Overwatch Thread

I think the tips have been there from the beginning. You must have turned them off in the settings some how.

I got lucky with the voice part. You just happened to not be talking when I recorded.
No I remember laughing when you told me about this.. and according to the feed my voice came through.. although I didn't hear it.


Not that I'm complaining mind you. Good on you not having to hear my non-insightful voice going..
A new patch has been released. The most noticeable change is the addition of Ana, but there have been a number of balancing tweaks to different characters as well. It's worth reviewing the release notes.


Cool. Hopefully they keep the new characters and maps coming in on a regular basis. However, I imagine it's going to be annoying for a couple days every time they add a new hero because just about everyone is going to want to try them out. I wouldn't be surprised to see games with multiple Anas tonight. Not only that but no one is going to be good at her yet so teams won't be as effective as they normally would be with a Mercy or Lucio support. These are just temporary problems though.

As for the other updates, I'm not sure I like the changes they are making to overtime matches. Now players will spawn more slowly during overtime and the fuse will run out more quickly when the attacking team isn't on the objective. Those last second pushes to a checkpoint during overtime are some of the more exciting moments I have had while playing Overwatch. These changes make that less likely to happen in the future.

The rest of the changes seem okay to me but I won't really know for sure until I test it out.
I'm interested to see how the Mercy changes are in practice. I'm not a big fan of the extended time for Ultimate, but being able to MOVE while executing it is a huge advantage as opposed to just standing out there for 2 seconds with your thumb up your butt. I suppose we can try this stuff out tonight, assuming the servers don't get nuked by people trying to all play at once.

Also of note, these changes listed are only for PC. They're not deployed to those filthy console peasants. They have to wait.

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Yeah I'm not big into esports either. I'm still from the old school thought of "I'd rather play the game than watch complete strangers do it" but I don't hold it against those that enjoy to watch. I probably should watch just to get some tips and good strategies, but again, I'd rather do it myself.
There's a "bug" with Ana where you can put someone to sleep enough times that they get kicked from a game due to inactivity.

Here's just a clip of insults from Overwatch.

I noticed the music they played in the background was the same theme they played when you died in Catherine.

At first I thought it may be they decided to lift it for the video, but then I figured it must be from another source due to the slight variations. Turns out it is.

Looks like Blizzard sent out another wave of bans. People Cheaters aren't happy of course.

Looks like Overwatch is getting Summer Olympic Summer Games skins. Unfortunately it looks like you can only get them via Loot Boxes as opposed to in game currency, because of COURSE.


Some more info here:

Eh... I'm currently somewhere around level 45 and I haven't checked my hour count in a while but I'm guessing I have over 30 hours of play time in. In that time I have received enough in game currency to buy one legendary skin. They cost 1000 each and I think I only have about 550 towards my second skin. Even if they allowed you to buy the special event skins with in game currency, the max I would be able to get is one. Depending on how long this event goes on I might not even be able to do that.

The PS4 screen shot says that you are guaranteed to get at least 1 summer games item from each loot box during the event. Since we play long enough to get a loot box pretty much every time we play together I think I'm much more likely to get a few legendary summer games skins during this event that way than I would be if I had to spend 1000 in game currency for each one.

The 20% bonus XP for playing with a friend certainly helps too. I played a couple hours by myself for the first time in a couple months last night to check out the competitive mode. It was painfully obvious how much slower that XP bar fills up when you play alone.

Sure it would be nice to have the option to do it either way. If I could get guarantee myself a Reaper or D.Va skin that will only be offered for a limited time with 1000 currency (assuming I have that much) I would definitely like to do that. I'm just hoping their random number generator isn't really random and they increase the odds of getting summer games items during this event.
Maybe I'll turn it into a marathon video: YourBeliefs plays Overwatch Non-Stop until he gets a Summer Games Skin.
Looks like Blizzard sent out another wave of bans. People Cheaters aren't happy of course.

Good on them for staying on top of this and keeping cheaters out of their game. Hopefully other developers take note of this. If nothing else the possibility that they might get permanently banned and lose access to a game they paid $60 for might make some of these people think twice about cheating. My guess is that a lot of people dumb enough do this stuff are younger kids who can't easily get $60 together to buy a new copy of a game. Hopefully they learn a lesson from this when they can no longer play a game they liked because they were cheating.
I wonder if this will only last a week like the rest of the weekly brawls. I'm guessing it will probably go until the Olympics are over. It seems like too much work to design a new game mode, ball physics, and map to only run it for a week.
Blizzard was hit with a DDoS attack last night because people are jerks. This resulted in disconnects and massive lag for many players. Also had issues joining players for groups as well as voice chat randomly dropping out.


It hit me pretty hard last night as well. First I got disconnected and couldn't reconnect for like a half hour. Then I got about a half hour of gaming in until I got knocked off again. Then finally 20 minutes later I got back in for a few more games. Here it is messing up for me last night (queued up, if not skip to 27:17)

Someone went to Reddit to ask why DDoS attacks can't be defended against. Short answer, they CAN be better thwarted, but the money required isn't economical when you consider that most DDoS attacks are thwarted within a few hours. Not worth tripling your IT budget for something you might need a handful of times in a year.

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