Testing the new Titanium C138 Performance Plus C Band LNBF

old satellite guy - You're up to bat again! A whole new generation of satellite hobbyists learning how to deal with terrestrial interference.

Now basic test equipment is a fraction of the cost and size of what we used to carry around in our work vans for site surveys.
  • TinySA Ultra > $100
  • Wideband LNBF > $50
  • 18Vdc power Inserter > $40

Bet you paid more than $190 for your test equipment. I know that I did! Shop carefully and the above equipment can be purchased on Ebay / Amazon for under $100.
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old satellite guy - You're up to bat again! A whole new generation of satellite hobbyists learning how to deal with terrestrial interference.

Now basic test equipment is a fraction of the cost and size of what we used to carry around in our work vans for site surveys.
  • TinySA Ultra > $100
  • Wideband LNBF > $50
  • 18Vdc power Inserter > $40

Bet you paid more than $190 for your test equipment. I know that I did! Shop carefully and the above equipment can be purchased on Ebay / Amazon for under $100.
I think my Avcom was $2700... and that was a lot back then.... but it paid for itself many times over.
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Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I don't know how I missed it! :(
Is that your Paraclipse? I used to install the 12 footer.....when I lived in Phoenix. A pretty big job... but I did live in Iowa where the CONUS Feed was much stronger.
But I usually used 10" but 8' spun dishes worked pretty good.
Put in 10' and 12' Prodelin... 11' Challenger... Kaultronics Hydroformed 9'... and every other brand...including hundreds of DH Satellite dishes used to get my Stuff from Hoosier Electronics.....in the beginning... Use to have Coffee with Charlie Ergan at Echoshpere on Saturday Mornings.... Personally new Tay Howard and Bob Coop and many others. I highly recommend this video for C Band Buffs...........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWpLiMMQxcM
I like my XR-3 with S2ACM plugin even though it's expensive. I haven't used all of its features yet.
Is that your Paraclipse? I used to install the 12 footer.....when I lived in Phoenix. A pretty big job... but I did live in Iowa where the CONUS Feed was much stronger.
But I usually used 10" but 8' spun dishes worked pretty good.
Put in 10' and 12' Prodelin... 11' Challenger... Kaultronics Hydroformed 9'... and every other brand...including hundreds of DH Satellite dishes used to get my Stuff from Hoosier Electronics.....in the beginning... Use to have Coffee with Charlie Ergan at Echoshpere on Saturday Mornings.... Personally new Tay Howard and Bob Coop and many others. I highly recommend this video for C Band Buffs...........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWpLiMMQxcM
Yes! I salvaged it some years ago for under $100.00. Click Here is the original thread. :D
Had 10 min free today and thought I'd swap out my prior LNB for the Titanium C238 Performance Plus LNBF. I didn't look close at the skew before I remove the LNBF and vaguely recall there being something off regarding the 0 degree positioned labeled on the LNBF? Running back and forth outside is getting old fast...
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Had 10 min free today and thought I'd swap out my prior LNB for the Titanium C238 Performance Plus LNBF. I didn't look close at the skew before I remove the LNBF and vaguely recall there being something off regarding the 0 degree positioned labeled on the LNBF? Running back and forth outside is getting old fast...
Setting Polarity / Skew: Linear Polarity Satellites
The probes inside the feedhorn must be aligned to match the polarity of the satellite signal. On the back of the LNBF housing is a scale for setting the polarity and skew. On the C138 and C238 LNBF models, the "0" is aligned with the horizontal polarity probe. If installing on a motorized polar mount, drive the dish to the highest point of the arc and align the "0" scale mark with the horizontal axis of the dish. The "0" may be pointed to either the 9 or 3 o'clock positions (straight left or right). If installing on a (non-motorized) fixed dish, rotate the skew angle to align with the satellite's calculated skew rotation offset position.
Last few weeks my C band reception has suffered from major pixelization. My Ku dishes are fine. Ordered a Performance Plus C238. Lighting fast delivery but I do live in Northern Cal so it didn't have to travel far. Thanks Brian!
Before pulling my old LNBF I double checked I was still having pixelization. Yup. So I pulled the old one and installed the new one. The set screw was blocked by my Ku side car. Figures huh? Redrew the line around the KU LNBF mount so I could return it as close as possible.
C238 did the trick. :thumbup Ku still strong after reinstall.
Yes, the "Performance Plus" versions provide an upgrade to the "Red" filter, increasing the attenuation of frequencies below 3800 MHz. The bandpass range range remains 3800 - 4200 MHz.
Was very satisfied with the c138, but 5g is strong around here so still get occasional glitch..

I am going to order the performance + to compare.

Can you tell me how this user triggered free shipping?

Also what is the earliest we can expect to see c140/240's?
Was very satisfied with the c138, but 5g is strong around here so still get occasional glitch..

I am going to order the performance + to compare.

Can you tell me how this user triggered free shipping?

Also what is the earliest we can expect to see c140/240's?
Put " Satguys Save " in the promo code coupon field. It'll give you 15% off the order
Yup..did that. But the total comes to ~$78. He is selling the same item on ebay for $70 with free shipping..so kinda wondering whats up with that.
You must somehow be doing something wrong, because I just tested that on his site, and I get $59.50 for a final cost, with free shipping...

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Well I guess this is where the saying YMMV comes from..
Finally got around to swapping out the original c138 with the plus and don't see any difference.
Actually the only difference is signals are 1dB+ lower across the arc. Full disclosure my area has 5G well passed 3800MHz as you can see in the screenshot (93w), but I figured I would give it a try since by the time the c140's are available old man winter will have set in..


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I got one of these it's better than the plain 5g red. for my troubles.
When is the Blue due to land ?
The Titanium Satellite Blue Filter 4000-4200Band Pass Filter LNBFs (C140 and C240 models) will land in a few months. We had logistics issues sourcing a few of the components and this delayed manufacturing.
The Titanium Satellite Blue Filter 4000-4200Band Pass Filter LNBFs (C140 and C240 models) will land in a few months. We had logistics issues sourcing a few of the components and this delayed manufacturing.
Sadly I'm starting to see 5G interference with my C238PP so looking forward to the arrival of the new C240 Blue Filter. I may have to reconfigure as dual LNBF setup as I suspect there will still be feeds I want to see below 4000.
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Heh, I was just reading about 5G and sub-6. Sounds like 5G isn't all that great unless you have Verizons mmWave service. So, they're messing up C-band satellite service for a service that isn't much better than 4G/LTE.
Heh, I was just reading about 5G and sub-6. Sounds like 5G isn't all that great unless you have Verizons mmWave service. So, they're messing up C-band satellite service for a service that isn't much better than 4G/LTE.
This article doesn't discuss the C-band 3.7-4.0GHz (N77 and N78 bands).
Sadly I'm starting to see 5G interference with my C238PP so looking forward to the arrival of the new C240 Blue Filter. I may have to reconfigure as dual LNBF setup as I suspect there will still be feeds I want to see below 4000.
I have some interference that pops up in the early morning hours and sometimes mid morning. I haven't found any wiring problems and the fittings are good so I'm beginning to believe 5G problems may have arrived even at my rural location. No towers close by and the one that would be a straight in shot is better than 20 air miles away and shielded by hills. Don't have nor want a 5G phone myself so I can't say for sure but nothing else cellular works at the dish site. Is the latest Titanium model good for most areas? Looks like I'll be going that route soon