2 use the same band, which interfere with each other. At least that was what the installer told me.
You only need one cable if you do OTA, or TV2, but not both. As far as D* being the dark side, plenty of people may say the opposite. If you are a SciFi and HD nut, it is pretty dark in here as far as I can tell.
Yes it will be more difficult to diplex OTA on DirecTV but the new DirecTV HDDVR's don't even have OTA tuners anymore because they now carry most all HD locals in over 67 markets (?) so OTA is not even necessary.