Frank- that statement has me in shock coming from you. I'd be willing to bet that Law enforcement officers have and operate more electronic gadgets in their patrol cars than anyone else on the road except maybe for Scott Greczkowski
I see cops talking on the phone all the time, not even using hands free and they are fumbling with their laptops mounted on a pedestal. They have radar speed detectors on the dash, camcorders mounted on the dash, just to name about 10% of all their distractions. I don't care whether its a cop , a salesman, service truck driver, UPS driver, you name it, when it comes to a mobile office, all of that is distracting. But in Florida there are no restrictions. I wonder if cops are exempt from these laws in states that have the restrictions. To state that a police car or emergency vehicle operator never is distracted by the same device while not driving in an emergency is hypocritical.
My wife is expected to respond immediately to e-mails from clients while on the road. She does not have a company car so her personal cell phone is auto BT connected but what about the BB owned by the company. They declined to get her a BT ear piece when she asked. So the company makes no provision for phone use while traveling. It's a major national company too. I'd be shocked if her company made a policy like Neutrons. She does not respond to e-mails while driving but does have to pick up the BB phone to take a call. So far all bills that would have required hands free, or bans to texting have failed to pass in Florida. Personally, I would favor a requirement for hands free phone use while driving, and no texting at all. If caught, should be punished the same as a DUI. I don't understand why anyone would have anything against hands free use. I find it actually better and makes me more free. I use the BT even while at home.