Once Upon A Time

I really liked it too ... as Mr. Gold likes to say ... "Magic has its price"

In using magic, the mayor never thought Henry would be the victim.

The smile on the mayor's face in the final moments of the episode could not have been better.

I have a feeling Mr. Gold is going to regret his actions.

Great finale. Next season can't come fast enough ;)
I say that the entire clock reset and we are back to square one next season. No one remembers who we are and everyone back to where they were last season day one.
I say that the entire clock reset and we are back to square one next season. No one remembers who we are and everyone back to where they were last season day one.

I did like the clock reference too. I nice touch.

I am trying to figure Henry out though. He is a child of Emma. He was born in the "real world". Emma is a child of "story land". Why does the queen have such an interest in Henry?

Anyway ... won't find out anything more till the Fall.
Well I think the potion he threw in the well and said it would make everything return back . Then the evil queen stopped crying and started smiling a big evil grin and the clock went back to 8:15 where it was when the show first began. That means to me that everything returns back to what it was ,except for Rumplestilskin/Gold and his wife , who just escaped a mental institution. I say he returns to storybook land and lives "happily ever after". Or at least that is what he thinks will happen , by throwing the purple potion in the well. Now it could make all of them return back to where they were a year ago , including Mr. Gold and wife and we start all over again. Otherwise the show is over . The queen is destroyed and everyone gets to go back to fairytale land, end of story:everyone lived happily every after. If you notice in the hospital , someone mentioned why is everyone still doing their jobs like nothing happened? This was after the queen left the hospital, because they all knew she was the one who did this to them .
MikeD-C05 said:
Well I think the potion he threw in the well and said it would make everything return back . Then the evil queen stopped crying and started smiling a big evil grin and the clock went back to 8:15 where it was when the show first began. That means to me that everything returns back to what it was ,except for Rumplestilskin/Gold and his wife , who just escaped a mental institution. I say he returns to storybook land and lives "happily ever after". Or at least that is what he thinks will happen , by throwing the purple potion in the well. Now it could make all of them return back to where they were a year ago , including Mr. Gold and wife and we start all over again. Otherwise the show is over . The queen is destroyed and everyone gets to go back to fairytale land, end of story:everyone lived happily every after. If you notice in the hospital , someone mentioned why is everyone still doing their jobs like nothing happened? This was after the queen left the hospital, because they all knew she was the one who did this to them .

I believe Gold indicated that the potion would bring magic into this world. Hence the queen smiling because she once again has power with which to attack the others. I don't believe it was a reset button. I don't think audiences would take too kindly to that.

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Hard to see a path where the show can go that won't ruin the show.

It was a great season, but I have a feeling it will now be a shell of what it was going forth. Might of been better to just have Gold's son climb out of the well and just end the show there. But alas, like Heroes, it'll be milked until it's dry.
Hard to see a path where the show can go that won't ruin the show.

It was a great season, but I have a feeling it will now be a shell of what it was going forth. Might of been better to just have Gold's son climb out of the well and just end the show there. But alas, like Heroes, it'll be milked until it's dry.

I'm afraid you are right. There is really no where to go that won't hurt the show. If they reset it to square one , they piss off the public-just like Dallas with Bobby in the shower when he was supposed to be dead a year. Then there is the reset theory I have - would also piss off the public. I also think that bringing Magic to the real world would be bad,because the queen could simply make everyone forget the past and we are back to square one again. This show would of been better if it had been a year long series with a "Happy Ending" and it was all over. We will have to see where the writers take it next year. Either way I doubt it will be as good as this year.
Yes, so magic is now in the real world.

The Queen was pretty much up the creek without a paddle because everyone got their memories back when the curse was lifted and realized what the Queen did.

With magic in the world now, the Queen is no longer defenseless. Neither is Gold. Gold no longer has the "please" factor though, so he is on his own.

It remains to be seen if everyone will get their magic abilities all at once, or if the magic comes back in stages, magic has to be relearned, whatever ...

Will Red be able to turn into a werewolf for example? Will folks be able to leave town now? (I still don't think so.)

With the curse broken, everyone with their memories back, magic in the real world ... they could really take this anywhere really.

I see the first few episode being somewhat of a reunion, folks renewing old friendships. Then there will be contention of course. In story land folks were married to certain people. In the real world different folks were married to different people. So there of course will be all of that drama. The Queen will come forth with some sort of idea. There will be a division in the town. Enter a few more story characters not yet revealed ...

I don't see it as a reset button either. I see the next season being folks now have memories of story land and real land ... and what they do with that knowledge.
Does anyone know when it is coming back on? I'm pretty sure it got renewed.
I'm really looking forward to Season 2 Thanks if anyone knows :)
Annie61 said:
Does anyone know when it is coming back on? I'm pretty sure it got renewed.
I'm really looking forward to Season 2 Thanks if anyone knows :)

9/30 according to the Internet.
I can't wait, either. Once Upon a Time was my favorite new show of the year followed by Revenge and Hart of Dixie.

Just rewatched the season finale off Comcast. I'm ready. I'll just need to remember to set my DVR instead of using VOD. No 5.1.
