Just a few talking points...
- I understand Emily visiting her sensei/grand master/etc. for a little focus and training, but I don't understand the threat she issued when leaving.
- Nolan is getting buff and taking self-defense lessons...pretty soon he will be up to 120lbs.
- Interesting angle how Emily's mother was put into an asylum. What exactly was Victoria's role? We shall see.
- Very surprised Charlotte told Emily about Victoria being alive. I wonder if she knows that she is Emily's half-sister?
- Apparently Emily gave Amanda a warning when she said, "I'm on a different path now" and Amanda is holding her identity hostage. Wonder if they will become frenemies?
- Daniel and Ashley make a strange couple.
- Speaking of strange couples...how about Jack and Amanda? Is the baby even his?
- Conrad trying to commit Charlotte just to get control of her inheritance...shameful.
1. I thought Takeda was her sensei? That dude she was with at the beginning was not the same business man/master I remember from last season. Am I mixed up or are there two different masters?
2. LMAO!! I liked his hair last season, he didn't look quite as "pretty-boyish."
3. I thought that Emily's mom was already in the asylum before David ever met Victoria. Do you think that all of this started before David met the Grayson's? That's a whole lot of back story planning if so...
4. I doubt Charlotte knows that because she wouldn't be able to keep that kind of secret from Victoria. I am sure if Victoria knew they were sisters, she would be using that knowledge to her advantage already. I was surprised Charlotte trusted Emily with that information.
5 & 7. I want the baby to not be Jack's so bad it hurts. I want them to replace this actress if they insist on keeping "Amanda" around. I don't like her, she drives me crazy. I don't like the way she talks, walks, breathes. The only thing I like is her hair. So if Emily does some housekeeping, I hope "Amanda" is the first to disappear.
6. Ashley is just taking over the Grayson house. I'm not sure how much time has passed exactly between the seasons, but it seems premature and kinda cold. And Daniel is just letting her take over. Why didn't Conrad move back in after Victoria supposedly died? Instead it's now automatically Daniel and Ashley's house? Weird.
7. I knew when Charlotte's test came back positive, it was Conrad's doing. There was a little sliver of doubt in my mind that maybe Emily tampered with the results, but not more than a passing thought before I decided it was Conrad.
I want to watch it again, because I watched it so late last night. Who was the guy with Emily's master who cut her loose when she was in the water? What is the mission he has and what does it have to do with Emily? Where is the blonde chick who was going to Washington with Victoria? If the plane going down was planned, shouldn't Washington have all the evidence they need to already have brought a case against Conrad? Like I said, I really need to watch it again, so if some of these things are answered, I apologize in advance.
I loved every minute of the show. So happy it's back.