No, I can't think of anyone to play Victoria's evil sister. Angelica Houston came to mind, but I'm not a big fan of hers either.
I don't think Victoria is dead. I'm hoping that both the women made it out of that crash alive. That would burn Conrad's ass.
"Amanda" looked very far along, 8 months or so? How much time has past since she last slept with Jack? It's been awhile, but hard to tell with the way the show has had an endless summer and I don't even know what month we ending the season in. I personally hope it's not his baby, but if it is, he decides that he'll support it and be a good dad, but with Emily as his woman, not "Amanda". I really wanted Emily to tell him, to explain the whole situation to him.
I've wondered all along about Emily's mom. But I don't remember what was said about her to begin with. Did she "die" of something? This storyline intrigues me. I have mother issues, so mom storylines always get me.
I'm not sure what to think of the white haired guy. He picked up that photo once before Emily confronted him, and I'm sure he knew it was a spy camera thing. Maybe he's not
the bad guy we think he is, just the middle man, a very smart middle man. Knows when to hold em, when to fold em. He may have just switched sides, from the Grayson's to Emily's, while remaining loyal to whoever he works for. Is that possible?
I liked Ashley to begin with, at the very beginning of the season. Then she started dating what's his name. Ew. Then she was a b!tch to Emily about the whole thing, when Tyler was the one that was crazy and whatever. Then she tells Daniel about the kiss between Emily and Jack. I thought she was Emily's friend, but man, who needs friends that flip flop around like she did. I realize she's a very ambitious young lady, and I think that she will "do" Daniel til he gets her where she wants to go.
Emily was right about Daniel. He was all about breaking ties with the whole Grayson image, wanting to be himself and not what his dad or mom wanted him to be. But he never took initiative to do that. I knew after that interview that Emily would not carry on the relationship any further than she had to, because he was becoming a Grayson, not doing his own thing, using his own judgement. Idiot.
Charlotte is a weak, spoiled brat. And Conrad should have been calling 911, not shaking her like a rag doll. Duh! However, in order for her to cope with who her father is and what her mother is, I do think that Emily should reveal that their father was framed and murdered. Maybe the pregnant Amanda could reach out to Charlotte with Emily's coaching. That would make the most sense if Amanda is staying around for awhile.
I don't know who could be above the Graysons. CIA? Some organized terrorist cell? I have no idea.
You are preaching to the choir about Amanda! I hate the way she talks, walks, everything. Don't like her at all! Wish she would take Emily's always so easily offered money and go live her life on a beach far far away! The only thing I like about her is her hair, and that's because mine is straight and boring and her's is curly and pretty.