So Far Cry 5's promo art was revealed:
And of course, people are accusing Ubisoft of attacking the Alt-Right. Seriously...
I think people don't know what alt-right means. I'll try to be as non-political as possible here. That doesn't simply mean republican, conservative, or Trump supporter. According to Wikipedia Richard Spencer appropriated the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism. This is a white supremacist group who calls themselves alt-right because their ideas are too extreme for normal republicans and conservatives. One of these posts says this game is villainizing the alt-right. What they don't seem to realize is that the alt-right is actually already kind of a group of villains.
I think the confusion comes from people throwing around the phrase alt-right way too often. It's often used by democrats to describe normal republicans they disagree with just like far-left, communist, or socialist are used to describe normal democrats that republicans disagree with. In both cases it's almost always an extreme exaggeration.
Judging by the cover image here I do think the enemies in this game are going to be the alt-right or some other form of extremist conservatives. That does not mean that mainstream republicans will be the enemy in this game. If a republican looks at that image and identifies with it instead of seeing it as an over the top caricature of extremism they might have bigger problems than video games.
Edit: After reading through Wikipedia a little more I see that Richard Spencer is from Montana. There is a good chance that this game being set in Montana is no coincidence.