PC Owners Thread

Not that this is confirming anything we didn't already know but I was looking through random things in my Steam account and saw that the Holiday Sale 2015 badge already exists. From what I remember reading I think this is supposed to kick off next Tuesday.

[GALLERY=media, 212]Holiday Sale by king3pj posted Dec 14, 2015 at 11:17 AM[/GALLERY]

Also, even Satellite Guys has a 2 Factor option and Sony can't get one put together.
I'm finally going to be able to get some use out of that second GTX 970. I'm upgrading from a 1080p (1920x1080) 22" monitor to a 1440p (2560x1440) 25" monitor. Those extra pixels will make use of the extra horsepower. I'm excited to see what something like Battlefront looks like at a higher resolution.
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I'll pick size over pixels any day. I love playing my PC games on my 50" plasma. Until 4k gets more content and comes down in price I really don't see myself going back to a standard monitor.
I'll pick size over pixels any day. I love playing my PC games on my 50" plasma. Until 4k gets more content and comes down in price I really don't see myself going back to a standard monitor.

I liked playing on my TV too but there were just too many games designed for PC that were unplayable for me. Civ V, Diablo 3, and even Witcher 3 have fonts designed to be read on a monitor 18" away from your face and it was just too small for me to read from across the room on my couch.

Those were just the examples that quickly came to mind. I found that it was a problem for many games that were designed specifically for PC. Most console ports were totally fine. On top of that I just find it much more comfortable to use a mouse and keyboard at a desk than it was to put the keyboard on my lap and use my wireless mouse on the couch cushion next to me.

That's why I really like the Steam Link. It gives me the best of both worlds. I can play my desk games at a desk and stream console ports like Arkham Knight to the living room to play on the couch with an Xbox One controller. At $50 I think that thing is an easy purchase decision as long as you have a wired home network or maybe a 802.11ac wireless router. I'm not sure how well it would perform over slower wireless standards but it has worked great for me over ethernet.
I got a chance to play Star Wars Battlefront on my new monitor and man that game looks incredible at 2560x1440. The extra screen size over my old monitor doesn't hurt the immersion factor either.

I would love to see what it looks like at 4K but the monitors are still to expensive and you need an extremely beefy PC to drive 4K at max settings and still get 60 fps. My PC is very nice but it's not enough for 4K.
Giant Bomb has put up one of their hour long Quick Looks for XCOM 2. It's a little different than one of their normal Quick Looks in that the developer is in the room and controlling the game. Normally they do it on their own and are free to test out anything they want. To be fair, the developer seemed pretty open to showing them whatever they asked about.

Just a head's up for people like myself who are interested in this game. Green Man Gaming's 20% discount code NWYEAR-20PERC-WTHGMG brings the Digital Deluxe Edition (game plus season pass) down to the same price as base game on other websites.
Turns out I really like MOBAs when they aren't as convoluted and dense as League of Legends and DOTA 2. I originally planned to play a lot of The Division Beta over the weekend to see whether I want to keep my pre-order or not. I ended up only playing it Friday night with yourbeliefs. Instead I ended up playing a ton of Heroes of the Storm. This is Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA where the heroes are all from other Blizzard games like Diablo, Starcraft, and WoW.

Smite may be less convoluted than League and Dota but Heroes of the Storm is much more welcoming to new players. In all the other games I mentioned there are in game shops. I'm not talking about the free-to-play model here. I'm talking about items you buy throughout each match with the gold you earn during the match. The items have all kinds of different benefits and there are hundreds of choices. Everyone starts back at zero every match and if you don't know which of the hundreds of items to buy for your character, and in which order to buy them you will be over matched and ridiculed by your teammates.

H.O.T.S. completely removes the idea of an item shop from the game. This makes it much easier to understand for people who haven't played hundreds of hours of the game. Instead you have a choice between 3-4 skills or buffs when you reach certain levels as upgrades. It's much less overwhelming because you can read a clear description of a few choices instead of looking at a shop full of a thousand.

They also changed the way leveling works. In other MOBAs each person levels up during the match independently. This means that if one player is getting all the kills that player will have more health, damage output, and unlocked skills than everyone else. H.O.T.S. switched to team leveling. This means that even if you are playing a support character and healing your teammates instead of getting kills you still level up the same as everyone else on your team. I strongly prefer the way Blizzard does it.

If you have been interested in MOBAs but the learning curve was too intimidating for you I highly recommend giving Heroes of the Storm a shot. It doesn't cost you anything to try and it's much more accessible than the other MOBAs I have tried.
Yeah I didn't play The Division at all besides what I did on Friday (although the Beta was extended so now it ends tomorrow.) I went in with almost no idea as to what the game was about. All I knew was that it was a shooting game that took place in New York. What I found out was that apparently The Division is Destiny in New York. You shoot enemies, their damage level pops up with each hit, then they die, then you loot the bodies. Oh, and apparently there's a virus that's infected the city, but unlike Prototype and The Last of Us this one doesn't turn victims into powerful beasts or clickers. There's also clearly separate PvE and PvP sections. Of course, it's not like we knew that. After completing all the story missions (which took about an hour) the game told us to go to the Dark Zone. We figured that maybe it was a place full of enemies and maybe be some sort of "horde" gameplay. But after running around for about 15 minutes with very little enemy contact, I had to conduct a Google search to find out The Dark Zone was a pure PvP section that focused on, well I'm not sure what, but after I found this out we made a bee line to the exit.

Much like Destiny, after playing the Beta for a game I knew nothing about, I didn't get more enthusiastic about playing the full version. I'll keep it in my gamefly queue for the time being, if for no other reason than nothing else better is coming out (April should be pretty sweet though with Quantum Break & Uncharted 4.) I just hope the Xbox One version isn't too butchered.
I'm keeping my pre-order for now because the price I'm locked in at is good but I'm not totally sold on it. I'll be paying close attention to reviews to see how the campaign stacks up because I have no interest in the dark zone.

I was assuming that other players doing the same mission as me would just be in the world with me. In reality you only see other players if you join a party with them or you are playing in the dark zone. I'm not sure whether that is a positive or negative for me yet.
Here's what 1 byte (not a MEGAbyte, just a regular byte) of RAM looked like in 1946


Good thing they got that stuff smaller. Love to go back in time and show people one 16 GB ram stick.
I know this isn't RAM but check out this 128GB flash drive on sale for $30 on Amazon. Even as someone living in 2016 I can't believe they can fit that much storage into something that small.
I remember when the Gigabyte was considered the best thing ever, and that you'd never need more storage space. Now it looks like my next SSD purchase will be at least a Terabyte and it'll cost the same as I got my 250GB SSD at.

In other news, looks like PS3 emulation is becoming closer to a real thing.

I liked playing on my TV too but there were just too many games designed for PC that were unplayable for me. Civ V, Diablo 3, and even Witcher 3 have fonts designed to be read on a monitor 18" away from your face and it was just too small for me to read from across the room on my couch.

Those were just the examples that quickly came to mind. I found that it was a problem for many games that were designed specifically for PC. Most console ports were totally fine. On top of that I just find it much more comfortable to use a mouse and keyboard at a desk than it was to put the keyboard on my lap and use my wireless mouse on the couch cushion next to me.

That's why I really like the Steam Link. It gives me the best of both worlds. I can play my desk games at a desk and stream console ports like Arkham Knight to the living room to play on the couch with an Xbox One controller. At $50 I think that thing is an easy purchase decision as long as you have a wired home network or maybe a 802.11ac wireless router. I'm not sure how well it would perform over slower wireless standards but it has worked great for me over ethernet.

I just hooked my PC up to my 70" TV in the basement and as odd as it seemed, it's hard to read a lot of things on it. Icons look small and text is tiny. I upgraded to Windows 10 and now the whole screen is cut off a little around the outside. I don't have anything else to hook it up to right now so this will work for now.
I just hooked my PC up to my 70" TV in the basement and as odd as it seemed, it's hard to read a lot of things on it. Icons look small and text is tiny. I upgraded to Windows 10 and now the whole screen is cut off a little around the outside. I don't have anything else to hook it up to right now so this will work for now.

I had the same problem when I used to hook my PC to the TV. The TV's overscan meant that the screen was partially cut off on all 4 sides. I could only see the top third of my task bar.

I can't remember which GPU you went with but luckily AMD and Nvidia both have screen scaling options to fix this. If you have Nvidia it is in the Nvidia Control Panel. If you have AMD it is in Catalyst Control Center. I can't remember exactly where the option is located but it is definitely there because I have used it with both cards on my TV.

One annoyance with Nvidia is that every time you update your drivers it deletes all of your settings. AMD is able to retain your settings when you update your drivers.
I had the same problem when I used to hook my PC to the TV. The TV's overscan meant that the screen was partially cut off on all 4 sides. I could only see the top third of my task bar.

I can't remember which GPU you went with but luckily AMD and Nvidia both have screen scaling options to fix this. If you have Nvidia it is in the Nvidia Control Panel. If you have AMD it is in Catalyst Control Center. I can't remember exactly where the option is located but it is definitely there because I have used it with both cards on my TV.

One annoyance with Nvidia is that every time you update your drivers it deletes all of your settings. AMD is able to retain your settings when you update your drivers.

I'm pretty sure I have an AMD.

I saw that. I have 8GB of the exact Corsair Vengeance RAM they have on sale for $37.99.

Amazon product ASIN B004CRSM4I
8GB of RAM is enough for a gaming PC but I'm thinking about grabbing this anyways. It's a pretty cheap way to double my RAM and all the timings and all of that would be identical because it's the exact RAM I already own.
HAH. That's the same one I own too. May as well upgrade also. Also it'll give me an excuse to dust out my computer.

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