Great episode. Gordon Murphy was Kara Clarke's husband? Who is Gordon Murphy? Was he the White Haired Man? I think he was, but I'm confused. Okay, I figured out that Gordon Murphy was indeed the White Haired Man later in the show. Kind of sad how Kara keeps calling that phone number not knowing that it will never be answered...well, at least by her husband. I loved the scene where Victoria and Kara embraced...almost saw that pair of garden sheers disappear into her back. Why would Kara visit Victoria...much less embrace her? Hmmm. Later in the show we learn that Kara Clare's maiden name was Kara Wallace. The question I have is what was Victoria's maiden name?
Anyway, it obvious that Charlotte is way out of Declan's league. I'm not sure what she sees in him. Did anyone figure out why the "Creepy" guy has an interest in Jack's bar. It's beginning to look as though Jack is going to sell. We shall see. Silly question...if Emily and Nolan can so easily monitor the Graysons (cameras and microphones) then I get the feeling Americon Initiative is also doing their own snooping. Perhaps they know about Emily and her plot? Interesting! What's up with David Clarke getting involved with monsters Kara and then Victoria? He may have been a nice man, but he sure had his fair-share of relationship issues based on his involvement with those two witches.
It was not so nice to see our least favorite tabloid reporter, Mason Treadwell, reappear for [hopefully] the last time. So why was he staring so intently at Amanda's back when she stood up? As it turned out Amanda has a scar on her back from when she was burned and, while confronted, she told him she had it removed. Mason is playing with fire on two fronts (Emily and Victoria) and I feel Humpty-Dumpty is going to take a great fall. We shall see.
So Amanda didn't recognize her own mother. How surprising.
Yikes! So David was not Kara's true love...just her first love. Did you see the look on Emily's face? Kara is a real POS. Apparently Nolan continues down that path of obsession with Padma. Apparently he didn't read the NolCorp sexual harassment policy! Seriously, how could Padma ever be interested in Nolan who has way too much flare, panache and color coordination. Anyway, Padma is snooping where she doesn't belong...and now both Emily and Nolan know it. Plus, she hurt Nolan's feelings. Time for her to exit stage left IMO. So Daniel may be positioning himself to replace Conrad as the head of the company. Sounds like Conrad will be fighting a war on two fronts; one with Victoria and one with Daniel.
Finally, Amanda looks great for a woman who just gave totally realistic IMO.
Anyway, it obvious that Charlotte is way out of Declan's league. I'm not sure what she sees in him. Did anyone figure out why the "Creepy" guy has an interest in Jack's bar. It's beginning to look as though Jack is going to sell. We shall see. Silly question...if Emily and Nolan can so easily monitor the Graysons (cameras and microphones) then I get the feeling Americon Initiative is also doing their own snooping. Perhaps they know about Emily and her plot? Interesting! What's up with David Clarke getting involved with monsters Kara and then Victoria? He may have been a nice man, but he sure had his fair-share of relationship issues based on his involvement with those two witches.
It was not so nice to see our least favorite tabloid reporter, Mason Treadwell, reappear for [hopefully] the last time. So why was he staring so intently at Amanda's back when she stood up? As it turned out Amanda has a scar on her back from when she was burned and, while confronted, she told him she had it removed. Mason is playing with fire on two fronts (Emily and Victoria) and I feel Humpty-Dumpty is going to take a great fall. We shall see.
So Amanda didn't recognize her own mother. How surprising.

Finally, Amanda looks great for a woman who just gave totally realistic IMO.