Oh boy…

Nothing different here.

I can't do anymore updates as all the new updates are for 2.3. And I am still shy about upgrading to it. But it's something I will need to do at some point.
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I get the popover, but search doesn't work at all for me today. Pretty sure it did just a couple days ago. Typing anything in and hitting enter gets me this.


Same error going to (presumably relying on the same mechanism) https://www.satelliteguys.us/xen/whats-new/latest-activity
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Well July started off good but then went down hill. We are $200 short of where we should be. But with that said I don't have numbers from our other two ad agencies as their reporting is delayed (and it takes them up to 90 days to pay)

Here is what we did in Adsense for July. I am sure I will be getting a speaking to by the wife soon. But hey it's a lot better than June. :)