
The minion was in the investors meeting. He made a comment to Conrad before Daniel came charging in the room. And it looks like Emily hits him over the head in the next episode. He must know about her mom. On a side note, he's kinda cute. :D
Good catch...I didn't noticed this tidbit. Of course, I also didn't notice that he was so darn cute. ;)

I've never thought Victoria was a good looking woman, but she looked downright scary all beaten up.
Quite the opposite...I thought her being beaten to a pump was a good look for her. We should see her being beaten on a weekly basis. :)

Where is Declan's storyline going? Why did that guy want him to hold a diamond bracelet? I can just see the cops breaking down the bar door and finding it on him and arresting him. Just what Declan needs.
You know, I didn't want to say anything but I found myself hoping that he was (or shall be) the dead body the divers found in the wreckage of the Amanda. They need to recast his characters or kill him off due to his incessant whining.

Her mom does look trailer trashy, but maybe that's where the white haired guy put her to keep her relatively safe?
It could just be her altered state of mind from being institutionalized, but I just don't see her and David Clarke being a couple.
Confidence: Sunday, 14 October 2012 (9:00 PM ET)

"The Graysons return to the spotlight and the center of a media storm; Emily's past continues to haunt her."

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Two questions going into this week's show: 1) what things about her past are going to haunt her and 2) who is she going to have the "handle" to make the problem go away? As noted by Nolen, "I love it when you do revengy things."
More flashback's to times with her mom probably. I have been wondering if her mom is part of the Initiative. Have we discussed that yet?

I think Emily is going to handle Takeda's minion. I don't know if she'll kill him, but it looked like he was getting into her secret space and she hits him over the head with something.
More flashback's to times with her mom probably. I have been wondering if her mom is part of the Initiative. Have we discussed that yet?

I would love to discuss the Americon Initiative, but we've been given almost no information on them so far.

I think Emily is going to handle Takeda's minion. I don't know if she'll kill him, but it looked like he was getting into her secret space and she hits him over the head with something.

He did save Emily's life from the hands of the white-haired man. Although he is there per Takeda's order, I get the feeling he has a crush on Emily. Perhaps he has an ulterior motive? We shall see.
I really enjoyed this episode, but I'm not sure if I like how deeply involved Takeda and his minion are involved in the revenge. Also, I got the impression that Nolan would be placing some distance between him and Emily, but perhaps he was just upset about getting choked-out once again?
I really enjoyed this episode, but I'm not sure if I like how deeply involved Takeda and his minion are involved in the revenge.
Personally I think we'll find out at the end of this season that Takeda is the head of the syndicate, and thus next year's storyline will be based on that.
So many twists and turns...
Amanda getting pushed/falling over the rail (BTW, did Amanda really tell Emily to save the baby?); Amanda's mom is not a push-over...she's been protected - just not sure if it's by the good guys or the bad guys; Amanda's mom may be Joan Crawford (Mommy Dearest)!!!; however the biggest surprise of them all was Nolan kissing a girl. It looks like he swings both ways. :eek:
I have to wait til everyone is sleeping, so I don't get interrupted every five seconds and then I can put on the closed captioning without annoying anyone else. Is it weird that I like to "read" my tv shows? :D
Why? Why, why, why, why, why?????!!!!!!!

Yes, I believe Amanda said save the baby. How did she survive that fall? She should have broken her neck or back or something.

Why does that guy want to buy Jack's bar?

Kara is CREEPY!!!! Even before the scene Emily remembered from her childhood, Kara seemed off. I don't understand why she would want to kill Emily.

Next week Nolan will be singing 'I kissed a girl and I liked it...' :D I like this Padma chick, but is she a plant from AI?

The lady from AI who Grayson met with on this episode was in the Santa Clause movies with Tim Allen (useless info I thought I would share. :D ) When do you think they will figure out that Gordon, the creepy white haired guy, is dead? Maybe Kara got her creepiness from spending so much time with Gordon.
Amanda looked like she was out of it. The take-away that I had from her answer to Jack was did she replace her revenge needs above those of her friend? We shall see. It's too bad that was a man's hand in the sunken Amanda because I really wish it was,, you know what I mean. I don't like her. ;)

That was my question. At first I thought he was merely a nuisance, but now I am beginning to think he is something much more. Moreover, I thought of Emily got wind of his trying to buy they bar, she would merely buy it herself or give Jack the money. However, I get the feeling he is involved with Americon Initiative someway, somehow. We shall se.

Karen is creepy...but why is she creepy? Why she/is she whacked out of her gord? Did she try to protect Amanda from a fate more terrible and sinister than death? Is she somehow involved with American Initiative and is that the reason Amanda's father is dead? Why doesn't she recognize her own daughter? Regardless, I loved the previews for next weeks show.

I like Pamda too...perhaps she's with AI (not quite sure if trust her yet since she appears to be too good to be true), is she what she portrays herself to be, or is she is a chick with a d**k and maybe that's why Nolan is instinctively drawn to her, er...I mean him? :eek: We'll find out soon enough, I suppose.

Good catch on the lady from AI - I noticed that too. I usally notice the actors from their previous rolls, and my wife usually tells me to shut my pie-hole when I blurt it out during the show. :rolleyes:
Is it weird that I like to "read" my tv shows? :D
Not really. Ever since our 2 oldest were little, we've had the closed captions on, as their noise would make it hard to hear. Now we're just used to them, as are the kids. Plus, with as much subbed anime as my duaghter watches, captions are the way she tends to "listen" to tv :P
After the swimming scene, my wife wanted to reach into the tv and kill Amanda's mother herself.

Me too!!!

Not me. If there's a hell, I found myself hoping that Victoria would spend each and every day there as a little girl, and her mother would be Kara - and vice-versa. ;)

Silly question I'll toss it possible that Kara and Victoria are related...perhaps even sisters? Seriously, what do we know about Emily's other family? And what do we know about Victoria's other than Conrad making her out to a gold digger, at times. Perhaps the Graysons are nothing more than uppity trailor.
Forgiveness: Sunday, 28 October 2012 (9:00 PM ET)

"Faces from the past show up in the Hamptons, bringing with them different kinds of trouble for Emily and Victoria; Jack's sense of duty increases; Padma makes a move that could affect Nolcorp."

Don't forget to rate this episode over at

Forgiveness? Does this mean Emily will face her Mommy Dearest? Jack's sense of duty? Dear Lord, please don't marry Amanda! It sounds like Padma is going to screw[over] Nolan and bring him pain instead of pleasure. Didn't his auntie warm him about playing with wicked girls. Nolcorp? Seriously, that's the name of his company? What a terrible name. Regardless, it sound like an 'educational' show this evening.

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