Thank you that's good information to know I will have a look what's available on there site, hopefully it will be ok it was working last time it was used the chap just fell out with the hobby,
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I did have help with dismantling it thankfully, out of all the bolts that holds the dish together only four bolts survived all the others snapped, I have a nut and bolt shop near to me no problems replacing them,
Many thanks for your kind offer hopefully I don't have to put you out but its nice to know some spares are available if needed,
I checked through the mesh today its in good shape one little rip but ive decided to put new on from the start, ive located new mesh with smaller holes as I progress with the refurbishment I will order a roll, I have a PDF file with the size needed I will check through it nearer the time,
Another fabrication job will be replacing the dish plates with steel ones,
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I will be adding inclined orbit tracking on her and wanting bearings on the pivot, drilling holes and bolting things to the aluminium plate will weaken it so new ones required.
I sent an email to Fasco and Von Weise with pictures of the unit and identification tag. An internet search yielded nothing, and the same results with Grainger. It would be nice if one or the other just happened to one in their dead stock pile and you could get it for a decent price. It's a long shot, but I've had those pan out before. I'll let you know what comes back. Cheers!