
Great episode. Gordon Murphy was Kara Clarke's husband? Who is Gordon Murphy? Was he the White Haired Man? I think he was, but I'm confused. Okay, I figured out that Gordon Murphy was indeed the White Haired Man later in the show. Kind of sad how Kara keeps calling that phone number not knowing that it will never be answered...well, at least by her husband. I loved the scene where Victoria and Kara embraced...almost saw that pair of garden sheers disappear into her back. Why would Kara visit Victoria...much less embrace her? Hmmm. Later in the show we learn that Kara Clare's maiden name was Kara Wallace. The question I have is what was Victoria's maiden name?

Anyway, it obvious that Charlotte is way out of Declan's league. I'm not sure what she sees in him. Did anyone figure out why the "Creepy" guy has an interest in Jack's bar. It's beginning to look as though Jack is going to sell. We shall see. Silly question...if Emily and Nolan can so easily monitor the Graysons (cameras and microphones) then I get the feeling Americon Initiative is also doing their own snooping. Perhaps they know about Emily and her plot? Interesting! What's up with David Clarke getting involved with monsters Kara and then Victoria? He may have been a nice man, but he sure had his fair-share of relationship issues based on his involvement with those two witches.

It was not so nice to see our least favorite tabloid reporter, Mason Treadwell, reappear for [hopefully] the last time. So why was he staring so intently at Amanda's back when she stood up? As it turned out Amanda has a scar on her back from when she was burned and, while confronted, she told him she had it removed. Mason is playing with fire on two fronts (Emily and Victoria) and I feel Humpty-Dumpty is going to take a great fall. We shall see.

So Amanda didn't recognize her own mother. How surprising. :rolleyes: Yikes! So David was not Kara's true love...just her first love. Did you see the look on Emily's face? Kara is a real POS. Apparently Nolan continues down that path of obsession with Padma. Apparently he didn't read the NolCorp sexual harassment policy! Seriously, how could Padma ever be interested in Nolan who has way too much flare, panache and color coordination. Anyway, Padma is snooping where she doesn't belong...and now both Emily and Nolan know it. Plus, she hurt Nolan's feelings. Time for her to exit stage left IMO. So Daniel may be positioning himself to replace Conrad as the head of the company. Sounds like Conrad will be fighting a war on two fronts; one with Victoria and one with Daniel.

Finally, Amanda looks great for a woman who just gave totally realistic IMO. :rolleyes:
We could only be so lucky. I think (but hope not) he's going to be a thorn in our side for a few more episodes. He's really annoying and grating. Almost as bad as the Amanda.
Great show!
I didn't see Emily framing Conrad for the White Haired Guy's (Murphy) murder my having Amanda drops clues for Mason to follow. Lot's a great twists and turns: Americon Initiative is seeking favors from the Conrad, who is in jail; Conrad jailed on his re-wedding day to Victoria - could have been worse, she could have killed him in his sleep this evening; Declan and Charlotte are getting back together; Daniel appears to be interested in Emily once again; Victoria has better watch her back...Amanda's psycho mom is not happy now that she suspects her of killer her husband (Murphy); I cannot believe Jack would propose to Amanda - is he insane?

It looks as though Mason figured out who the real Amanda is. I get the feeling next week will be Mason's final episode.
Brilliant plan, I say. I wondered when it was going to surface that Gordon was dead. Emily did good work on that one.

I think Emily needs to keep an eye on Ashley as well. Ashley seems sketchy lately, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Amanda's mom is so creepy, I don't know why everyone is tolerating her being around. I look forward to her making an exit soon.

I feel bad for Jack on one hand, and I want to smack him with the other. He's being deceived so well, but if he ever finds out the truth, his whole life will be turned upside down. Baby daddy I can live with, being married to Amanda I'm not so happy about.
Penance: Sunday, 11 November 2012 (9:00 PM ET)

"Mason Treadwell examines Emily's past; Kara's worsening state draws the attention of the Graysons."

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Snoopy tabloid reporters gotta snoop; psychotic baby-killers gotta strip naked at the Grayson's home and dance Gangnam Style . Should be an interesting show. ;)
The Future of Television Commercials...

Excellent episode! I just finished watching last night's show. Mason continued to tread on some very thin ice. Treadwell? I don't think so! I wish Emily wouldn't have interrupted Amanda from connecting with that tire-iron onto his head. Anyway, Mason joins Emily's team, but goes rogue when he divulges some tidbits of information to Kara who is off her meds. I absolutely loved the Target Neiman Marcus "Revenge" commercials. Gotta love the white boxes with a black ribbon. The viewer didn't know if they were watching a commercial or if it was part of the show. Here's a write-up on the four commercials:

Elsewhere, Kara was supposedly leaving (we shall see). She was supposed to fly-out but decided to go rogue until getting pulled back in by Emily via Mason. Did y'all realize her role was being played by Jennifer Jason Leigh? No wonder she is so scary. I loved how Nolan threatened Aiden should he ever hurt Emily. What is he going to do...beat him with a powder puff? Young Daniel is going for a takeover of the company. Needless to say, I don't think he will be successful with all of his frienemies working for Conrad in some form or fashion.

So Emily framed Treadwell for the murders of Gordon Murphy and others. Yeah! Mason is going to confess, not collect $200, and go directly to prison where he can work on the book of his life. Oh, and get passed around the prison cell block on a daily basis...but that's why they call it penance.

Kara's got a gun. And she knows Conrad and Victoria killed David and that her husband was not the nice guy she thought. Kara should have killed 'em liked the dogs they are. But I guess we would no longer have a show. Anyway, Aiden and Emily to the rescue...Kara is gone, for now, and the Grayson's are still alive and kicking.

Ewwww. Nolan kissed a girl again. Ewwww. Emily is kissing Aiden. How did everyone like (or hate) the new commercials? Offhand, I loved 'em. In fact, I think this is the wave of the future and we're actually going to see the commercials get rolled into the plot of the story with the actors schlepping more of the merchandise.

Two weeks from tonight is the Annual Thanksgiving episode with Adrienne Barbeau playing the mother or mother in-law. Looks good. Hey, was that Nolan I saw kissing a dude?
Lineage: Sunday, 25 November 2012 (9:00 PM ET)

"In the year 2006, Victoria is visited by her estranged mother; Emily meets Aiden during her first mission under Takeda's training; Carl Porter crosses the wrong people." looks like the revenge plot began back in 2006 when Amanda started her training. Looks like we're going to get a lot of background information.

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I just saw more ads for the Holiday show this looks like a hoot with Adrienne Barbeau as Victoria's mom. Offhand, it doesn't appear this show has much to do with the overall story...just an interesting, and perhaps humorous, look behind the scenes. We shall see.
Excellent show! Interesting insight into the lives of the cast of characters, circa 2006. First, it was great seeing Adrienne Barbeau as Victoria's mom. Gotta love a parent who encourages her daughter to get married because, "We're almost broke." Oh, and let's not forget setting up her daughter to take the rap for murder (or so-called self defense). She makes Victoria, and Joan Crawford for that matter, look like mothers of the year nominees.

Elsewhere, I had no idea Emily had paid off Ashley back in 2006. We got a glimpse of this the past episode, but who knew? I was just surprised to see Jack's dad and his business partner murder that mafia type. Of course, that sure didn't sound like "backfire" to me. At least we know why certain types are wanting to get their hands on the bar.

Great to see Emily meet Takeda and begin her training. Lot's a neat to know tidbits. I didn't quite fully understand Aiden's story with the Russian guy, but I figured it out later. It now makes sense how involved both he and Takeda are in her life. Although not vitally important in moving forward with the show, all-in-all it's nice background information. Also, nice to see Nolan back to kissing dudes and playing with robot dolls. Of course, his boyfriend turned out to be another dud who, years later, is going to stick it to him...and not in a friendly way that Nolan would appreciate. :)

The previews for next week's episode looked pretty good.
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riffjim4069 said:
Elsewhere, I had no idea Emily had paid off Ashley back in 2006. We got a glimpse of this the past episode, but who knew? I was just surprised to see Jack's dad and his business partner murder that mafia type. Of course, that sure didn't sound like "backfire" to me. At least we know why certain types are wanting to get their hands on the bar.

Okay, I need a little help with these two. That's what happens when I try to watch a show with my wife and daughter trying to carry on a conversation. But first, are we to assume that Ashley just doesn't remember Emily from six years ago? And second, you say we know why certain types are wanting to get their hands on the bar. Why exactly is that? I apparently missed that. I saw Jacks dad and his partner kill that man, but I still don't understand why the bar is so important to anyone besides the family.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
Okay, I need a little help with these two. That's what happens when I try to watch a show with my wife and daughter trying to carry on a conversation.
Understand...I was back-and-forth between Revenge, Dexter and The Walking Dead, and dealing with wife and daughter commentary.

But first, are we to assume that Ashley just doesn't remember Emily from six years ago?

I'm sure they know each other very well since Emily (then Amanda) game her money because she "wanted a favor" from her. Although we didn't know it until recently, it would appear she has been on Emily's payroll for quite sometime - at least that's how I took it. Of course, can Ashley be trusted? Personally, I have never trusted her...but next week she gets busted doing the dirty deed with Conrad. If so, she is screwing people for money and that in and of itself implies that she cannot be trusted. On a deeper level, it's hard to image that Emily would trust Ashley...but perhaps she doesn't know the entire story.

And second, you say we know why certain types are wanting to get their hands on the bar. Why exactly is that? I apparently missed that. I saw Jacks dad and his partner kill that man, but I still don't understand why the bar is so important to anyone besides the family.

I don't fully understand why they are interested in the bar but one things is for sure...they are. I'll have to go back and watch that part. Perhaps someone else can chime in...does anyone else have more insight as to why the creepy guy is interested in Jack's bar?
I saw Jacks dad and his partner kill that man, but I still don't understand why the bar is so important to anyone besides the family.

I watched it again last night when it was a bit quieter around the house. In a nutshell, Carl Porter (Jack's dad) and Matt (his partner) were some of the last holdouts who refused to pay protection money to Ryan (who I initially assumed to be Kenny Ryan the creepy guy who now owns part of the bar). However, when Matt shot the "gutter rat" who put his daughter in the emergency room, he turned to Carl and said, "I'm sorry, but Ryan had it coming to him. You know that." Anyway, the guy that show was bit older so I assume they shot Ryan Sr. and now Ryan Jr. (Kenny) stepped into his father's shoes and it going after his little piece of Revenge (against Jack and Declan) since Carl passed-away after having a heart attack.

Needless to say, I see Emily getting involved to "handle the situation" since she will not tolerate Ryan hurting one-hair atop Jack's head.
I watched, I didn't understand a lot that happened because I was trying to concentrate on starting a hat I'm knitting for my brother at the same time. So, I will have to watch it a second time as well. One thing I noticed was that Charlotte wasn't at the Thanksgiving dinner. She must have been at boarding school?
This is the second or third show in the past five years that has done this. It seems like the audio got lost on most of the characters or the main character during this last episode. I guess I will have to watch it on demand online as the Suddenlink Tivo DVR didn't get the audio for some reason. Seeing how nobody else mentioned it it makes me wonder why Suddenlink had the issue but not others?

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