Once Upon A Time

Rewatched the premiere last night with the family. My 14 year old son had the same initial reaction as others and wanted to bolt when it just looked like a fairy tale, but I convinced him to watch the whole thing, and I noticed he was paying attention by the end and enjoying it. I liked it better the second time. Hoping tonight's episode builds on the premiere.
I watched the first two episodes last night and am impressed with the production quality, writing, and cast. In spite of it being very Disney-centric in terms of the characters, this is a good quality show, especially when compared to that god-awful Grimm that didn't even look good enough to be on Syfy, let alone on one of the major networks.
I haven't decided if I like it or not. I am wondering if they can keep the time jumping thing going for long.

i do like Jennifer Morrison (much more so than in HIMYM) and Lana Parilla makes a good villainess. Ginnifer Goodwin's role seems a bit stilted but maybe my attitude about hat will change. The male parts though all seem a bit dull.
Me too. I really enjoyed the back and forth between the modern time and old time.

Remember ... this is from the same folks that made Lost.

Right now there are a lot of "flash backs".

I see the season ending with all of them making it back to "fantasy land" ... with again, no memory of who they are ... but this time ... instead of flash backs ... there will be "flash forwards" for the new season ... of all the trouble they get into as a result ... Snow White marries one of the dwarfs ... Prince marries Red Riding Hood ...

Then ...

The following season after that is how someone ... probably Emma ... recognizes how everything is all wrong ... and tries to "reset" everything back.
Good episode last night. Too bad I had to watch the ending on ABC this morning as the Power Saver function caused my 24 to lock up.

Mr. Gold also displayed a speck of generosity exposing the name of the father.

I really like the show ... I love the twists and "back fill" they are putting into the "traditional" stories. I also enjoy how they are hooking all of the stories together. Like the apple for example.

The actors must really have a fun with this. Sometimes they are "modern"; other times, they are all decked out in "story" sets.

My bet on a potential story ending is Emma will somehow "trick" Mr. Gold in asking the wicked queen, to "please" send them all back. The wicked queen will be forced to obey.
I like this series a lot. It is one of the few shows that me and my wife watch together.
I can never figure out whether Regina is having the same background story when she is in the story book land. Sometimes she is evil and cuts her dad's heart out, yesterday she was a sympathetic character that you could feel for. I just can't tell if she is the same person in all the different stories.