Rumor Alert: SuperDish Coming Soon to Many

I read it as just moving the wing channels to a superdish so all the channels will be on one dish.
BFG said:
I read it as just moving the wing channels to a superdish so all the channels will be on one dish.

If they moved ALL of the local channels, they would have to replace EVERY local channel subscriber's dish with a SuperDISH (assuming they didn't already have one) which would maximize their costs. Would make more sense to just move those locals affected by the legislation.
chaddux said:
So, are you saying ALL locals will be put on 105 or just those locals currently requiring two satellites to receive all local channels. My locals are on 110 and I have heard lots of bad things about SuperDISH reception.

The reception problems are supposed to be cured with the new satellite.
Speaking firmly from my position I will say Dish will have no problems making the poor judgement of telling a customer if they want 121 and 105, that they'll need 2 superdishes and a DP44.
chaddux said:
If they moved ALL of the local channels, they would have to replace EVERY local channel subscriber's dish with a SuperDISH (assuming they didn't already have one) which would maximize their costs. Would make more sense to just move those locals affected by the legislation.

that's what this is about, moving those affected by the legislation. Which is 36 markets, the list is on page 2.
MikeD-C05 said:
Charlie has been buying back his stock at a fast rate. Maybe to get up the money to buyout Voom?

Buying back stock is a use of cash, not a source of cash. :eureka
Personally I do not believe many if any of those split markets will end up on 105, these are mostly Top25 markets and would mean a lot of upgrades and pissed off subs for having to go through the hassle. What I suspect will happen is that a lot off these markets will be shifted around in order to open up spotbeam space to place most of the largest markets, especially NYC and LA all on a spotbeam or 2, others will relocate all of their locals to 61.5, 148 or 157, with some subs being forced to add a 2nd dish to get their locals period, a few current smaller markets may be forced to 105, however I suspect that the majority of subs will not have to upgrade to a SuperDish except in a handful of markets. Also, if the House of Representatives bill with the "one dish rule" survives after the Senate/House combination bill gets approved E* will have 1 year to do this and if E10 is launched on time will open up a lot of additional spotbeam bandwidth. Besides how much room is left on 105 even after the new 105 satellite is launched in a few days?
mike123abc said:
Dish could actually design a slightly larger SuperDish that can do both 105 and 121. This would take care of the customers that have LIL on 121 (or want internationals) and want HD on 105. The wing satellites are just poor choices for national programming. It would be far better to put something like LIL HDTV on the wings.

Now as a transition Dish could put the wayward LIL on 105 until E10 launches and then move a lot of the LIL to E10 and clear out space on 105 for even more HDTV on 105.

Actually it would probably be better long term to put the HD on 121. Since Dish just got the extra spectrum at 121.

No, this would bump the size up too far for them to actually be allowed to use it. There is still that 1 meter dish size problem. As for switching from the 121 to the 105, all you need is the center LNB setup, whihc is unique to either FSS bird. The 121 has the 119 LNB on the same part, and the 105 has the 110 on the same part.

As for putting HD on the 121, don't you have to upgrade the LNB to use that spectrum?
I can just see how costly this will be now....

Will DISH provide the DPP44 switch for free for this upgrade?
I'm sure that E* has a plan. It looks like all the international channels will eventually move to the 121, especially due to the low percentage of subscribers that have them

The 105 will be used for new HD, as was originally planned last fall, if AMC15 works out.

The 61.5 could be used for LiLs since it really has no real purpose for E* other than that. Buying V* would be one of the more idiotic mistakes Charlie could make, since they don't even have anywhere near the subs to make it worthwhile, and E* doesn't have any sats anywhere near it(other than the 83/85) that can even be put on 1 dish.

The 148/157 could be used as an alternative dish 500 for the west coast and Alaska/Hawaii. And, with newer spotbean sats, all that would be needed ina lot of cases would be a repoint(or move dish due to trees). With spot sats at those locations, you would almost eliminate the need to put any locals on any SD. The main diadvantage to this is that they wpuld need an FSS sat for that area to make a SuperDish work from that coast as well. Maybe mirroring 3 different sats would be expensive, but it would definately give E* a way to give the whole country access to as much programming as possible.

As to the other slots, the 83/85/109, it's hard to tell what they are up to. All we can do is speculate....
Perhaps they will just take only the channels that are on 61.5 to 105 which means that if someone still ends up not getting a SuperDish put up they still get the same locals they get today without adding or changing the dish. Could Dish Network get away with not replacing most customers with a SuperDish or is it required for them to do so?
hmm, It might be a loophole they're going for ;)

Technically they're putting them on 1 dish, but not solving anything, because the people without a superdish will still be shy the channels.
BFG said:
hmm, It might be a loophole they're going for ;)

Technically they're putting them on 1 dish, but not solving anything, because the people without a superdish will still be shy the channels.

That sounds like Charlie's reasoning. One dish "technically" being the superdish. Then you could keep things exactly as they are on the 110 and 119 satellites but just move the less viewed channels to 105. Technically it is all on one Superdish. I doubt the Fcc would like this but it sounds just like what Charlie would come up to thumb his nose at them again. :rolleyes:
The current satellite at 105, AMC-2 has 60 watts per TP. Its replacement AMC-15 which is scheduled to be launched this Thursday has 140 watts per TP. I don't think anyone will have reception problems with this power upgrade and a smaller dish for a 105 standalone maybe possible. If HD is put at 105, I certainly would prefer a second standalone Ku-band FSS dish instead of the Superdish.

AMC-2 has 24 TPs at 12 channels per TP and is almost full, perhaps another 12 to 18 channels will fill it completely. AMC-15 has 24 TPs but can handle 16 channels per TP, therefore it has 33% more capacity than AMC-2 and will have at least 8 TPs empty even with all the existing local channels at 105. In addition, if Dish puts 3 HD channels per TP it is equivalent to 2 HD channels per TP on 110 and 4 HD channels would probably be slightly better than 3 HD channels per TP on 110. AMC-15 will give Dish capacity for 24 - 32 HD channels. This is far more HD capacity than what could be put on 61.5 without moving massive amounts of channels.

AMC-16 will also be leased by Dish and is exactly the same as AMC-15 but it will go to 85 W. It is scheduled to launch on December 16, 2004. Dish could put up to 96 HD channels or 384 SD channels on it.

My theory is that Dish will move the HD Package channels off of 110. The premium movie HD channels will stay at 110 since they are packaged with the SD movie channels. The HD distant networks could go either to the wings or to 105.

If you want to read some additional discussion on the single dish for locals legislation see this thread:

Twenty of the top 25 markets have splits locals on a wing satellite. I do not think Dish will move any of the locals off of the wings until E-10 is launched and operational hopefully in late 2005.
MikeD-C05 said:
That sounds like Charlie's reasoning. One dish "technically" being the superdish. Then you could keep things exactly as they are on the 110 and 119 satellites but just move the less viewed channels to 105. Technically it is all on one Superdish. I doubt the Fcc would like this but it sounds just like what Charlie would come up to thumb his nose at them again. :rolleyes:

FCC said "one dish solution" meaning an entire DMA on one dish (not totally the same core dish) but I guess Charlie wants to take that "physically" and throw everything on the SD and stick his tounge out at FCC :-)
mattb said:
FCC said "one dish solution" meaning an entire DMA on one dish (not totally the same core dish) but I guess Charlie wants to take that "physically" and throw everything on the SD and stick his tounge out at FCC :-)

Actually Dish has a few markets that have their locals on both 110 and 119 including Denver. Is a D500 a core dish or is it a D300? Why can't a core dish be a Superdish?
Thats exactly what I was getting at, this is another way of Dish getting out of having to replace everyone's dishes, by just putting the less viewed channels at 105 and 121 instead. That dont mean that they will necesarily get the dishes unless forced to do so by the FCC. Doesn't seem to have accomplished much after all since the customers still wouldnt get the dish needed to receive all the channels. If Dish Network has to provide a free SuperDish to a lot of subscribers for these extra channels then I can see a lot of those subcribers getting them just to resell online seeing their value.

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