Command Performance H to H

Congrats to your acquisition. This is one of the strongest if not the most powerfull H2H motors ever produced.
The motor is well known to the european satellite DX community thanks to DX Bozoth who's fitted his 3.7m one-piece Andrew giant on it. As far as I know it is still in operation even after almost 30 years.

View attachment 174566 View attachment 174567

I have up until recently used it to carry my 3.4m Prodelin which weighs some 350 lbs (160kg). Besides all the motor is so quiet one could literally sleep under it.

View attachment 174570

Note that the motor operates with 24V.

Here are some videos of the original MZT motor and antenna in action.






Thank you for the great information! I am in the process of refurbishing the 2 motors but have encountered a bit of a problem in that I can't seem to get the housing apart. I don't know if there is a bolt I am missing or it simply requires a bit of force to get it apart.

I will post more pictures as I progress.

Imagen - 97W C-band