Rumor Alert: SuperDish Coming Soon to Many

Yes, it's silly for the markets that have 1 or two channels. How hard is it to move those channels on the same dish as the main locals?
for Mpls, its tough
All 3 spotbeams (2,8,10) are full. Heck, Duluth has 6 channels and they are spread across the 3
2 on 2
3 on 8
1 on 10

There wouldnt have been an issue, but Duluth has 2 NBC stations (KRII is a translator of KBJR). They show almost the same (parts of the news are different), yet they both are carried. They both qualified for must carry since KRII is licensed to Chisholm, MN and KBJR is licensed to Superior, WI (even though studios and transmitter are in Duluth).

If KRII wasnt added, KAWB could have been added...actually, KAWB was added BEFORE KRII (or any of the Duluth locals for that matter)
Ok guys question? If we dont need the supredish and lets say Dish does get Voom and offer more HD. Those of us with the 500 can we still get the extra HD channels when they offer them?
The 500 is only used for 119 and 110 (HD currently being on 110) The rumors are that HD may be either added to 105, 61.5 or both. If Dish got Voom it would most likely be for their satellite. They probably would not be continuing their services.
If Scott's info is correct I would expect any new national HD channels to go on 105 and NBC-HD and FOX-HD to join CBS-HD on 61.5 and 148.

I think the reason why there is no Charlie Chat this month , and the reason why Charlie said that he had a previous commitment, is that he might be looking into a Voom buyout deal as we speak. Charlie has been buying back his stock at a fast rate. Maybe to get up the money to buyout Voom? He could still do what I said and partner with Voom for their hd content for a fee. He could get the hd now and if Voom went under he could buyout the satellite for a song. I can't remember a time when we didn't have a charlie or a tech chat . Something is going on. ;)
This complicates the situation a lot.

- Many E* customers stay for the international channels.
- E* is adding more internationals on the 121 bird.
- Many will need internationals and locals (on 105 according to this rumor).

How will 121 and 105 work?

BFG said:
a superdish for one set and a 30" dish for the other, I guess...

This is possible. Although I've never heard anybody talking about a small dish for 105 or 121. Has anybody seen one?

gary s said:
These include the biggest markets. They would need a lot of superdishes. The Los Angeles market, I think, only has one or two must carry channels on 148. It doesn't make much sense to me to make everyone in the L.A. market get a superdish. I would much prefer having my current two small dishes to a superdish.

True only KVMD and KHIZ remain on 148. All of the others were moved off to 119 earlier this year. I suspect that when some of the smaller markets are converted to superdish their locals will be cleared off of 119 making room for the last two in LA. I doubt that all of LA will be converted to superdish just for two low-rated channels on the fringes of the DMA.
Well I was hoping that I would be able to get away with using a DPP LNBS to feed a 921 and a 510. But now it appears that I'm going to require a DPP44 in order to get the 105 SuperDish and 61.5 wing. Great!
NightRyder said:
Most of this is broad speculation by financial analysts. VOOM is bleeding $ and not adding subscribers at anywhere near the rate they need to survive. E* needs more bandwidth to counter D* in regards to HD. A buyout of V* by E* would be one scenario that would seem to solve both problems. Whether any of this will actually happen is anybodies guess. E* may well have other plans and be content to let V* slowly bleed to death. V* is expected to run out of $ sometime in the first or second quarter of 2006.


It does look like Voom is worth more DEAD & SOLD than Alive!!!
"They can put the locals on the Wings as long as all the channels for the market are on that same 2nd dish"

This is confirmed. Direct TV plans to do this next month for there new locals.

A two dish solution, but all locals are on the same dish.

Unlike where I am where right now, Dish network requires a 2nd DIsh to get the Local PBS station.

They filed many complaints and law suits and lost. Now its up to congress. Its just not fair to PBS and the smaler stations.
Can you just switch out the 119/110/121 LNB for the 119/110/105 LNB on the SD and tune it to the right satellite or is the 105 SD a different animal than the 121 SD? I am currently set-up on the 121 bird for my locals.
Well I think they have a different arm depending on what config u have, but the dish and lnbs are the same. It can be either

105(110,119) or (110,119)121
BFG said:
Well I think they have a different arm depending on what config u have, but the dish and lnbs are the same. It can be either

105(110,119) or (110,119)121

um, think about that
110-119 (same on both)
119-121 (2 degree separation)
110-105 (5 degree separation)

PLus the configuration is different...its not like you can turn a LNB setup upside down....:)
Dish could actually design a slightly larger SuperDish that can do both 105 and 121. This would take care of the customers that have LIL on 121 (or want internationals) and want HD on 105. The wing satellites are just poor choices for national programming. It would be far better to put something like LIL HDTV on the wings.

Now as a transition Dish could put the wayward LIL on 105 until E10 launches and then move a lot of the LIL to E10 and clear out space on 105 for even more HDTV on 105.

Actually it would probably be better long term to put the HD on 121. Since Dish just got the extra spectrum at 121.
So, are you saying ALL locals will be put on 105 or just those locals currently requiring two satellites to receive all local channels. My locals are on 110 and I have heard lots of bad things about SuperDISH reception.

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