I did some checking and the Hawks record is quite amazing ...
They have 3 loses this year all in SO fashion, but they don't count in the standings for some reason.
Currently they are 21-0-3
21 Wins, 0 Losses, 3 OT Losses.
They have 14 Wins in REGULATION
Another 4 in OT
(I have no problem with OT Wins, they are part of the game Overtime that is, but still think they should play OT the way it's suppose to be played, till you have a winner.)
They have another 3 Wins that were won in a Shut Out
That accounts for their 21 wins ...
Now, lets take a closer look ... they have played 24 games, what happen to the other 3 games ?
Those other 3 games were games that they LOST Not in regulation and not in OT, but in S.O. fashion.
Thats all fine and dandy, except ....
Why is it a S.O. Win counts in the Standing, while a S.O. Loss does NOT ?
How can this team have 21 wins and 3 losses, but they don't count in the standings (they are 21-0-3), yet the Wins count in the Win column of the standings.
I have hated the way the NHL does their standing ever since they went to this stupid format.