Amanda looked like she was out of it. The take-away that I had from her answer to Jack was did she replace her revenge needs above those of her friend? We shall see. It's too bad that was a man's hand in the sunken Amanda because I really wish it was,, you know what I mean. I don't like her.
That was my question. At first I thought he was merely a nuisance, but now I am beginning to think he is something much more. Moreover, I thought of Emily got wind of his trying to buy they bar, she would merely buy it herself or give Jack the money. However, I get the feeling he is involved with Americon Initiative someway, somehow. We shall se.
Karen is creepy...but why is she creepy? Why she/is she whacked out of her gord? Did she try to protect Amanda from a fate more terrible and sinister than death? Is she somehow involved with American Initiative and is that the reason Amanda's father is dead? Why doesn't she recognize her own daughter? Regardless, I loved the previews for next weeks show.
I like Pamda too...perhaps she's with AI (not quite sure if trust her yet since she appears to be too good to be true), is she what she portrays herself to be, or is she is a chick with a d**k and maybe that's why Nolan is instinctively drawn to her, er...I mean him?

We'll find out soon enough, I suppose.
Good catch on the lady from AI - I noticed that too. I usally notice the actors from their previous rolls, and my wife usually tells me to shut my pie-hole when I blurt it out during the show.