Facepalm thread

It appears that Steam Direct, you know, that thing that was supposed to replace the mess that was Greenlight, is actually making things WORSE on Steam. This is being proven by the fact that now even MORE crappy games are making it to Steam and where now Steam had to shut down a "Developer" who released 173 games which were all just slightly modified asset flips.

I Wish Valve would actually step in and not wait until things get so INCREDIBLY bad that not doing something could be construed as borderline illegal...

In my review of Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, which I'm sure you ALL watched, I mentioned that the game felt very lacking and that it didn't feel like it should cost $60, especially in a world where the Netherrealm games provide so much content both for single and competitive players.

Well, it appears that the lacking content and shoddy design are the result of an incredibly low-budget game. According to this report, the budget for the game was about half of that of Street Fighter V's DLC. NOT the full game, but just the DLC. Speaking of DLC, all the DLC characters are already done. Capcom decided to take them out and hold them hostage as DLC. So what had the budget of maybe a $30 game is being priced at $90 (Game + All DLC.)

Jim Sterling has started a new series where he reads comments from "hardcore" gamers about various subjects/games as an old British Aristocrat. It sounds silly, but I find it really amusing. Just makes you laugh at the awful thought that there are gamers who actually believe the stuff he is saying. NSFW language

Commentocracy - YouTube
In case we needed more evidence of how money hungry and unethical the game industry was becoming, look no further than Scientific Revenue..
Remember Metal Gear Survive, the Metal Gear ZOMBIE game that literally no one asked for and no one wants to play? Well, Konami just confirmed today that the game REQUIRES an internet connection, even if you play in Single Player Mode.

Metal Gear Survive Single Player will Require an Internet Connection - DSOGaming

If there's any plus side to this is that I doubt the service will be overloaded...
Jim Sterling recently got a bunch of hate thrown his way after it was revealed that he gave Super Mario Odyssey a 7 out of 10, as shown here:


A: Jim Sterling doesn't do reviews anymore
B: Jim hasn't even played Mario Odyssey yet
C: The screenshot was completely fabricated

Still, even though the review couldn't be found on Metacritic or Jim's website, that didn't stop Nintendo Fanboys from throwing a bunch of hatred his way. It's unclear whether or not this original post was done to troll Nintendo Fanboys (who lost their sh*t when Jim gave BOTW a 7/10 to the point they DDoSed his site numerous times) or just to give Jim unwanted attention (Jim seems to suspect a bit of both.)

Not only does the new CoD: WWII have loot boxes (because of course it does) but now they've changed it so that opening boxes is now a public event, meaning you can see what other people unlock.

Gee, can't imagine why a company would implement a system where loot box openings become a public event. Oh wait, this is the same company that now has a patent for dlc advertising within matchmaking..

For those of you not in the know, Rick and Morty is a very popular cartoon on Adult Swim with a rabid and large fan base. One of the more infamous memes that have come from the most recent season is Pickle Rick.

Anyways, a "developer" decided to make a "parody" game off the concept called "Piccled Ricc."

Said "developer" is a known scumbag asset flipper.

And now, Adult Swim has hit them with a DMCA takedown, which has resulted in Valve taking all the "developer's" games off Steam. The "developer" claims that they did nothing wrong and that the game is a parody and thus protected from copyright infringement. Good luck with that argument, buddy.

Fan-made Rick and Morty game, Piccled Ricc, removed from Steam