Psssst! Want the new Cablecard HD & HDDVR boxes?

Not t mention now they have to assign the "cable cards" to your account and setup a whole different set of "services" on the back end side. So it makes it easier if all your equipment is the same.

no way to get around the cable card? i mean is it a requirement now? because if your tv has a slot for a cable card (neither of mine does), what would be the purpose of having the new box......unless you were using the dvr?
Well because your TV may not be 2-way (IE: No on-demand and the likes) also what is madatory is the "Removeable Security" Meaning BHN nor any cable company can have their security features built into the boxes. Now the law states that All boxs that have already been in a customer home before, can stay and be repaired/replaced with other used boxs. But any NEW box put into the system must have the removeable security feature.

Whats funny is before the deadline BHN least here was rushing to put all the new boxs they had yet to put on customers accounts out in the field, they were swapping boxs at houses even if they were not bad, giving employees an extra box, doing all kinda things.
"So it makes it easier if all your equipment is the same."

Easier for BHN always takes precedence over what is good for or what customer wants. Perfectly consistent with the attitude now of American business.
It makes it easier for the customer as well. Your guide on TV a will be the same on TV b so you dont have to remember which was which as you go to each TV. It also makes it easier for the customer when troubleshooting stuff with the CSR.
sup guys?, well i went to my local office (saint petersburg somewhere in us 19 north, or also called 34th street?)

and lets just say, i wasted my time going there, lady there was very nice but told me flat out that the newest she had in her office was the same thing i brought in, and she has not heard of ANY new boxes comming in either :(. so i said np, and that it was ok, and headed back home)

so yea i guess i wont be seying anything "newer" for a while.

as for jcarrera, I agree with you, im tired of some places that i been to, and they have tried that crap on me, where they start trying offering something and b like, yes this is "what you need" without even asking what my needs were, is one thing to recommend something/help/etc, but that crap does not work on me, if i don't get what i want, within reason, then I am not interested, and go somewhere else, at least bhn PERSONALLY for me, hasn't been a problem that way.
Being in a consulting business its my job to tell customers what they need. They tell me what they want, and I tell them what they need to achieve that goal.
stevenl, nevertheless, it remains that BHN has decided it "will be easier for me" if they are all the same. What an insult. Don't you think I should be the one to decide what is easier for me?

There is no doubt in my mind that this is done because it is easier for BHN. If a customer wanted different models, BHN could just say, "Be aware that the menus and operation of these are different. Would you rather have them all the same?" And then go with the customers answer.
sup guys?, well i went to my local office (saint petersburg somewhere in us 19 north, or also called 34th street?)

and lets just say, i wasted my time going there, lady there was very nice but told me flat out that the newest she had in her office was the same thing i brought in, and she has not heard of ANY new boxes comming in either :(. so i said np, and that it was ok, and headed back home)

so yea i guess i wont be seying anything "newer" for a while.

as for jcarrera, I agree with you, im tired of some places that i been to, and they have tried that crap on me, where they start trying offering something and b like, yes this is "what you need" without even asking what my needs were, is one thing to recommend something/help/etc, but that crap does not work on me, if i don't get what i want, within reason, then I am not interested, and go somewhere else, at least bhn PERSONALLY for me, hasn't been a problem that way.

did you check your pm's wednesday?
I went to the 31st St. Petersburg Location and I was told the boxes were the same, but after talking to someone that knew something, they did have new boxes that are 8300HDC instead of the 8300HD...larger drive, cable card, but some mini menu items and ipoll do not work with the current should be fixed soon with new features and look, including Start Over. They are new boxes 8300HDC made on 7/17/07. Oh, it also gives out a lot less noise.
Sorry they didnt have it razor. I guess I should start adding that everything I talk about is for Brevard County Florida.

Sorry about that.

its ok man, they do have it in my area, they just dint have it in stock @ the location i went to, and because there was no stock, she dint know anything about no newer boxes, but when i called they told me they do, but they was like, "i cant just call and replace the boxes for the newer ones" so yea, thats why i tried one of my local places to see if i was to get lucky...I can always check somewhere else, idc if i have to go far as hell to get em lol.
stevenl, nevertheless, it remains that BHN has decided it "will be easier for me" if they are all the same. What an insult. Don't you think I should be the one to decide what is easier for me?

There is no doubt in my mind that this is done because it is easier for BHN. If a customer wanted different models, BHN could just say, "Be aware that the menus and operation of these are different. Would you rather have them all the same?" And then go with the customers answer.

Its their service they decide how to run it. And what is best for them to do.

Its not their fault they have to have these boxes anyway blame those genius's at the FCC
Just to let you know I had to have a tech install them. They would not let me do it myself.

Also the remotes have more functions on them and the software (menu) is different.
No, it means that you cant have the NEW hd-dvr cable card box on one and an old digital box on another.

You can have have the standard 8300 hddvr (non cable card version) and a digital box. They dont want 2 softwares in the same house.
Wait. This has gone totally astray.

Over in the "...gets better and better" topic, I mentioned about a friend having a setting for color scheme and I didn't. Was informed that it was because he had a standard box and I had HDDVR...which meant different menus.

Now here, I am being told BHN requires same boxes in the house "so that it is easier" -- They dont want 2 softwares in the same house...can't have different menus and all that...too confusing for the phone supporters and techs. CAN have a standard box and a DVR box. But they have different software, which seems to blow this whole logic out the window.

Clearly you CAN have two different softwares in the house if you have a standard box and a DVR. So what is the real reason for this silly rule?
their is a huge difference between the cable card and non cable card boxes.

the difference between the standard box and dvr box is minimal. Including obvious features (ya know the ability to be a DVR!)

The same boxs meaning either Cable card boxes or non-cable card boxes. They can be a mix of DVR or non-dvr as long as they are the same cable card or non-cable card.

The Standard and DVR run the same passport software the later with an obvious upgrade.

The cable card boxes DO NOT run the same software period.

PS: what is the big deal about it? If you want the new box then ugprade to the new boxs, if not then it does not affect you anyway, You do not "Have to" upgrade at this time to the new boxes. If you are still upset about the problems write the FCC for forcing the cable companies to offer these new types of boxes which does nothing to help the consumer, and only causes more problems on the system.

two quick grounding questions

??? About a new HDTV and SD channels....

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