I recently added the PS4 and Xbox One to my growing console collection. The PS3 is still used because some games for it that I like aren't available for PS4 nor on PSNow. My Ninetendo something or other hasn't been used in so long that I can't remember what model it is!!
So last night I was futzing around with port forwarding since things weren't quite right. Of course I didn't check to see if PSN was running OK while my efforts were ticking me off royally as things just didn't work right. After I found out PSN was dead, I decided to wait until this morning. All things good now!
A couple cheap light duty games picked up yesterday:
Entwined which is beautiful to see and simple to play
Don't Starve - haven't actually played yet
Flower - Just beautiful even if not very advanced
The Unfinished Swan - kind of a paint the world as you go kind of thing.
The Wolf Among Us - interesting adventure with adaptive progression as you play.
All were dirt cheap and I'm pretty pleased with them.
Oh yeah, can't forget Fuster Cluck! Got it a few days ago and I'm up to my ears in chickens!! One dumb game that is a hoot to play and impossible to win.